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Autor: Zee 2003





When the past decide to hit you, it will be the most powerful hit ever! You may not survive, even if you did it'll leave a big scar, past keeps clinging to the present with it's awful claws, tearing the futuer to piecies! Past is so powerful! More than you imagin! Be careful! Because the present is the past of tomorrow! Live happily, think carefully, and most importantly: wish wisely. And remember: When you wish for Your dreams to come true Remember that nightmares Are dreams too

Chapter 1

Hello everyone…

I am really sorry for ruining this beautiful song, sorry for turning this childish innocent song into a horror story, but I am going out of my mind. Before you begin reading let me ask a question: Have you ever realized the deep meaning of the last part of that song? I hope not, or you will end up like me! I am DYING!


It all started in a nice rainy day. I made a paper boat for me and my 2 sisters and it was well done! The three of us wore our yellow coats and went out to the river

I have always loved that river!

we put our paper boats on the river, then we followed them and I was singing “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream!”

Over and over and over without knowing the real meaning of it. We kept following them until the boats had disappeared. We went home after this adventure .I was only 8 and for a little girl that was the best day. What I didn’t know is that this day will be my worst nightmare, and it will last forever, literally!








I was standing in the balcony watching the rain. I love rainy days! It is the best chance to drink hot chocolate milk while reading a nice book. I went to the kitchen and made myself one, then I picked a book to read and enjoyed my rainy day!

By the way, I am Venus, a normal girl who has a normal life

that what I thought

I am specialized at Neuroscience, I live happily alone in a quite big house and I love my life the way it is. Anyway…

While reading my book I heard a knock on the door, I knew it was my best friend Kate. She often comes and visits me; she even stays in my house for days! I opened the door

“Have you missed me? “

“Of course I did!”

I said while hugging her

“Come in!”

She went to the living room and I went to the kitchen and made her a hot chocolate milk

“Nice weather out there!”

“I couldn’t agree more, Venus!”

We sat together, watching T.V

“Do you want to go out, Venus?” Kate knew how much I love rainy days.

“Of course!”

We walked under the rain to the small river next my house. We went to the bridge over the river and watched the rain drops hitting the river. We stood there for more than a30 minutes and then I noticed something coming toward us

“Is that a paper boat?” I ran toward it and caught it with a stick

and I wish I hadn’t

When I took a closer look at it, I wasn’t able to move.

“Venus, are you O.K?”

Kate put her hand on my shoulder

“No!” I whispered

“What is going on? What is this?” I looked deep into her blue eyes and then looked back at the boat

“It is the boat! The one that I made when I was 8 years old”

” Impossible!”

“No it’s not! Look there is my name!”

“Wow! Maybe she did it”

“Stop saying bad thing about her she has nothing to do with this it is just a coincidence”

you will know later who she is

”I’m just warning you!”

I looked deeply at the boat and then I put it where I found it; the river. Then I went straight home. It was the longest 10 minutes in my life! I just wanted to go home but it seemed like every step I take to my house, the house takes a step back. I was nervous. How did my boat come here? I mean… I lived far away from here and the river next my house has nothing to do with the old one back home. “Venus, don’t make it a big deal “

“It is!”

“No its not! I am curtain she did that” I stopped and looked into her eyes

“Stop saying that! Why would she do that? Also she doesn’t know anything about me! It’s just a COINCIDENCE!”

“She knows everyone! She just wants to mess with your head because SHE IS EVIL!” I didn’t say anything. I just turned back and kept walking before Kate. After a while, we finally arrived home. I opened the door and quickly entered before Kate. I didn’t look at her. I went straight to the kitchen because I was thirsty.

“Venus!” I didn’t listen to Kate, I was angry. While I was going out of the kitchen, she suddenly hugged took me a while before hugging her back ” Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you” “Me too “ “I love you, you are the best friend I have ever had!” ” I love you too “

I was tired so I went to sleep and so did Kate “Hey Kate, will you sleep in my room? I am a little afraid and i….”

“Of course!”

I smiled and we went to my room upstairs, the bed was big enough for both of us. I sat on the bed looking at the window.

“Venus, I was joking about her if that what makes you afraid”

“No I’m not afraid from her, it’s just….the boat…I. Didn’t think of it since years! I barely remember how I made it” she put her hand on my shoulder and said” don’t worry things like this happen “ “Thank you ,good night Kate”

“Good night, Venus”

Kate slept before me. I took a while thinking about the boat. God why don’t I remember anything about it? Maybe because I’m 22 and I made it when I was 8. Good explanation! Then I thought about what Kate said, is it possible that she did that on purpose? But I have never met her and she doesn’t know me because she hasn’t met me, has she? Why would she do that? I have never been rude to her not like the others who did terrible things to her.

Maybe she think I am bad too, I really hope she has nothing to do with that. I closed my eyes forcing myself to sleep. And that, my friend, was a


thing to do in my case. Because that night my life changed and turned upside down