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Claimed By Alpha Fenris

Claimed By Alpha Fenris

Autor: Diana Alex



Claimed By Alpha Fenris PDF Free Download


Following the loss of his mate, alpha Fenris' life turns from bad to worse. When his grief becomes too hard to bear, he resorts to various deadly means to end his grief and suffering. Not until a year later, Raina' life is being plunged into the abyss of darkness and pain after she's being defiled by the alpha accidentally. Now that he'd had a taste of the little shewolf, he keeps coming back for more even at the expense of her sanity and happiness but he'd stop at nothing until he'd shown her that the alpha always gets what he wants and what he wants was her in his bed.

Chapter 1


Raina could remember that day like it was yesterday, it was the beginning of her misery, the death of the luna spelling doom for her.

The alpha paced the room anxiously. Grey and Eclipse, his betas stood beside him, their anxiousness rolling into one as they eagerly awaited the Luna's childbirth. She wasn't due yet, but he'd returned from the hunt to the news of his queen in labor.

Her pains spread through the bond like wildfire, her cries and pleas cascaded into him increasing the intensity of his anxiety. The bond felt weak and faint. Other than her pains, Fenris couldn't feel anything else. It felt like there was a blockade hindering his connections to her he'd assumed it was because she was in the process of birthing a new life.

Thirty minutes later, the door to the inner room opened and the old midwife stepped out, fear, pain and agony painted her expression.

Fenris halted immediately, hurriedly striding towards her.

"Is my pup out already?" He asked.

She hesitated at first, but after gazing at the alpha's betas who were already prepared to snap her head off if she'd delayed to offer him an answer, she spoke.

"The Luna wants to see you."

The expressions plastered over her face and the way she trembled showed something displeasing and disheartening had happened. He swallowed hard, his heartbeat racing, his wolf paced restlessly in his head snarling viciously.

"Take me to her." Fenris replied through gritted teeth.

She quickly turned towards the door, pulling it open. The alpha exhaled, walking in with her his betas following behind.

The moment she pushed away the blinds, Fenris stared at his mate in horror! Blood covered her entire body, her body looked too pale, sweat sheened her forehead. She panted, gasping for air. He listened to the faltering heartbeat of his pup.

"No!" He cried out, dropping to his knees beside her bed, holding her. Tears filled her eyes when she gazed at him.

"Why is she bleeding?! What happened?! Why isn't the baby out already?!" He inquired agitatedly.

The midwife hesitated again but Grey's hand shot out, his claws at her throat.

"The alpha asked you a question! And I think it would do you a lot of good to reply fast!"

"Grey!...let me.....let me do the–the talking." The Luna whimpered, her voice wobbly.

Grey's eyes were bloodshot. Their fear, anxiety and anger mirrored their alpha, they felt his pain. Their Luna looked helpless. From the look of things, the baby was nowhere near the surface.

"Stand down!" Fenris hissed. Grey growled but retracted his claws.

"Selene," the alpha whispered, his voice hoarse and shaky.

She held his hand, a sorrowful scream rolling from her lips. The midwives hurried to her side to soothe her.

"Fenris! I can't..... I can't do this anymore," she said gazing at him with pleading eyes, her voice wheezy.

"No! No!! You can. You're a strong soul. Our pup would be out soon, and we'll be complete. Please be strong." Fenris countered.

She let out a hysterical chuckle, before groaning again, "The baby wants to take me with it."

"What?! What the fuck is she talking about?!" The alpha shouted at the midwives.

"It's positioned itself in a very odd way and–and she's lost too much blood," one of the midwives replied hurriedly.

Deadly growls erupted from Grey and Eclipse's chest, Fenris' heart hammered violently against his chest, his wolf snapping at her words.

"Then do something!" He wasn't going to lose his mate and his pup! There had to be something they could do, abruptly he felt her heartbeat drop too low, the sound becoming low and inaudible, like the pup's.

"We've tried everything. There's not so much we can do now."

"No! No!! You have to do something! You have to! If they die, I would kill every single one of you!" The alpha's voice dropped low and deadly, his heart swelled, tears falling from his eyes.

She pulled my hand, her other hand cupping my cheek. She smiled.

"Our pup is scared...she...she needs have to strong....for your pack, and for me....kill no's nobody's fault." Her voice became faint, strangulated and brittle.

"Don't! Don't leave me, please." Fenris pleaded between whimpers. His mind slowly began to paint images of a life without his mate, tears cascaded and his heart wrenched as an unbearable agony of the loss he was experiencing hit him.

Suddenly, the link snapped open, the bond struggling to keep itself alive.

"Who said I was leaving you? I would always be here with you." Her chest heaved.

"Stay–" he clasped a hand over his mouth, gasping. His voice trailing off when he struggled to contain his tears.

"Stay with–"

"I love you" her voice wafted into his mind one last time. Her chest rose and fell one last time, her hand on his cheek fell. Her grip on his hand loosened. A tear slipped passed her eyes and when her heartbeat stopped, so did the pup's. The link snapped, shattering into a million tiny fragments before exploding.

"Noooo!" Fenris roared, clutching her body tight on the bed. Wails after wails filled the air.

"Don't–Don't leave me! I'm nothing without you!" He cried out. He didn't even get to say a proper goodbye! He had'nt planned on saying goodbye to her now, sge was supposed to live long beside him, as the queen, with their pup. He couldn't even tell her how much he loved her. He didn't even get to see their pup!

The sadness and loss of his beta's mixed with his. The midwives had all began to wail, not only because of the death of his mate but because something in them must have given them hints of what was about to befall them.

The alpha's head snapped back and heart wrenching howls released from his chest. The midwives and his betas fell to their knees, joining him to mourn the loss of their Luna. Of his queen. The pain was too much for his wolf to bear, it broke through his skin and he shifted to fur.

Fenris darted out of the room, out of sight, into the woods. Roars and howls filled the air. The whole wolf clan felt his pain, they felt his sadness, they felt his bitterness. And that night, the songs of sorrow filled the air.

The whole clan joined to mourn his mate, his screams and cries of agony filled the entire clan.