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His Human Mate

His Human Mate

Autor: Sunshine145



His Human Mate PDF Free Download


I gasp in shock after hearing what they are saying.. and I think they heard me. I ran as fast I can and try to hide in one of that rooms in left hallway. I was hiding in the closet when I heard footsteps.. So, this is over for me now? I don't want to die but I think my time has come . I can clearly hear his footsteps near the closet door Oh God please save me I really don't want to die, not by the hands of this f... huge monster Suddenly the door was opened forcefully and he was in front of me. I was extremely terrified by the look he has His eyes were dark red and hungry... Hungry for my blood maybe.. This is it. I'm surely gonna die.. (ok bye everyone) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So this is a story of Arisa.. Unfortunately she is human and mate of an Alpha king King of Alphas is dangerous, hot, ruthless,psycho and he just hates "Love and Humans" And if we talk about Arisa, she is pure,kind and bold. And she strongly believe in love. They both are totally opposite, there is a war between feelings and facts. A war between love and hate.. a war between heart and mind... in such circumstances do you think their love story Will began? If yes , Let's just find how! Warning ⚠️ This is my first story, and English is not my first language so don't judge just drop comments and vote if you like it! This story contain mature language and abusive and sex scenes, so read at your own risk.(Thanks)

Chapter 1

So I'm Arsia, a girl with dreams

My age is 19 years and I have one sister


, Anna is 16.

My mom died when anna was born,so me dad and anna are a small family living our best life until that one night came which changed my whole life with in minutes.


I have to live with Anna because according to my dad she is small baby girl, so I must live with her.. this room is one of my most favorite places.

Anna is mostly out with her friends and I was the one here almost everytime. So this is my resting place, reading place and dreaming place also.

I think everyone wish about a dreamy romantic love life.. so yes, I dream about having a best romantic love life.

I always wish my life partner must be kind loving tall and Strong...and handsome for sure but if he is caring and loving I will sacrifice beauty..

So, there is a boy in my college and I think I like him sort of. But I don't even know how to say and how to explain..

He is tall .. ughhh my weakness..

Handsome not too much but he is..

I think he likes me too but none of us said anything..

It's just another normal day and we have planned to spend time together and visit my dad's friend.

Uncle George is almost 42 and he is the one who take care of us when dad is not around. He lives near a forest, my favorite place actually, forest are so peaceful yet so dangerous, forests are beautiful, dark and they are perfect place to sit down  read think and dream.


                    Let's officially start


Arisa: come-on get up anna we will be late. Breakfast is ready just get up for god sake.

Anna: uhhh please not now

Arisa: no uhh ohh.. I want you to come down in 10 minutes for breakfast.

There was no response from Anna

Arisa: ok fine I will eat those pancakes alone.

Anna: pancakes really..

And Its a headshot..

Anna: finee... I will be there in 10 minutes.

Arisa: good girl, I'm going to change please just hurry up.


I was wearing my favorite black skirt and top with natural make-up but not with high heels not  because I don't like heels but I just prefer comfortable shoes.


Anna: Ari do you think it's a good idea to go with dad.

Arisa: yes ,why

She asked while siting in the car

Anna: ohh...just wondering.. dad is strange these days don't you think

Arisa: he is and I don't know exactly why.

Anna: hmm.. ask him. You are his favorite child although.

Arisa: it's not like that Ann.  You are more important to us.

Anna: ok ok.. I know you love me bla bla.

Arisa: silly girl.

Anna: okie

After thinking for a while i ask..

Arisa: ann do you really think we don't love you?

Anna: yes I do.

Arsia: but why

Anna: because dad loves you more and you are best at almost everything.. and I am mess maybe that's why you don't like me.

Arisa: this is not true. I love you so much and you know it.

Just drop this topic we are there.

I was in deep thoughts when I hear loud cries and strong voices from uncle Georges house.

I wonder what exactly is happening there.

Dad ran to his house and I was the one following dad.

I just froze when I saw 5 men well not normal men they were tall and muscular not like normal humans, they all were more than 6ft damn they look so scary.

And I sense Anna behind be. Anna was shivering because George was lying on ground with flood of blood around him and now they are facing my dad. God please save my family...

Dad was shouting at them and suddenly one of them slapped him hard and he fell on ground..his face has a big scar and blood was all over his face..

I scream as loud I can.. my dad is not moving, he is bleeding..oh my GOD no.. please don't leave us dad....I  scream.

Arisa: who the hell you all are?

He was now facing us , not only he ,they all were.

They actually looked amused by my courage at first but then I see hatred in their eyes.

Unknown: look this little human girl is trying to scare us.

They all laughed..they actually are laughing.. seriously after killing my dad in front of me.. they dared to laugh at my question

Arisa: I asked you a simple question WHO ARE YOU.. why the hell you killed them.

He began to talk with his fellows while looking at the Bodies of dad and uncle George.. ignoring my questions

Unknown:  George and his friend betray us. They lied and they deserve to slaughtered.

Arisa: w-what are you talking about.

Unknown: listen you useless human, your dad and uncle had to pay for betraying us.

Arisa: what do you mean

Unknown: don't question just shut up.

Then he suddenly ask his fellow to kill us both. And with these words I went pale in shock and terror.

Unknown 2: Eric I don't think we should do this without the orders of Alpha.

Unknown 1: you are right. Call and ask him.

Arisa: why.. why you want to kill us .. just leave us alone please.

I beg.. Anna was crying and I was scared because he was moving towards us

Unknown 1: don't make any sound or you will be dead

I whispered to anna..

Arisa: don't be scare  on the count of three run as fast as you can and don't look back no matter what

Anna was shaking her head in no

Arisa: Just do it.. please my girl I don't want to lose you.

And then we started to run towards the forest.. as fast as we could, I assume they are behind us angry and growling like animals..oh god please save us...

We were in deep forest running for almost I don't know hour's... Im tired and can't move and it was getting dark

Anna was breathing heavily and crying but still trying hard to run.

Anna: I can't.. I can't run now..I'm tired

Arisa: please anna be brave, maybe they are behind us..

Anna: look it's dark animals will eat us either by them or by those bastards we will die Ari..

Arisa: ann relax my girl.. look there may be some houses in the woods... let's just run..we will ask for help.. please ann.

Anna: I'm trying Ari im trying but I'm tired.. we don't know where the hell we are heading.

Suddenly i heard sounds of growling..

Growling of wolf's maybe .. wolf's here in this area and small forest is something impossible but right now everything thing is possible..

If someone say that cock has a di..k  or snakes have four legs I will agree.

The sound of howling was  so cloe as almost they are howling in our ears.

I froze..we both forze their like statues.. I can't see my sister dieing in front of me..but we are in the Middle of no where trapped between those killers and this deep forest full of animal's.

The sounds of wolfs are getting louder and I was losing hope to live.

Suddenly i heard a sound in bushes behind me and at that moment Anna fainted in front of me with terror and I was helpless.

I dare to look behind slowly to see what's coming for us now after many tragic trauma's..whats next.

And I feel my heart skipped beats when I saw those red eyes.


Ok...thats it.

Starting chapter is over.

I hope you will like this story.

I thinking to write POV of both sides because in next episode  Arisa will meet the Alpha..

let's see how he will react when he finds out his mate is human..

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