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His Rebellious Luna

His Rebellious Luna

Auteur: Ademac

En cours


His Rebellious Luna PDF Free Download


Maxwell, the Alpha King, is on the verge of marrying his mate, Amira. He has never laid eyes on her, only heard tales of her existence. He is convinced that he won't be capable of loving her. In his eyes, she seems to lack her own sense of identity and dreams. It frustrates him that he wasn't given the choice to pick his own mate, even though he might have found one on his own. But he is bound by the prophecy. Amira has been destined as his mate from the moment she was born, and he can only hope that his wolf will recognize her as such. Amira, despite years of being conditioned to serve a man, still possesses an independent mind. She has engaged in numerous arguments with her mother throughout her life. While she is ready to embrace her role as the Alpha's mate, she is determined to defy everything she has been taught. She refuses to live her life on his terms. Absolutely refuses. Furthermore, she has vowed never to fall in love with him. As for the concept of love, she has convinced herself that her wolf, Zina, will handle that part. Zina is the one getting married-Zina is the Alpha's mate. However, Amira has made up her mind not to let her human self develop any romantic feelings for him, or so she believes.

Chapter 1


My mother shouts my name as she barges into my room. It's become a regular occurrence, so I'm used to it by now.

"You spend too much time on your phone" she complains

"That's because it's my best friend, Mama!"

"Well, get ready to say goodbye to that, because it's time," she exclaims with an excited clap, plopping down on my bed.

"It's time? Time for what?" I ask, still confused and hoping it's not what I think it is.

"I got a call from the Williams Castle. Apparently, the king is dead, and you're going to be married this Saturday."

"What? Mama? No! I'm not ready!" I stand up abruptly, but she pulls me back onto the bed.

"You are ready, dear. You've been preparing for this. The-"

"Mama! No, I'm too young. I'm not ready. I don't want to meet him yet. I'm-" I protest, but she cuts me off, holding my hand and patting it.

"Stay calm, my dear. Take a deep breath. You'll be fine. He's a nice guy, you know."

"I don't know. I've only met him once, Mama. Once. And that day,and he didn’t even see me, or get to meet me."

That was the day our pack was attacked by a bunch of rogues. I was just sixteen, and I sought refuge at the castle because I am the future Luna. I met him that day, but he didn't see me, his beta took me to my room, said the Alpha would come check on me, but he never came. I never laid eyes on him for the entire two weeks I spent there. How am I supposed to marry a man I barely know?

Mama had told me he would become king when he turned twenty-five. That was the plan. We were supposed to get married then. I would have been twenty-two, a bit more mature. But now, his father has passed away, and everything has been rushed. I'm only twenty, and he's twenty-three. I've been preparing for this moment my whole life, but suddenly, I feel so unprepared. Unprepared to meet him, to become the mate of any wolf.

"He's your wolf mate, your alpha. There's nothing more powerful and beautiful than that. You'll see soon enough."

I roll my eyes, refusing to delve into that discussion with her. I don't want to be reminded of how crucial it is to marry my mate, how vital it is for my wolf. But then, an idea sparks in my mind. Perhaps he can be my wolf's mate, and I won't have to be in love with him. My wolf can handle the love part. Finally, a solution that makes sense! I mentally pat myself on the back. My wolf will be married to the Alpha, but not me, not my human self. I hum happily for the rest of the evening, feeling proud of my clever plan. Now, I can face him without fear. I don't have to love him. I don't need to. Zina, my wolf, will take care of that. Oh, Zina, my dear wolf, thank you for this brilliant idea.

I texted my close friend, Anna.

"Hey, guess what?"

It takes a while before she replies.

"Wait, you're actually getting married!"

What? How does she already know about it?

Suddenly, my phone starts buzzing with notifications. It's one congratulations message after another. I'm still surprised by how everyone finds out so quickly. Just then, Anna calls me.

"Oh my goodness!" she exclaims loudly, making me pull my phone away from my ear.

"Girl, you're so loud!"

"OMG! You're getting married, to Max!"

Why is she sounding so shocked? Everyone in our small town knows about this arrangement since I was a baby! Why is everyone getting so excited as if this isn't going to happen sooner or later?

"One would think you're the bride," I comment to her.

"I wish! I'm coming over. My best friend is marrying the hottest guy in Redwood. I'm going to post about it on all my social media!"

"No, no, calm down, Anna. You can't do that yet. How did you find out?"

"The RW News posted it."

"Oh shit," I sigh. This is becoming real. I'm actually getting married.

For two decades, I have spent my life catering to the desires of another person. Existing solely to please the Alpha, a man, whom I have only met once. Nobody warned me about the fear that comes with marriage. I was content with learning how to satisfy him—his preferred food, color, likes, and dislikes—for over twenty years. Maybe not happy, but content.

"Anna, can you get here as soon as possible? I am freaking out!"

"Do you want me to come over as a wolf? I think that will be faster!" She says

"You're crazy" I chuckle, for the first time since the news broke.

I'm sitting nervously on my bed, waiting for Anna to arrive. My heart is pounding in my chest as thoughts of my impending marriage swirl in my mind. I need my best friend by my side to help me through this overwhelming time. The doorbell rings, and I hurriedly get up to answer it.

"Anna!" I exclaim, enveloping her in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're here."

She smiles warmly, her eyes filled with concern. "Yes, you are, Mrs Williams!"


I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. "Honestly, I'm scared as hell. The idea of marrying someone I barely know is overwhelming.

Anna gently squeezes my hand. "I understand your fears, Amira.But we've always known this day would come"

"I know, but it's just so much to take in. I worry that I won't be able to love him the way I'm supposed to. What if we don't connect on a deeper level?"

Anna's eyes sparkle with determination. "Love may surprise you when you least expect it."

" I don't want to live as someone's servant. I don't want to be married to someone who views me only as his mate, disregarding me as a woman with my own thoughts and needs"

"Take a deep breath, sweetheart. You can't assume how he feels about you" Anna advises, trying to calm me down.

"But it would have been nice if we had been friends before all this," I lament.

Anna rolls her eyes playfully. "Come on, girl! How could you have met? He was homeschooled!"

"That's true" I reply, my sigh filled with frustration.

As I sigh for the tenth time that day, Anna's eyes widen with realization.

"Saturday is almost here! We need to start planning the wedding. Your dress, the decorations—" Anna starts, but is interrupted by the abrupt entrance of my mother.

"Anna, I'm glad you're here," my mother exclaims, dropping a bundle of clothes on my bed. "These just arrived. They're your wedding dresses, three of them. You'll have to pick one."

Anna's excitement is palpable as she picks up one of the dresses. "These are Valentine Avoh! You're so lucky!"

I can't help but roll my eyes. Here I am, on the brink of marrying a virtual stranger, and all my best friend seems to care about is some brand that holds no significance to me.