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Tempting Darkness (Book 1) by Mated To Her Alpha

Tempting Darkness (Book 1) by Mated To Her Alpha



Mated To Her Alpha
First, they killed my parents. So, I did the most rational thing at the time. I ran. Now I find myself at crossroads, as I am being hunted by werewolves in an unfamiliar city, and I had to weigh up my alternatives, both unappealing. Neither option had any
Chapter 1

Hi my name is Lucinda Harris I've just moved here from out of town.I state the obvious, trying to hide my face as much as possible with my dark brown hair, which I'm so glad I left down as it is long even though a bit limp as I couldn't be bothered washing it. I look with my big brown eyes at the man standing in front of me as if to say " please no more questions " he nods and says " Thank you you may sit down " before addressing the rest of the class.

Why is it that every teacher in every class must get me to stand up and embarrass myself? Do they get some kick out of watching the new kid squirm when a class of thirty or so are just staring and sniggering, not to mention in the last class i heard a couple of snide remarks. Ok fine I should be used to this by now as this is my seventh new school as far as i can remember, my dad and I have moved around a lot because he says that people are after him for money and if they find him I wont have anyone to look after me, not that I need looking after as I will be seventeen next week and can look after myself. I thought that my dad joked at first but he always gets a worried look on his face whenever I ask him about who could possibly want money that bad to chase a single man and his daughter around the country.

Bell ringing snaps me out of my thoughts, I'm thankful that it's the last bell of the day, I grab my bag from under the desk and head out the door into the packed corridor where everyone is shuffling trying to either get to their lockers or their friends. Its loud and the smell of sweat and yesterday's deodorant is in the air I gag but only a little as I've always been a little sensitive when it comes to smells and usually I get over it by going outside but it seems to be taking forever, so I start pushing through a little harder hoping the students will move faster or get out of the way, neither happens, and I feel a little light headed as im overwhelmed now by the odour of people.

Thats when it hits me the most delicious, amazing scent of oranges and spice with a little something I can't put my finger on, but it's like I must get to it and taste it before its gone. I look around but all I can see is people everywhere, though Im a lot closer to the exit now and can see the sunlight coming down through the glass window above the doors. The smell is getting stronger and I can't help it now so I push through the last few students and get outside, and thats when I see him.

Standing in the parking lot next to a gorgeous silver Mercedes is the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. He looks to be in a deep conversation with another guy and a girl who looks way hotter than I could ever hope to be with her long legs and long black hair. I instantly feel a pang of jealousy but this is not normal. I dont even know them and thats when he turns and looks straight at me, he has light grey eyes that are piercing my soul, it's like if he came closer they would set me alight, but I can't help but stare back rooted to the spot probably like a gaping moron, he doesn't smile as if anything he looks annoyed before turning back to his friends. With my heart hammering in my chest for reasons I can't explain. I pull my senses back from wherever they had disappeared to and start walking. I watch as he gets in his expensive car and drives off at a good speed I must say and then the gorgeous smell is gone too.

As I walk down the quiet winding road towards home I can feel the sun on my face as it pops in and out of the clouds, it feels nice being outside with the thoughts of what just happened playing on my mind." Who was that guy? Why can't I get that scent out of my head? Did he look at me or was I just hoping he did? " I push the questions and pathetic thoughts to the back of my mind as I cross the road to my house. Dad is in the front garden cutting the lawn, Hi I say as I walk in the gate, he barely looks up so I just go straight in and up to my room.

Plonking my bag on the floor I sit at my desk and open my laptop. It's not long till summer I don't have much homework but I hate to get behind with it so I fly through my maths work and start to watch some vids on YouTube. Iv always been into my music but I'm not one that goes to every concert or anything like that, I'm just happy chilling with my headphones on and singing along with no one else in the room to obviously hear how awful my singing is.

"LUCE!" my dad shouts from down stairs knowing full well that I had my music on I just about hear him.

"I'll be down in a sec." I shout back before shutting off my laptop.

I close my bedroom door and the scent hits me again like a freight train oranges and spice and a slight musky smell that I didn't notice earlier and just like that I knew who was downstairs, the Mercedes guy from school

ok maybe I shouldn't name a guy after his car but hell we haven't even spoken and for some reason he is in my house and talking to my dad from what I can make out
