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The forgotten hybrid Prince

The forgotten hybrid Prince

Auteur: Tianna



The forgotten hybrid Prince PDF Free Download


A mythical creature only told in Myth cast out by an indignant father... She was all he wanted yet what he needed to find himself. To discover his destiny. " Michael! She called softly while he hummed bringing his lips closer to hers making sure it brushes against hers. " Tell me you don't want me Shamira and I'll stop" he whispered but she couldn't bring herself to tell him otherwise. " You're all I think about" he muttered kissing the corner of her lips and then cupped her cheeks. Michael finds himself trapped between love and duty but does love surpass destiny? If so, is it worth dying for? A/n: this story is purely fiction with betrayal, twists, physical abuse, war, and sex scenes still support me and you won't be disappointed.

Chapter 1

It's been ten years since king Darius's died making his only son Cyprian his successor.

King Cyprian ruled the kingdom of Verdes with power and greed. Hungry for lands, he conquered kingdoms, villages, and lands with an indestructible army of Supernaturals, he was unstoppable.

But he couldn't bear a child despite having a teenager as a queen. This disturbed him as there were others ready to take his throne. He had enemies in every kingdom.

Queen Shamira was raised to be queen, talk like one and behave like one. It was her greatest desire but found herself trapped with a tyrant. To someone, she didn't know anymore and this caused her to rebel and the royal family was ready for her.

The supernatural world has always intrigued her. She didn't even know they existed until she married Cyprian. The werewolves lived in packs and the vampires hunted and thirsted for blood. One Cyprian wouldn't let them have it. The witches had a coven. The fairies seemed to be in a communal understanding. Restricting themselves from the world but they had one thing in common: captivity, Slaves to King Cyprian and his court. Weapons for his treacherous ways in conquering kingdoms.

Somewhere in Affin, cantonia A boy and two girls were hunting for survival, begging for alms with their charms or rather stealing from the rich.

' Asher, what do you have? A girl not more than eighteen asked a merchant son.

" Nothing you can afford Lilith," he said sternly turning his back to her to attend to other customers.

" Stop blushing Diana" Lilith scolded her supposed associate who wouldn't stop blushing at the mere sight of Asher.

" Oops sorry. I can't help it sometimes" Diana shamelessly admitted the obvious then took a silver necklace while Lilith kept him busy with annoying questions.

" What about that dress? Lilith continued with the act though she hated dresses cos she can't run or fight in them.

" Not for sale like I said. It's nothing you can afford. Where's Micheal? There are people waiting for him at the shop" Lilith shrugged reaching for an apple across him but he caught her and picked the apple from the table" leave" having succeeded in stealing from the stingy merchant, she snickered then walked away while Diana tagged along.

" Where's Micheal by the way?

At the ancestral hall, a girl was on her knees praying to the goddess of fertility for the fruit of the womb, with a veil concealing her identity in a white flaring gown. Several guards and knights were at the entrance and exit of the hall. Maids were standing a few meters away from her. One look and you can tell she was from an aristocratic family or maybe more, after all, few royalties were roaming around in Affin.

As usual, Micheal was in the market with a cart filled with different kinds of weapons as a blacksmith son. He had to make sure they get sold then he noticed a coach driving by then splashed mud on civilians.

What an insolent?

Angrily, he dropped the cart and went after the coach at his inhumane speed, he could hear the faintest of heartbeats, or the flow of blood through each artery, vein, and capillary, he could sense fear, worries, excitement, greed, and love from far and near. No emotions passed him by. He'd smell their natural scent mixed with sweats, urine even their suffering but he had to control his thirst.

In fact, it was his mission to do so until his twentieth birthday.

Although cantonia was the Capital of Verdes only the king's city was provided with amenities. Affin and other villages just live off of them. No good school or infirmaries. Most families could barely afford bills and this worried him.

Imagine how he felt when one of those arrogant royals disrespected the poor without an apology. Jumping from one roof to another, window to window, ropes for climbing until he caught up with them.

Besides his inhumane speed and agility, Micheal was a strong and skillful warrior.

Thinking of ways to invade them without being noticed, he searched for something to use and saw a bow and an arrow and smiled. With the right aim, he shot at the wheels and watched as the coachmen loses control and drove into something and he never miss. Never.

" Bull's eye' he exclaimed victoriously then zoomed off to the carriage in his vampire speed undetected to get their valuables but something or rather someone caught his attention. He saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes on his way out and tripped running into a kiosk nearby. He didn't know why his heartbeat increased then thirst. His eyes turned hollow and the only thing he could smell was the flow of blood in every human whether far or near and he wanted it. He reached into his pockets and brought out his talisman and wore it around his neck to quench the thirst.

Nope, he doesn't suck human blood. He had vowed not to.

Despite the burning sensation of the talisman. He chose to ignore it then poked his head out to see who she was as expected she dismounted the carriage saying something. With his super hearing, he eavesdropped on their conversation.

" My lady, are you hurt? A knight asked but she waved him off.

" Replace the wheels it's getting dark " she commanded unaffected by their stolen properties. A tent was made for her to stay in until the wheel was replaced.

Curiosity had Micheal staring at her from afar until he decided to see her up close. So he did standing a few inches from her outside the tent to watch her. He would have gone closer if it weren't for the numerous knights.

Sensing a presence within, she looked to her left but found no one but her gaze kept looking in that direction as she was certain someone was watching her.

It took the guards a few minutes to replace the wheel which had Micheal in guilt for his actions which he shook off. They deserved it. She was from a noble family therefore the rich ridiculed the poor but something was different about her. He could feel it. He stole her valuables yet she said nothing. No grumbling or whatsoever. This had him taking a last look from the alley and sighed before disappearing into the dark.
