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Pretty Little Assassin

Pretty Little Assassin

Autor: Elide



Pretty Little Assassin PDF Free Download


Sabrina Arcene is a true werewolf hunter and the only heir to her family. She needs to keep up the legacy derived from generation to generation but there is some more added to the story. She has a rage against werewolves as per her upbringing but her agony has crossed limits. When her father told her that werewolves were the ones who killed her mother when Sabrina was too young. She made an oath to herself that she would take down each and every werewolf. And finally, the Alpha she loathes the most, Alpha Zeff Rawson. Zeff had no idea why hunters keep hunting their community. Werewolves have already changed their ways in not hurting humans or anyone else. But keep living silently in the world as a normal being. He is determined to vanish every hunter who wishes to go against them. He would not hurt the one who would not attack first. He has his own principles to imply. But what happens when Sabrina attacks his heart with a shot of lightning. He doesn't know her intentions and keeps falling for her even harder. And when he finally comes to know who she is… what is he going to do? Listen to his heart or save his pack?

Chapter 1

Dry-iridescent, haunting mist covered the wild dark forest trees. Heavily muffled and the distant sound of insects chittering could be heard. The dead silence was enough to make it look like a burial ground.

Without any fear in her heart, she stepped towards the core of the howling heartful dark forest. In her hands, she carried an AR10 loaded with top-notch silver bullets.

She smirked knowing she was close and any single mistake from here onwards would cost her, her life. But she was strong-headed and enough cautious to even let a single scratch pass her skin.

She narrowed her eyes and there it was. She saw those blueish and golden eyes, staring at her in agony. She gave off the same vibe. Both remain silent glaring at each other. Her breathing was shuffling but she was calm enough.

It jumped with its full strength to rip off her throat. She was faster though. Her feet shuffled their position. Straightening her back she positioned her gun upwards. Without thinking twice she shot.

It fell down with a loud thud. Its glowing eyes were still filled with the same rage against her but it was now going. Slowly its eyes slept the long journey of the hell.

“Sabrina!” Andrew, her father, shouted approaching her from behind. He was holding the same rifle as hers.

She turned around after making sure the werewolf she shoot was dead. Her face was filled with joy and a loving smile. She was excited for the reward she was going to get now.

“Oh! Not again!” Andrew sighed, looking behind her. The dead werewolf, they were hunting down.

“Yup! I won the bet again.” Sabrina raised her eyebrows, shrugging her shoulders upwards. She was proud of herself.

“Winning three bets in a row is not so good to your father,” Andrew whined as he lost three times. Every time they got a mission. They make bets out of boredom.

“You are just saying that because you lost. Now stop moping off and stay true to your words.” Sabrina playfully punched his shoulder, as they took off on the way back home.

“What?” Andrew started to play dumb. Ignoring what Sabrina was inkling to.

“My reward. Old man, don’t try to play me. I still have a rifle on me.” She in jest warned him. He chuckled and huffed, rolling his eyes.

Soon they reach home. Turning on the lights. He went over his collection of silver arrows and took one of the finest for her, on her demand. He sighed looking at her, watching how excited she was to have them. He handed them over to her.

“You don’t even know how to use them.” Andrew went over to the kitchen to get their dinner. While Sabrina kept admiring her bow and arrows, extremely joyed.

“Well, Papa Pitufu, drilling would make me perfect.” She stuck out her tongue at him, giggling non-stop.

“Stop calling me that!” Andrew shouted as she rushed to her room with the bows and arrows. He deeply hated this name, she gave him out of blue.

“Papa Pitufu!” She shouted from upstairs, slamming her door behind.

“Little brat!” Andrew hissed, warming up the dinner. Washing his hands, he set up the table and waited for Sabrina to come down.

She came down with a huge smile on her face and took her seat. Searching for some food she really likes. She picked out the veggies from the pasta. Making her dad annoyed again.

“Brina, eat everything on your plate. Manners!” Andrew told in a deep serious voice, narrowing his eyes at her. She quietly picked up everything she took out before.

The night passed peacefully. She was a senior in her school. Her not so much concern in her school life made her look more mature than any other kid in the school.

“Brina!” Ryan shouted from the end of the hallway, waving at her excitedly. He left the group of so-called wanna-be queen bees and rushed to Sabrina.

“Your dog barfed again, Ryan?” Sabrina joked, rolling her eyes, keeping her books in the locker.

