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The Luna And Her Dominant Alpha Mate

The Luna And Her Dominant Alpha Mate

Auteur: Biabarbie2

En cours


The Luna And Her Dominant Alpha Mate PDF Free Download


Read what happens when a teacher who gave up on finding his mate many years ago suddenly finds out that the new girl, the new student, he will be teaching is no other than his one and truly soulmate? who by the way already has a boyfriend; with a reputation of him sleeping with many unmated women in his pack and she helplessly in love with another man, will that stop the two from being together?

Chapter 1

I stare out the car window at the beautiful scenery of my hometown as mom drives us to the new pack we will be living in, which is in Oregon. I sigh resulting in my breath fogging up the car glass; I will surely miss this place and especially my friends. If I didn’t know how important it was for us to move I would’ve argued with my mom to please let me stay here but I know why we have to. Recently, we were attacked by werewolf hunters at our home, they killed my dad; mom and I escaped them in time before they got to us; So not only is it important for us to move for safety but also the memories left here in our home are just too unbearable.

The incident is still very fresh in our minds and no matter how strong mom is appearing to be for both of us, I know she is devastated by the loss of her mate. I look in the rearview mirror just in time as a tear slip down her face which she quickly brushes away with her hand. Unlike her I wasn’t strong enough, throughout the nights I shed tears upon tears as I remember how my father was killed before us.

After minutes of just staring into space absentmindedly, I fell asleep, which didn’t last for long as the nightmares start to creep up again. I fight myself to wake up just in time before the killing. It wasn’t long after mom was pulling up in front of a huge mansion, which I’m guessing is the packhouse. I look closer to the forest as I saw huge wolves emerging and watching us from afar they didn’t attack us they knew we were coming, they must be on border patrol.

I exit the car and went to the back to take out my suitcase and other luggage. As I did that men approach us.

“Hello, Welcome to our pack, we have been expecting you,” One of the men says looking at both of us. They’re three of them and I already know the man who spoke is the beta, his muscular frame, and intimidating aura screams it all. If I wasn’t depressed right now I think I would appreciate his handsome features.

I walk away as my mom reply to them I know it's rude to do that but I just don’t feel like socializing with people today, which will be hard considering we are newcomers and persons will want to know the people suddenly moving into their pack and occupying their space.

I lift the trunk to grab my suitcase but someone beats me to it, looking up I saw it was the beta. I mentally roll my eyes “what does he want now?”

He said as if reading my mind “Please let me, it’s the least I can do to help” I step away from him before replying

“No thanks, but I don’t need your help” I hate taking out my sadness on others but I can’t help but release some of the pain I feel inside.

“No please, I insist” He reply very much persistent.

I’m drained so I let him carry my things for me and he sure knows how to put those muscles to work, where I would have most likely struggled to carry one of my suitcases, he’s carrying everything in his hands. He walked off and I slowly follow behind.

“I’m Lucas by the way,” He said glancing at me then walking forward, I look back at mom just to make sure she’s okay which so far physically she is, the two men are helping her with her things as well.

“I’m Sabrina and thanks for the help by the way” I reply with a faint smile.

“No problem that’s what I’m here for” he replied and opened his mouth for a minute then closed it as if wanting to say something but decided not to. I’m glad for now though I don’t feel like having small talks right now; all I want to do is go to my room and sleep.

As we enter the house people were already looking at us, they are many curious gazes as well as knowing ones. I hate the attention so I urge Lucas to walk faster which thankfully he did. After a flight of stairs one after the other he finally stops outside a white door. He takes a key out of his pants and unlocks the door.

“This Sabrina is your room. Do you like it?” Lucas asks scratching the back of his neck, I walk into the room and look around, and smile.

“It’s perfect I love it” I respond. I walk to the bed and took a seat on the comforter. I hate to admit it but this room is nicer than the one at home but not homier.

Walking in Lucas put my things near the bed. “I’m going to head out now; I will see you later, yeah?” I nod my head even though I know I won’t leave here or I hope I won’t have to. Lucas walks out of the room and silently closes the door after him. I flap on my back and stare at the ceiling, there is a sudden ping and I fished out my phone from my pocket. I look at the screen to see two messages from my boyfriend and three messages from my best friend, I quickly type a reply to them; I have reached safely, I’m fine now and I love you.

I rub my tired eyes I want to sleep but I’m afraid of nightmares so I take out some pills that my friend gave me, took them with a bottle of water I found in my bag. There is a knock at the door I yell for whomever to come in and Lucas did.

“Hey sorry to bother you again but I forgot to give you these,” he said handing me the key he used earlier. “Thank you” I reply he nods his head and left for good this time.

I roll over on my bed as I feel my eyelids getting heavy and soon enough I was off to a nightmare less sleep.


I groan as I hear the knocking on my door get louder, you would’ve thought this person would stop knocking after thirty minutes of no answer but no they’re still persistent.

“Ok fine I’m coming” I reply to the person I know is my mother. I get up walk to the door and open it for her and she came inside.

“I’m glad you could get some sleep so now we can discuss your schooling here,” She says taking a seat on the couch in the corner beside the window. I groan the mere thought of school hurts my head. Why do I have to go?

I huff “Fine, when do I start, what about it?” I questioned.

“You’re starting tomorrow” she says

I stop in my tracks my eyes wide open, say what now?