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Moon God And His Wolf

Moon God And His Wolf

Auteur: Sami sami

En cours


Moon God And His Wolf PDF Free Download


This is the story of a girl who decided to meet moon goddess so she can make her crush her future mate. But what will happen when she accidentally made Moon God angry. Will she be able to get her love or destiny will play its own game. Will she be able to find out the secrets of her past with the help of Moon God. How will she make Moon God to give her, her lover?

Chapter 1

San tripped and fell flat on the floor. Embarrassment took over her and she didn't moved. Her best friend was laughing hard instead of helping her.

"Are you alright San." She heard a voice near her. The voice that can make her heart beat fast everytime it say her name.

She was too embarrassed to look at him. Smith, their future alpha got worried about her while his best friend Ron was still laughing but now it wasn't loud.

"San, look at me." Smith tried to move her face from ground.

"I am alright, thank you alpha." She wanted to cry. Why is it that she always become a laughing stock in front of him, why?

"Oh okay, I guess I will leave then." She could feel him getting up and his foot steps disappearing at a distance.

After a minute she heard Ron.

"Get up, he is gone now."

She slowly moved her head from the ground and looked at Ron who was trying to control his laugh but seeing her face he forgot to control it anymore.

His eyes were teary after laughing that much.

"Do I look that bad?" She quickly touched her face and was relieved after feeling every thing okay.

"I don't know. You are ugly anyway." Ron looked closely at her trying to find anything unusual.

"You are really ugly." He sighed

San rolled her eyes.

"Get up."

"Help me Ron, idiot." She whined as she was unable to stand up on her own.

"What the hell San? Why are you lying in his feet. Did you two started a cult or something?" Jennie entered the scene and was confused.

"You will not believe what happened just now?" Ron laughed while san threw her head again on the ground as Ron completely ignored her and start telling Jennie what happened earlier.


Jennie put an ice cube on San's eye while she hissed in pain.

"I can't believe you were standing there laughing and not helping her." She glared at Ron.

"What will he think of me?" Her eyes were teary.

"Don't worry, he never think about you." Ron put salt over her open wounds.

"Ron!." Jennie yelled at him.


San was an orphan living at Black Forest pack. She was 17 soon to be 18 in few months.

She lost her parents in a war and the pack's alpha found her alone and injured in the forest so he took her in.

Ron was the son of the beta and became her friend once he saw her being bullied by other kids. She became his best friend and was like a daughter to his family.

He has an elder brother Romeo who was going to be future beta and was a close friend of their future alpha Smith.

Jennie and Romeo were mate and they found it last year once they turned 18.

Smith hadn't found his mate yet and was 19 years old.

San had a big crush on him but everytime she was in front of him something embarrassing happens with her.

Ron and jennie were her best friends and only those two knew about her secret.


They were gathered for dinner when Smith saw her and walked towards her. He was worried about her. This little wolf always give him worry.

"You got a black eye." He touched her eye checking it while her cheeks were burning.

"I will be fine soon." She was trembling as he was very close to her.

Romeo sat with jennie while Smith took the seat next to his father.

"Are you going to eat or not?" Ron whispered in her ear and she jumped from her seat gaining everyone's attention.

"Sorry I thought it was a cockroach." She was embarrassed once again.


"I will kill you." She shouted and ran after Ron.

Ron was trying to stay away from her and still teasing her.

She stopped and calm her breath.

"What about ice cream? I will buy you ice cream." He winked at her.

"No." She pouted and sat with jennie who was completely ignoring them.

"I wish, you shift to an ugly wolf."

"What? How could you curse me like that, you evil witch." Ron fake cried over the evil wish she just made for him.


San was happily eating ice cream when she saw Ron who forgot to eat his ice cream. She turned her head and saw Tina entering cafe with her friends.

She smirked and took a spoon of chili powder and put it in his cup. After being satisfied with his cup, she smiled.

"Ron why are you not eating?" She snapped in front of him.

"Nothing." He hurriedly took a spoon full of ice cream and put it in his month.

The ice cream felt cold and sweet and then hot and spicy. He was confused about his reaction.

"Do you need something buddy?" Sam smirked at him and then he looked inside his cup.


After doing an embarrassed dance in front of Tina, the wet Ron was walking towards his house while San was following him laughing loud.

"Stop it." He shouted.

"I asked you to give water, not to throw the whole jug on me."

"Sorry, I got confused." She was clearly lying.

" I hate you."

"Aww..I love you too."She made a cute face and put her arm around his shoulder who was ignoring her completely.


Smith was talking to the girl standing in front of him. She was the daughter of the alpha of another pack. She was laughing and then she held his arm.

San was sitting with Ron while throwing daggers on the girl with her eyes.

"Look at her, she is flirting with him. If you are hot, it doesn't mean that you can have every hot guy."

"What?" Ron was confused on her comment.

"What what?."

"You called her hot? I mean, call her slut or plastic or make up shop something?"

San gave a nod.

"But she is hot." She looked at him.

"Her figure, especially her curves. They are soothing for eyes."

"Are you sure, you are straight?" Ron wanted to facepalm himself.

"Think so, but it doesn't mean i am going to said bad words about her. She is sexy and O my God super hot. Her skin and those....."

Ron rolled his eyes and slapped her head.

"Let's prepare our stuff." He got up.


Every year, all the packs in the country arrange a three week training activities for the young wolfs. The place was located away from the eyes of everyone deep in a valley. This year, San was also going there with Ron and Jennie.

She was super excited as it was her first time there.


"I don't know, how can I get him." San whined while hugging Jennie who wanted to throw her away from her.

"You never will." Ron laughed breaking her little heart into million pieces.

"Just wish that he will be your mate once you shifted." Jennie gave her hope and glared at Ron to be quiet.

"What if, he is not. What if....."

"Or you can go to the temple of Moon goddess and beg her to make him your mate." Ron gave her an idea.

San went deep in her thoughts.

"Jennie, did you pack everything?" Ron arranged his stuff and put the bags near the door. He was ready to go there and make San's life more miserable because this is what friends do.

"Yup, I am ready too. San what about you."

"Perfect." She clapped her hands and had a bright smile on her face.

Ron looked at her stuff which was still unpacked.

"What perfect? Idiot we have to leave in two hours and you..."

"I will go to meet Moon goddess."


The woman chocked on the glass of juice.

"Is she mad or something? Nobody has ever dared to say something like that."

"Yes Moon goddess."

The woman was sitting on a beautiful throne while wearing a beautiful white robe. Two young women who looked like each other were standing on either sides.

"Arghh...these wolfs." She than shouted at the crystal ball in front of her.

"I already gave you a nice mate. Just stay there you fool."
