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The Alpha King's Concubine: The Chosen One

The Alpha King's Concubine: The Chosen One

Auteur: Moonbunnie



The Alpha King's Concubine: The Chosen One PDF Free Download


Lisa, a cheerful and strong young woman, lived in the human realm with her mother. Her life took a dark turn when she met the werewolf king, his imposing presence casting a shadow over her once peaceful life, and found herself enslaved in a cruel world she never knew existed. * A deadly aura radiated from his body as he menacingly stared at her. His words, like a heavy chain, bound her to a fate she hadn’t imagined. “These are my rules, mate. Know your place, submit to me whenever I desire, bear me an heir, and be obedient to my wife.” “I will never be a monster’s mate,” I hissed, defiance burning in my eyes. “I’m not asking you to be my mate, little wolf, because you don’t deserve to rule beside me. Instead, you will become my concubine and bear my child in place of my wife."

Chapter 1

The chosen one.

Today's work was exhausting. My boss never stopped flirting, which made the situation even more tiring. All I wanted was to go home and relax in a bath.

After finishing my shift, I drove home, parked my car, and entered the house, only to be met by an eerie silence. This was unusual. Where could my mother have gone?

"I'm home. Mother, where are you?"

"You're back, my daughter," she said, appearing in front of me. An air of unease surrounded her, and I sensed that something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Mother?" I asked, pulling her closer. Her eyes revealed profound sadness as she remained silent. "Please, sit down and tell me what's troubling you."

She sighed and uttered, "Lisa, everything that's happening right now is beyond my control. I thought that moving away from the pack would solve everything, but they found me here."

"Who found you?" I asked, prepared to defend her. "Tell me, I can handle it."

"The Alpha Werewolf King."

"Werewolves?" I questioned, shocked by her revelation. "Are they real?"

"Yes, Lisa. They're real. Every year, the king demands girls from various families, making them his concubines. It's a sick tradition, I know."

"Sick is not a strong enough word, Mother." I shuddered at the thought. "It's horrifying."

"Yes, it's even more horrifying this year because it's my turn to send my daughter to the king," she sobbed, gazing at me with sorrowful eyes. "Every year, one of the king's subjects is chosen as a sacrifice. This tradition has persisted for years, and its purpose remains unknown. It's a terrifying thought to send your own child away to be sacrificed to the king."

"I am not— you're not referring to me, are you?" I stuttered, feeling terrified and overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry, Lisa. But I am. You're the chosen one," she revealed. "You'll become the king's concubine."

"I will never become the king's concubine," I declared firmly, trembling with fear and anger. "I refuse to be a concubine."

"We have no choice, Lisa. We must obey the king's command."

"I do have a choice, Mom."

"You don't have a choice, my child. Whether we like it or not, you won't be able to escape the king. He's more dangerous than you realize," she warned.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'll fight him. I'll send him to hell as soon as he arrives."

As I stood firm in my resolve, the room seemed to darken around us. My mother's eyes filled with tears, and she whispered, "Lisa, you need to understand the consequences of defying the Alpha Werewolf King. Once he sets his sights on something, he doesn't let go. The price of rebellion is high, and it's not only your life at stake."

Before I could respond, a bone-chilling howl echoed through the night, causing the room to vibrate. The air itself felt charged with an ominous energy.

"He's coming," my mother gasped, her eyes widening in terror.

I could hear the approaching footsteps, heavy and deliberate, like the pounding of a relentless drum. My heart raced, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

As the door burst open, a massive figure stood in the entrance, shrouded in shadows. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and the air seemed to thicken with his presence. The Alpha Werewolf King had arrived.

And in that chilling moment, my fate collided with an ancient tradition, sealing my destiny in ways I could never have imagined.


Chapter one.


In the woods

I wandered into the woods behind our house, curious about the mysterious sound that had caught my attention. I couldn't shake my fascination with the woods, and I didn't understand why I was so drawn there.

"Lisa, why are you here again?" My mother questioned me from the forest floor, eyeing me suspiciously. She had warned me not to come, but I couldn't help it. I always felt at ease in the woods. I couldn't make sense of the strange things that were happening to me.

"Mother, why are you here?" The moonlight illuminated the concern on her face.

"Answer me. What are you doing here?" she yelled at me, rising from the floor to approach me.

"Nothing, Mom," I replied. "I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I just can't say. In the woods, I feel safe. It's like something is in there calling for me."

"No! Lisa, I want you to pay attention to what I'm saying," she uttered. "I want you to avoid the woods. Do I make sense?"

"No, Mother, I don't understand what's happening to me. I keep hearing a strange voice in my head, and I've been telling you about it since I was fifteen, but you haven't done anything," I fired back at her.

I was becoming frustrated. "I feel a strong pull towards the woods, but all you do is warn me to stay away. I can't shake the feeling that you know something you're not telling me."

"Lisa, I want you to listen to me," she stated.

"Tell me, Mother. You know something, right? But you're not telling."

I looked my mother in the eyes, trying to figure out what she wasn't telling me. She looked back, and I could see the resignation in her gaze. We stayed there for a few moments before she chose to speak.

"I don't know anything, child. Just go back to your room," she emitted.

"Mother, I want to know. I'm not a child anymore. Please tell me if you know something," I said, trying to look into her eyes, but she looked away.

