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The Cursed Lover Of A Werewolf

The Cursed Lover Of A Werewolf

Autor: Godwin C. Okorie



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Godwin, a high school senior in his late teens, falls in love with a new student, another senior around the same age named Helen. Intimidated by her rare beauty, Godwin encounters a major setback as he has no courage to confess his feelings after several attempts – but he is hiding a secret – he knows she’s the one! Jeered by his best friends Bobby and Jerry, Godwin vows to win Helen’s heart. Gathering courage, Godwin invites her for an all-night party. She honors the invitation and comes with two strangers: Josh and Rose. Shortly afterwards, they vanished in the middle of the night under mysterious circumstances. Disappointed with his crush's unexplained disappearance, Godwin wanders aimlessly under the full moon. There, he makes a surprising discovery – the supernatural is real. Godwin encounters a group of werewolves, thought previously by him to be nonexistent. One that nearly costs his life, but he is miraculously saved by another inexplicable White Werewolf. Dumfounded, Godwin embarks on a quest to unravel his encounter and the event surrounding it. Does he have what it takes to unravel the circumstances behind the unexplained event? Does the sudden disappearance of Helen and her company have any connections to the occurence that night? Will the feelings for his high school fantastic sweetheart Helen linger? Will they ever be together? Find out!

Chapter 1

Some heartbeaks are meant to last temporary while others follow you to the grave. After some years, I have come to realize my predicament falls among the latter. I can still remember her face vivedly and the tormenting memories have refused to path ways with me. Each time I thought about her, I wished I could change the hands of time and perhaps, channel my heart to a place of no agony. Oh! How I wished .

My name is Godwin and this is my story.

It all started during one of the most important days of my academic life . In Urban High school, everyone was preparing for our General certificate exam and therefore not a good time for distraction. Such was the mood, but one faithful morning, there came an angel of a new student. I was having a good old laugh with my friends when she passed by heading towards our laboratory, may be to report to our science tutor as a first-timer. I don't really know! But that's not the important part.

I swayed detaching myself few centimeters from my friends just to have a closer look. Wow! I could swear she was the most beautiful girl I have seen in my world. She wore a neat, white, new skirt with a purple top. Her tender skin dazzled. Her strange but very pleasant perfume brought life to the vicinity as she walked past. Her face was round with a slight protruding birth mark just above her nostril, making it look like an attached artificial ring. Her clean teeth, carefully and perfectly arranged. Her hair was black, aligning magnificently and gorgeously with her very fair complexion. Her dimples alone, was an epitome of beauty. Her feminine curve was such that has a permanent place in my memory. Her steps was well calculated with no sign of strain nor defects. There has never been anything like her!

Just like a reflex, she turned and caught my eyes staring steadily at her. As I gazed foolishly for few seconds, I could see the good wink on her eyes. I ended the little drama by returning to my group while she continued her journey.

"Who is that girl?" Asked Bobby

my best friend


"I don't know--saw her for the first time just like you," I replied.

"Wow! That girl is a goddess! But am pretty sure she is new in town!" He exclaimed.

"I might as well contest for the post of a--bestie if you know what am saying," I added. We both smiled.

"But hey! I never knew you took notice of what's going? I thought you were listening to Jack's jokes?" I inquired.

"What's good for the geese is also good for the gander," he replied with a smile.

Now Bobby was a mischievous fellow and I doubt he would dare approach her let alone doing the talking. He had a quite number of girlfriends already. Well, that's not my problem right now.

I have not been in love before and certainly I was a novice. But then, I had a strange feeling that morning after our eyes contact. The innate urge to see her again was beginning to build up. I can't just wait to set my eyes on her once she is out from the school laboratory.

I spotted a lone corner within the class room and buried myself in deep thought. All the cheers from Bobby to join them back couldn't move me. I just discovered a new hubby of infatuation if you don't mind.

I wondered what her name was and where she came from? Who might be her parents? Her tribe, ethnicity, culture religion and her behaviors. It was awkward I have been charmed by an unknown girl hence, it's necessary I get acquainted with her.

It wasn't long enough, when I heard the bell calling students back to their classes. I dashed to an empty seat with Bobby at the extreme of the row.

"Hey Godwin come over here and sit beside me". He said.

"No thanks. I'm just fine here," I declined.

He raised an eye brow in suspense. He knows me too well. 'Probably, something is wrong with Godwin this morning,' I guessed that was going on through his mind. He drifted closer and tapped me gently on my shoulder.

"Hey buddy what's going on? You look doll and worried. I hope you wouldn't mind spilling them out--your problems , whatever that got you into this mood. You know I always got your back," he said, staring at me with concern.

"Nothing Bobby ! Could you please go back to the shit hole you came from. I just want to be alone," I replied, smiling with a jab to his chest.

"Okay--okay I will go," just like an empty balloon, he whisked away.

While we await for our tutor, I recorganized that feminine steps approaching. I tried to make a quick eye contact with her but fell short of that. I couldn't look straight in to her eyes. Dame it! She dominated me in that eye to eye contest. I quickly rotated my neck facing the board just in front of me . I don't want to lose in another competition.

I was still facing my front, appearing like a serious student and certainly don't bother to turn back or look sideways when a momentary breeze swooped by with a familiar scent. I could feel the presence of someone sitting next to me. 'Who could it be? I hope it's not her?' I reasoned.

I turned gently like the staring of a moving car. To my greatest suprise, it was her!

"Hi. Would you mind if I sit close to you?" She requested.

"Sure--sure !" I replied hurriedly.

I adjusted slightly and she occupied more space comfortably.

'Could this be a sign or just a coincidence?' I asked myself. Sitting close to me made the whole moment special. intimidated, I would turn back and forth just to steal a look. Now, I could tell indeed, she was more beautiful than I previously thought.