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My Time Traveling Stalker

My Time Traveling Stalker

Autor: bingsauce



My Time Traveling Stalker PDF Free Download


A inheritance from a great uncle gives Laiken the money to buy into time traveling to stalk his ex girlfriend to get back with him before she even knew he existed. Priyana gets the feeling she is being watched day and night until she gets confronted by her future ex boyfriend.

Chapter 1

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"Good afternoon, what can I do for you?" The owner of the nursery greeted Laiken as he walked through the front door.

"I'd like to get a dozen white roses and a heart full of chocolate." Laiken said and stuck out like a sore thumb when speaking about flower's and buying them.

"What's the occasion?" The older gentleman that owned the florist shop asked intuitively.

" It's my girlfriend and my first anniversary today." Laiken replied happily as he picked out a dozen white roses.

"They say the first year is the hardest, but if you're still buying her roses then it looks like you and her are a good match." The florist said wrapping the dozen white roses inside a fancy multi-colored plastic paper.

"Not our one year, its our one month anniversary." Laiken corrected the old man agitated.

The florist stopped wrapping the roses and looked up above his gold rimmed glasses, puzzled hearing that and made sure he had heard him right and asked "Your getting her roses for a one month anniversary?" The florist asked, raising his grey thick haired eyebrow up on one side of his face baffled at what he just heard.

Laiken hated people who judged him and asked "Can you hurry up before I'm late?" Laiken asked hurriedly.

The florist started back wrapping and asked Laiken another question while he was putting the finishing touches on the bouquet ."Well do you think she is getting you something for this, oh so special day?" The florist asked somewhat humorous.

Unbeknownst to Laiken, who started giggling as he replied to the old man's question."He he, I don't knowww, but she begged for me not to get her anything and I could tell she really wanted me to by her saying not to get her anything." Laiken replied biting his nails with a creepy and eerie smile smeared on his face that made the florist somewhat uneasy when he looked at him.

"Okay Casanova, that will be $57.60 for the bouquet and chocolate's." The florist said, then he placed his hands on the sides of the counter.

"Here you go Sir, and keep the change." Laiken said, handing him a one hundred dollar bill.

Laiken grabbed the bouquet and walked out the door into the perfect sunny day and he got into his brand new Lamborghini that he bought around month or so ago. When he drove up to the red light and waited for the light to turn green, Laiken tapped his fingers rapidly on the steering wheel anxiously and somewhat nervous now. When the light flickered to a green arrow, Laiken floored it in the straightaway lane and crashed into an oncoming blue volvo and totaled his $379,000 brand new car. He crashed it so that he could spy on his girlfriend, Priyana. Laiken had met Priyana there a month and a half ago when he bought the car and Laiken fell in love with her at first site. Laiken still felt awkward when he opened the car door straight up, instead of outward.

When the tow truck got there and Laiken told the driver where to take the car, Laiken gave him the Lamborghini dealerships address. "Do you need a ride man?" The tow truck driver asked and he was wearing an Atlanta Braves baseball cap that looked like it was bought around the time the Braves won the 1995 World Series.

"No thanks, Im going to the hospital. My neck is hurting from the accident. Do you mind telling the dealership staff that I went to the hospital and I'll stop by whenever the doctor releases me?" Laiken asked mischievouly.

"Alright Man, y'all be good now." The tow truck driver left giving a wave and driving Laikens perfect sympathy card right into Priyana's awaiting vagina once she found out it was that it was Laiken who was involved in the accident and she sees the roses he left sitting in the back seat intentionally for Priyana to see them.

Priyana would become as in love with Laiken as he is to Priyana. Just wait and see.