“No, he is fine. I just wanted to inform you about the mock exam we have today. I was studying the whole night and…” Ryan got interrupted by Sabrina’s shocking shriek.

“Fuck!!” She muttered in pure surprise.

“Seriously, Brina?” Ryan huffed out a long sigh. He knew she forgot again. She is too busy to keep a record of her exams and all shit.

“I was out last night. How can I even know there is an exam when they didn’t even announce it.” She snubbed the facts completely.

“Come on, Brina. You should change those dialogues now. You and I both know there was a huge announcement for relatively three days when you were dozing off completely. Do you even have a bit of interest in your future?” Ryan scolded her like a big brother to her.

“I just got the long admired bows and arrows. If Old man found out about me failing, he would never let me touch anything in the garage.” She whined, kicking the lockers below, hurting her own feet. Slamming her locker door.

“Yeah. Maybe you can just live on like that, keep going on telling people that you are werewolf hunters. Making living out of killing. Underrated criminals!” Ryan mocked, irritating her even more than she already was.

“I was thinking about going for practicing archery with you.” She stopped in front of their class and so did Ryan, “But I guess, we should forget about that!” She rested her hand on his shoulder, with a tight smile, she patted him gently. Shaking her head she turned around.

“Are you serious? Can you really do that?” Ryan jumped out of joy. She smirked knowing she had him in her hands now. That would be it.

“I could but If I fail today. Dad will take them away.” She made a fake pouting face, showing him those puppy eyes. He knew what he had to do.

The exam began. Ryan was sitting beside Sabrina. It was so easy to make her cheat on the test. He lowered his answer sheet, watching carefully if the teacher was looking at them or not.

Both being cautious did really well on the exam. She would at least gain passing marks. That would do enough for her. No worries at all. The exams sheets got collected. She stretched her hands out in the air as if she was really tired of giving exams.

“So when we are going?” Ryan came to her, curiously, poking her arm.

“Going where?” She made a poker face. Teasing him eternally.

“Brina! I swear to god! We will stop talking from right here.” Ryan was serious though. Every time she would buy him and take him to show cool stuff, he can only imagine.

“Alright. Alright. Stop being so dramatic. We will to the forest this evening.” She stated, picking up her books and walking out of the class followed by Ryan.

“I love being friends with hunters.” Ryan grinned, tagging along with her.

“Someone was dissing hunters this morning.” Sabrina rolled her eyes at her friends’ childishness.

“I was just kidding. You can go around and tell people you are a hunter, it sounds freaking cool. You are the best!” Ryan walked backward on his feet, showing thumbs up in the air. Both laughed loudly.

“Oops! Sorry!” He bumped into some girl behind him. Before he could help to pick up the things she burst out at him.

“Are your eyes for decoration? Can’t you walk straight?” Mariah hissed, sipping her ice coffee. Where does she even get those stuff on the campus?

“I’m sorry,” Ryan muttered and bent down to approach her things, being a bitch, slide her own things away with her feet. Disrespecting Ryan. She was getting on Brina’s nerves.

“Oops!” She chuckled repeating the same thing again and again.

“Let’s go, Ryan. Stop it!” Sabrina grabbed his wrist, dragging him away. But Mariah had to block their way to create a scene.

“Oh, and who are you? Miss Nobody?” Mariah clasped her lips, creating a weird pout, she must be thinking looks cool on her.

“None of your business!” Sabrina flashed a tight smile and tried to pass by the other side, Mariah again blocked her.

“Actually, it is my business. He bumped into me.” Mariah stated, pointing at Ryan, “And we were already talking.”

Sabrina cringed her eyes while Ryan constantly kept whispering to her to stay calm, “Look Miss whatever your name is.” Just with those simple words, she crushed Mariah’s pride. Gasps were louder than silence among the crowd.

“He already said sorry many times. Now if you want to keep living up to that wanna-be life. Stay away from us. I don’t bite. I kill!” She whispered the last words on Mariah’s face, shocking her and shoving her aside to make a way for them.

“You know that it could cause you trouble. Why would you say that?” Ryan was concerned about her.

“It’s alright. I never shouted it out. Nobody can confirm it. And most importantly stop being nice to everyone, hopelessly.” She gave him a cringed look from up and down.

“I’m not hopeless.” He shouted catching up with her.