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Autor: Ummyie



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Kylie is a young girl who lived a very simple life but everything changed after the dead of a rich business man sister "Violet Carter" she blame herself because she couldn't help her even though violet 'Bullied her all her life.' After that incident she drop out of school not knowing that will make everyone suspicious that she is the reason behind it. Ryan carter is one of the american richest businessman he get what he wants in a snap of a finger, he's cold, rude, arrogant and heartless. he promise to destroy the life of whoever is behind his sister death what happens when he blame kylie williams for the death of his sister and get married to her all for revenge! will he later regret his decision? Find out.

Chapter 1

Kylie sat down in the kitchen counter thinking about how life has play such a twisted game with her.

She can't recall when last she had a real smile on her face, she is tired of faking her smile and happiness.

she often marvel if she could ever be happy

Will she ever find someone who will love her and accept her for who she truly is? is he gonna come from a small kingdom riding a horse? will she finally have a happily ever after like what the stories always describe? Definitely no. she burst into fit of laughter at her imagination

before she think further she heard her manager calling her, she was about to respond before she realise her boss was already standing in front of her giving her a dead glance.

"I'm so sorry I was about t-t... "

"In my office now".

He shut her up Before she could complete her sentence

This wasn't the first time he has done that to her

she wasn't happy working at 'Elite' most of the staffs weren't nice to her because they aren't on the same level of intelligence, she has no degree like the rest of them. she doesn't really have a choice either, she needed the money to take care of herself and pay her bills.

She followed him to the office, gently closing the door

"Have a seat Ms Kylie"

he said. she smile at his gesture.

"Do you know why i called you in here?" he asked in a strict voice

"No Mr. Edward, why?" 

"I don't have a better way to say this to you but I have no choice than to put it in this manner, It was really great working with you Kylie. But I have no other choice than to let you go, you're fired."

Kylie didn't believe what she just heard from her boss. she felt reckless and helpless indeed a word is more dangerous than a sword. The power of a tongue could easily break a strong iron.

tears drop down her eyes, she didn't really have much to say apart from leaving his office


She stopped to listen to what he has to say once more.

"I'm so sorry I promise you everything will work out for you, you're a very nice girl."

"T-thank you." She said cleaning her tears

She kept walking without knowing exactly where she was going to.


Ryan P.O.V

What did you find out? I hope you come with a good news this time around.

According to the report "Kylie William's parents died last year. she's currently working with 'elite' she lives in 'Cross hill' as we both know that's a very poor environment."

Ryan was silent for some minutes before he finally spoke.

"You can't even do a proper job Jack, It took you three days to find such useless information." he hit his desk in frustration

"I'm sorry Sir I t..try t.."

"Find her address" Ryan shut him up

"Ok Sir." Jack nodded

"Jack i want the address by tomorrow or else kiss your job goodbye."

Before jack could respond Ryan dismissed him

"You can leave now i'll see you tomorrow, he said smirking"

Jack nodded and walk out

"I promise to make you pay for what you did to my sister Kylie, i will make sure you experience the pain you never experience in your whole life. All those loneliness i felt for those two years will be nothing compare to what i will do to you Kylie."


Kylie who was walking without knowing her direction, She heard a car beeping which she ignored. the sound was getting loud she turn to see what was going on. that's when she saw a black Range Rover getting closer to her, she try to scream out of fear but she couldn't due to fear..

The driver try his best not to get closer to her but it was already too late.

In speed minutes everything went dark.

The kind of pain she was feeling, if someone told her she's gonna make it alive she wouldn't believe it.

The pain was increasing so much that she wishes she could just die and rest. beside she has nothing to offer to anyone

She really don't have much regret even if she passed away at the moment.. At least she will finally see her loving parents.