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The Bad Boy's Secret Desire

The Bad Boy's Secret Desire

Auteur: Humble Smith

En cours


The Bad Boy's Secret Desire PDF Free Download


"Do you think you can run away from me forever??" He smirked with his deep blue eyes pierced into mine with my body pinned to the wall as her arm slide to both side.. My eyes fluttered, my heart beat so loud, His body was too close to me, his face was drawing closer... I could perceive his sweet cologne, my eyes pierced into his eyes as I shivered in fear, he is the school bully and a badboy!! Would he hit me??? I thought but then his face came more closer and my eyes widened but before I could even see it coming.. He kissed me... Rose is a young teen aspiring to be a medical student so she had to read from dusk to dawn especially when she got to the school through scholarship.. She wasn't in for any trouble, being the quiet nerd students at the back seat was better for her.. She thought all would go well not until the school most popular bad boy Austin who she doesn't want to have anything to do with touched her boobs and she slapped him.. It marked the beginning of her love adventure with the bad boy who she hated and wants to run away from... But, he isn't ready to leave her