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Healing The Rogue Alpha

Healing The Rogue Alpha

Auteur: Anna Kendra



Healing The Rogue Alpha PDF Free Download


No one can escape the Moon Goddesses wrath…and Clay and Flora had been no exception. Torn apart and their memories completely erased, Clay and Flora are now living separate lives, completely unaware of each other. But things have changed drastically. Clay is no longer the Alpha apparent to the ReedStone pack, but a Rogue Alpha, while Flora is at Lindersay, working as a healer and a worshipper of the Moon Goddess. But even though fate isn’t on their side, destiny has tied them together forever as they meet once again, but this time as enemies. Will Clay and Flora be able to go back to the way they were and fall in love all over again? Or will the power of the Moon Goddess prevail over their undying love?

Chapter 1

Clay’s P.O.V

Loss. It was one of the main reasons a wolf turned rogue.

A feral creature with no humanity…no emotions. A creature that hunts and kills the people they used to know. A creature to be hunted and killed for the sake of everyone’s safety.

Loss…it was one of the main reasons.

But what had I lost? Who was I moaning?

What was I running from? Who was I losing myself for?

The earth seemed to shake beneath my feet as I ran blindly. A red haze started to cover my vision from the corners, slowly moving in towards the centre.


I couldn’t give in! I couldn’t become a rogue!

But I couldn’t seem to fight this unseen enemy as my mind began to clog, shrouding my memories in gray mist, forbidding me from accessing them. It was like everything I once knew was being erased, including my former existence.

I tried one last time to peek through the dark gray mist in my mind, to unlock the reason why I was driving myself mad, but came up with nothing. Something was blocking my mind, erasing my identity.


Who is it? Whose voice is it? Why am I remembering this voice?

A piercing headache blinded me temporarily and I tripped on a fallen branch, tumbling down a slope at phenomenal speed. The stones on the ground tore through my skin, drawing blood. When I finally stopped rolling down the slope, my entire body felt like it was on fire. The pain was unimaginable but I didn’t seem to care. What I was worried about most was why was I turning? Why was I becoming rogue?

And I couldn’t find the answers anywhere.


There it was! That voice again. A woman’s voice.

Did I know her? Was she the one I lost? Was she my mate?

I love you. Always and forever.

A scream tore through me as my head felt like it had split open. I clutched my head with my hands and closed my eyes to let it pass. I couldn’t recall where I was or how I got here. Who was I? Where had I come from? What was I doing here, in the middle of the forest? I couldn’t remember my name or anything other than the fact that I was a wolf who was turning rogue. Every time I tried to remember, my head pounded even harder, the pain unbearable.

I couldn’t remember anything at all…except for that woman’s voice. And ever her voice seemed to be fading in the darkness. No!

I clutched onto that memory with whatever remained of my mind, etching it in so I wouldn’t forget. I could lose my memories, I could lose my identity but I couldn’t erase her! I wouldn’t erase her. I don’t know what made me think this way but it felt like if I lost her, there would be no point in me staying alive anymore.

A second later, I heard howls from all around me…wolf howls.


I opened my eyes as the pain subsided and saw the red haze creep over my eyesight once again. This time, I didn’t fight it anymore. There was no point. Once the transformation started, there was no going back no matter how hard anyone tried.

I couldn’t understand how I had that knowledge but I guess I had no way of finding out now.

I looked up at the night sky as a cold wind began to blow. The moon was full in the sky, shining bright in all her beauty, but I didn’t see beauty. A sudden rage took over me as my vision turned full red, turning the once luminescent moon blood red.

A growl escaped my lips as I stared at the moon with hatred. Everything was her fault and I would make her pay.

My eyes snapped to the shrubs surrounding me as I heard a twig break not far from me. Getting up from the ground, I growled at the intruder, my lips pulled back over my teeth. But then I saw them, the rogues.

There were at least fifteen of them that emerged from the woods and I could see several more pairs of glowing eyes from the bushes behind them. One by one they all came forward on silent feet, surrounding me until they formed a circle with me at the centre and then, they all bowed, their heads touching the earth.

They weren’t my enemies anymore; they were my brethren…my soldiers. And I was their Alpha.