"Lisa, I need you to stop asking questions and listen to me. I want you to stay away from the woods," she warned.

I was left speechless as she walked away, back toward the house. I was alone when my mother left, and I couldn't help but wonder what she had kept from me.

My name is Lisa Smith, and I am a twenty-two-year-old designer. I live with my mother in a small town in the woods, far from anyone else. I have always wondered why my mother lives alone and has no friends, but I have never received an answer. When I was fifteen, I started feeling strange, as if something was calling me. Strange things began to happen, such as hearing voices and feeling a connection to the woods. I also possess a rare and unfathomable strength. I thought I was going insane until I confided in my mother and realized she was keeping a secret from me.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

I groggily opened my eyes, wondering who was calling me early in the morning. I picked up my phone. It was David.

"Hey, babe, good morning. How are you?" he asked over the phone.

"David, I'm good. How was your night?"

"It was fine, my love. Do you want to see me today?"

"I can’t. I’m heading to work soon. Let's fix another date. I'm sorry, David."

"It's okay. Let's do that next time. I will talk to you later. I love you."

I checked my watch after I hung up the phone. Oh, my! I'll be late for work. I jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom for a quick bath. I quickly changed and went downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How was your night?" My mother asked me, pulling me into a hug.

"Good morning, mother. I slept like a baby. How was yours?"

"It was fine, my darling daughter," she responded with a smile. Oh, my. I love seeing her smile. "Sit and eat your breakfast."

"I would love to eat, Mother, but I won't be able to. I'm going to be late for work." I grabbed my backpack and my car keys. "See you later, Mom. I love you."

"But…" I had already left the room before she could finish her sentence.

After sitting in traffic for twenty minutes, I rushed from my car so quickly I almost forgot to take the keys out of the ignition. I was already late. I hoped I wouldn’t have to meet my nasty boss.

"You're here, Lisa," Janet blurted. "Why are you so late?" Janet was both my coworker and my dearest friend. I didn't like having people around me, yet I was unable to clarify why I liked her.

"Good morning, Janet." I smiled. "I'm stuck in traffic. Is the boss around?"

"Oh yes. I’m glad you mentioned him. He is around. He wants to see you."

"He wants to see me, but why?" I despised seeing or meeting with this supervisor. He only knew how to flirt with me. What can I do to get out of this?

"I'm not sure. He asked for you, but you weren’t here. I think you should see him right away," Janet responded.

"Can you tell him that I am sick, Janet?"

"I'm sorry, Lisa, but I can't do that," she uttered. "You know what he's like."

"I understand. Thanks. I’ll be on my way."

With a heavy heart, I walked closer to his office. I hoped he wouldn’t find fault with me today. I knocked on his door when I arrived.

"You can come in." I heard his creepy voice behind the door. I tentatively opened the door and walked in.

"Good morning, sir," I said as I greeted him. Mr. Peter raised his head, dropped his pen, and smiled.

"You’re here, honey." Here we go again. He's at it.

"Sir, you asked for me?"

"Oh, yes." He rose from his seat and approached me. Mr. Peter encircled my waist with his hand. "My darling is here."

"What do you think you are doing, sir?"

"What do you think, honey?" he inquired, his grip on my waist tightening. He shifted his body to stand behind me.

"Stay away from me, old pervert," I screamed at him before pushing him away.

"Are you nuts, Lisa? How dare you treat me this way? Do you think I'm joking when I tell you how I feel?"

"I'm not, sir."

"Are you trying to take me for a fool just because I love you? Why can't you see that I love you? Give me a chance, honey?" He was a repulsive man! This old fool was enough to be my father.

"I want you to understand and imprint it on your skull that I am not interested in you, sir. Please respect my wishes and leave me alone," I said as calmly as I could through gritted teeth.

"Who do you think you are? A princess or something?" he yelled, clearly frustrated. "I would advise you to think twice before rejecting my offer, or else."

I hated being threatened. Did he really think I would stand here and let him bully me? No way, never.

"Or what else? Do you think you can do whatever you want?" I questioned. "I won't tolerate being bullied. I am not a pushover."

"Really?" he grinned menacingly. "You don't know your place. Since you want to do this the hard way, I'll oblige. I am your boss, and I have the power to end your career."

"I haven’t done anything to warrant being fired," I said with a chuckle. "You can't do anything to harm me, boss."

"Check the time!" he exclaimed. This demon. "Is it appropriate for you to be here at this hour? You're late for work, and you dare to display such arrogance, bitch."

"Sir, this is the first time I've been late since starting here. I got stuck in traffic. I apologize." My mother and I relied on my income. I couldn’t afford to lose this job; otherwise, we'd struggle to make ends meet.

"Do you think that saying sorry will solve everything?" he sneered.

"I'm sorry, sir," I whispered, trying my best to diffuse the situation.

He moved closer to me. "Really? Are you truly sorry?"

"Yes, sir," I replied.

"I don't think you're sincere enough, honey," he whispered into my ears. I was burning with rage.

"I am, sir. Please trust me," I looked at the floor to hide the hatred in my eyes.

"Then show me how sorry you are," he demanded. His breath drifted across my face, and a wave of nausea washed through me.

"How?" I asked.

"I want you to get on your knees, unbutton my pants, and perform oral sex on me."