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Auteur: J. L. Cooper

En cours


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Alpha Rafe McKenzie is the leader of the elite pack, Silverback pack. They are the powerful and crown jewel, built and designed by the Eternal Goddess herself, Cena. The pack's Shaman, Yarvald, is the appointed one, he creates the bond between lovers and soulmates. And now he's dreamt of the perfect connection between Rafe and the pack's healer, Nia Roth. Although Rafe beliefs in the arranged couplings, he, however, does not want one. For the life of his betrothed would mean a forever fight on her hands. To protect her against all their enemies would be a full-time fight--never ending. But once he's seen her, he knows he won't be going against the old-age tradition because he falls headfirst in love. Maybe it's the connection made from the powers that be or it's plain modern day romance. Whatever it is, Rafe beliefs. But their marriage and lives will be threatened with the onslaught of rogue wolves making their way through the country. Their end goal? To destroy the Silverback pack. Among the threats, Rafe will lose a precious piece of his life to a mere choice.

Chapter 1

Rafe McKenzie sat high overlooking the commemoration proceedings while his massive breast widens in a profound breath and draws in the sober midnight air. Heavy, twined arms stretch out on the unblemished white cloth adorning the great oblong table. Regarding his younger brother, Tate, and best friend, Josiah. Joy ascends in the Alpha’s core like a surge, observing them transform from wolf to man. Shaman Yarvald supported the youths through the complete transformation, to curb the rare death. Every male in The Silverback society who bears the gene phase before they reach eighteen and with support by the pack’s Shaman. The ceremony pulls the beast to the surface and out to receive the place of our mythical being while continuing as humans to carry out our obligation to the pack.

Shaman Yarvald motioned for Rafe to accompany him by the fire pit to close the induction. They would brand the newest brothers for life on the chest above their hearts by a branding iron to engrave them with the Silverback seal of honor. Intricate lines circling within each other to complete the four-sided circle. Rafe’s task is to bolster their arms to their sides, so they won’t move. The pattern had to be specific on all sides, and the agony of branding can be worse than the original early transformation. Some could not endure the complete night of festivals. Although some could, like Rafe, he acknowledged to himself.

His brother weakly stared into the eyes of the Alpha, with perspiration dripping from his scalp shaved skull. The sleek skin flickered next to the embers of the fire. His chest, although impressive, glistened with the toil of his change, the anguish it produced. Rafe kissed his brother on the forehead before clutching his arms in place from behind. The torture of the white-hot iron is indescribable and took down even the fiercest, so it’s not shock when Tate howled as the sear of the skin melted against the metal. The open sear crackled as it scorched the skin of his brother. Trees sway as a dynamic wind assembled around them, bearing the founders of The Silverback, receiving the newest members into their circle of life. It tore Rafe to hear, but Tate’s cries emanate from a man abandoning his adolescent ways. Pride surged through the Alpha.

Shaman Yarvald nodded to Rafe as he pulled back the iron. Rafe examined every inch of the seal to establish it was perfect with no outside lines. The pattern now blazed into the skin. Shaman lifts a bowl of the salt wash to secure the burn. It was just as severe as the burn, if not worse. Tate’s screams ignited the protectiveness in Rafe, so he leaned over and whisper words of comfort into his brother’s ear as he wavered with anguish.

The two brothers, closer than brothers could ever be, looking into the eyes that were the same. Rafe gripped each side of the boy’s neck and touched his forehead with his own. “My brother, blood and bond, for now till eternity.”

Josiah lurches forward to rest next to Tate. Rafe kissed his forehead as a token of confirmation into the pack and walked around him as he did with Tate. When the prod marked, and the seal melted into his skin, his screams pierced the night, and the timberland came alive once more. Rafe held a shaking Josiah. To the pack, they do not perceive this as weak.

Josiah fell into the Alpha’s arms after the induction. Rafe, the protector of his pack, kissed his forehead once more and gave him a pledge of allegiance. “My brother, by bond, for now until eternity.”

Shaman Yarvald signaled the conclusion of the ceremony and the start of the bash.

Hoots and cheers broke out around them.

Rafe sat back in a chair around the swelling bonfire, his eyes hardly meeting over the blue and green licks of the blazes.

“It never grows tiring, yeah?”

Rafe peered up to catch Hugh, his Beta, and best friend, tagging along beside him, his wife, Helena. Rafe considered his Beta a part of his family. He even enjoyed how Helena loved him, which made him peaceful and content with the pairing. Even though he adored how they were together, Rafe felt, mating with anyone for him will be out of the question.

“I love adding to our pack. It allows a stronger guarantee to the people.”

“Blah, blah, blah.”

Rafe didn’t take offense to his Beta’s unsavory response, simply chortled as he reaffirmed his response. “Yes, it never becomes tried to experience the magic in our blood.”

“That’s better, Alpha Rafe.”

Hugh rested his eager wife on his lap.

