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Finding His Mate

Finding His Mate

Autor: Xiaxia



Finding His Mate PDF Free Download


The werewolves realm is in danger,they have been attacked by the demons and many creatures of the underworld,all the packs has joined hands together to fight them off but fighting them is like wasting of time.They keep on increasing after they are killed. They had to invite the great witch Selena who was believed to be dead to help them with the situation. Twelve mateless werewolves had to be sacrificed in order for Selena to prophecy and it worked. "The solution of this problem will come from Alpha Terrick the alpha of Gold moon pack.His mate is the solution, finding his mate is the solution"she uttered. "Owoooooooo"all the werewolves howled showing that the accepted the prophecy. Terrick was believed to be mateless,at the age of 18 when his age grades found their mate,he didn't.he had to choose Gabriella as his Luna.

Chapter 1

The sound of drums could be heard banging were burning intensely lightning the environment.shewolves could be seen dancing around the fire,their dancing was known as the dance of the moon goddess.

After some hours,a woman dressed in white,her hair was already grey,she was walking with the aid of walking stick.She was Selena the great witch.

As Soon as she appeared,the drums stopped beating and the shewolves stopped dancing, everywhere was silent.

"Bring them"she ordered and the twelve mateless she wolves were brought before her."kneel "she commanded and they knelt down.

After muttering some spells,she marked their faces with a white substance."don't panic"she said."you are going to a better place where there is no war,you will live a peaceful life there but when the war ends ,you shall be reborn again.

"Owoooo"the shewolves who were about to be sacrificed howled showing their acceptance.Selena smiled,the key point to her succession in the ritual was the acceptance of the people to be sacrificed.

Selena looked up to the sky and she saw that the full moon has appeared indicating that it was time for the sacrifice.

She took a silver knife from the white basin,raising it up to the sky,she began to mutter some spell.the wind began to blow.she sliced the throat of the first she wolf and she dropped dead to the ground.she continued till she killed all of them.

She used the blood on the knife and marked her forehead.

Immediately,she started floating on the air and her eyes changed to white colour.Every where was covered in white mist.

The werewolves were not seeing Selena the witch anymore but the image of a very beautiful woman,the moon formed a crown on her head.they didn't need anyone to tell them that it was Selene the moon goddess.

They all bowed down in submission to her.everywhere was drop dead silent.

"You all are running around looking for solution to your predicament while the solution is right before you"she began,her voice alone was like music to the ear.

"The solution to your problem will come from Terrick the Alpha of Gold moon pack, finding his mate is the solution, his mate is the solution."

"He will embark on a journey to the human realm,his mate is in the human realm,he will go and find his mate and bring her back,go!go! for there is no time,Lucifer is planning more attack and he is already on his way to the human realm to find her.your mate is the key to destruction and the key to save lives.don't allow Lucifer to find her first,if he finds her first then the werewolves realm will be wiped out and evil will take over in this world,humans will be in great danger too."

"But how can I find her, any creature who steps foot into the human realm looses all it's powers,how am I suppose to know who my mate is without the mate bond"Terrick asked.

"She will come to you,the mate bond will reappear when you make love to her, that's how you will know that she is the one,then you will bring her back"Selene replied him."This is the prophecy".

After her last word she disappeared and Selena the great witch fell down on the ground.she was out of energy.

"Owoooo"all the werewolves howled in acceptance to the prophecy.

"What will become of here when I leave"Terrick asked the great witch after she has recovered."the time will stop ticking, everything will be still but the Time will begin to tick again when you meet her.the ball is in your hands,all the werewolves depend on you now for their lifes,it's left of you to save every body."she replied him.

"You have to go now, time is of essence"she said and left.


"Are you seriously leaving me now"Gabriella asked,tears rolling down her cheeks."you should stop being a cry baby,this is for everyone's good,for your own good,for my unborn child's good"Terrick said touching her stomach.

"Are you going to leave me for your true mate"she asked once more,tears rolling down her cheeks."never!"he replied drying her tears with his hands."stop crying,will you?.

"What if you fall in love with her?,"please don't leave me, remember that I have been with you for so many years,I am with your child now, please don't leave me,I really love you Terrick"

She held onto his clothes."I won't,how many times will I tell you that I love you for you to believe,you are my Luna now,am doing this to protect you ,to protect my unborn child,to protect our people"Terrick said rubbing her cheeks.

"I love you, Gabriella,you are the best thing that has ever happened to me"he said capturing her lips with his Gabriella held his head playing with his hair making Terrick to moan.

The kiss went on till Terrick broke the kiss when he sensed that someone was coming.

There was a knock on the door"what's the problem?he asked through mind link."Alpha,it's time to go"His beta informed him through mind link."ok,I will be on my way now,you can leave"he replied.

He turned his gaze back to his wife."it's time,take care and stop crying, I promise I will come back for you"

"Ok, take care too"she replied drying her tears.Terrick nodded and headed towards the door to leave."Terrick"Gabriella called once more.Terrick turned to know why she was calling him but before he could ask,she ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

Terrick smiled and hugged her back too"you are tempting me into not leaving again"he said rubbing her hair.

"No, you should leave"she replied trying to release the hug but Terrick won't let her go.

"How can I leave when you are acting like this?"he asked.

"You should leave now, okay,let go of me now"

"Yeah"he replied releasing her from the hug."remember you are a Luna,my Luna,the Luna of the gold moon pack, remember to be strong if anything happens,ok"

"I will"she replied smiling at him.she finally let him go.

Terrick was believed to be mateless,at the age of 18 when his age grades found their respective mates,he didn't find his mate.he had to choose Gabriella as his Luna, his childhood crush and friend whose mate was killed during an attack.and now he was on a journey to find his true mate.

Selena has created the portal for them to go to the human realm.he was leaving with his beta only.his gamma was staying back to protect his pack incase if anything occurs.

He entered the portal with his beta and disappeared into the human realm.

As soon as they left, everything became still,the time stopped.