Music burst among the crowds and dancing ensued. Rafe glimpsed a blonde-haired young woman toting his brother like a puppy. He couldn’t ever recall seeing the girl, but either Tate knew her, or he appeared not to care. Rafe rarely went out among his people, and he loathed it. He preferred entertaining with the people very much, but his father ingrained in him since a young boy. An alpha’s place is not among the common folk. It’s on his throne, governing them while looking after them. Although he is not a dictator, as his predecessor. He is his own Alpha, and he established his own direction. He supported the people to live the way they see fit and not by his measures. It’s one reason Rafe McKenzie succeeded with the families and was alpha. They cherished him for being a noble chief.

“Something troubling you, Alpha?”

“No, just soaking in the atmosphere.”

Rafe’s full cupid bow lips twist up in a smirk as he sought his brother. The blonde had no chance once Tate McKenzie laid on the allure, and Rafe laughed as he watched her sway in his arms. He glanced at his hands. The sparkling lights of the fire provide a glow on his bronze skin. His barrel chest expands on a deep, cleansing breath.

He turned his sharp onyx eyes towards his best friend, who’d been studying him. “I’m fine,” Rafe said with an arched brow, to end whatever he was about to say.

He didn’t know what he was feeling. Confusion, maybe?

“Sure thing, chief. I think I’ll take the misses to the festivity. Maybe you should do the same.” Hugh winked as he stood and moved his wife towards the crowd. Soon they faded into the surging excitement of their people.

Before Rafe could rise, The Shaman came from nowhere and gestured for him to remain seated.

“What do I owe the pleasure of your company tonight, Shaman Yarvald?” He made sure his presence caused his irritation.

The Shaman smiled despite Rafe’s sharp tongue. “Well, it’s business, I’m afraid. You should know, you’ve been avoiding me for weeks.” The Shaman unbuttoned his Armani suit jacket and relaxed beside Rafe. “You’re in your prime years, Rafe. Stronger than I’ve ever witnessed in an Alpha. Mind, body, and spirit.”

“Well, I would say thank you for the flowering of compliments, but I know you. And I know it’s heading somewhere I won’t enjoy.”

The Shaman laughed, “You’ve been around long enough to know I don’t speak so lightly of people.” The Shaman searched deep into the bowels of the fire, closed his eyes after a few moments of hesitation, “I’ve found her, Rafe.”

Rafe knew accepting a spouse was possible, although he preferred it to be later. Even learning there’s a woman fated for him, it didn’t bring him joy knowing it. He had the responsibility of his people on his shoulders. It would create a risk to the woman who loved him, or the woman who the Shaman chose for him. This was the reason he evaded the Shaman when he sent for him to meet him for dinner two weeks ago.

The Shaman held a sharp look at Rafe as he fingered the thin hair around his ample lips. “Why are you against accepting a bride?”

“Because I don’t wish to impose this complicated life on anyone. Why do that to someone?”

“Rafe, a woman completes you in so many ways, she will be the best part of you. She is an exceptional match for you and you as an Alpha. Better so than any match I’ve ever done.”

“Wow, you’re working hard to sell me on this.” Rafe laughed as he peered into the fire. The flames gave him peace and stillness amongst the company of the Shaman.

“I’m honest in my pairings. This will be my greatest union, Rafe.”

Rafe slid in his seat, locked his ankles, and laced his fingers behind his head to show a dispassionate response for the Shaman. “No thank you, Shaman Yarvald, I will be okay on my own.”

“Is that true? I see discord in your soul tonight, Rafe. Tell me, are you content with being lonely? Why such turmoil in your heart tonight, son?”

Rafe closed his eyes against the brutal truth of the Shaman’s words.

“I know more than you realize. You forget sometimes who I am. Rafe, I see what is in your soul and you lying does not make your argument for justice in not finding you a bride any more reliable.” The Shaman remained silent, allowing yet another pregnant pause for dramatic sake, Rafe thought. “I’ve gone to the Eternal Goddess, Cena. She complies and wants your complete cooperation on the mating,”

Rafe opened his eyes and sat forward with his fists resting on his thighs, gearing up for a verbal quarrel. “You what?” He demanded.

“Don’t act insulted, Rafe. You’re the Alpha, she needed to know.”

“Not before me. I’m the one who will pursue a woman I don’t know.” Rafe McKenzie stood to his full six feet five inches; his barrel chest heaved with grave annoyance. Rafe McKenzie was a remarkable beast without his temper. But Shaman Yarvald had been around Rafe since he drew his first breath in his arms after removing him from his mother’s belly.

The shaman stood at an alarming six feet three inches, just missing the mark of Rafe’s nose. “How are we expected to justify the arranged marriages if I cannot persuade the Alpha to marry?”

“Give me time to think, please.” Rafe stumbled out in a troubled sigh.

“Well, Rafe. I’ll wish you goodnight.” The Shaman loved the Alpha as a son and to know he’s imposing his hand on a matter troubled him. But the pairing will be the strongest one to date.

Rafe looked deep within the bowels of the fire once again, wishing for an answer or insight, but nothing came.