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To Betray The Mafia King

To Betray The Mafia King

Autor: suzangill98



To Betray The Mafia King PDF Free Download


In the centre of the world of riches, guns and illegality. Stood a beautiful man with temperament as cool as sea and anger as violent as a tsunami. Eyes as deadly as an eagle and stare ,scary enough to bring half of this world down on its knees. Born with a silver spoon and the next heir to the network of the biggest mafia's in the world was he, Vincenzo Giordano Accardi .......................................................... Surrounded by country side waste and petty thieves. With pockets empty but heart loaded. Stood a poor girl with an average face. Heir to her father's debts and a mere room in the slums at the outskirts of the city. With a smile on those chapped lips and hope in those big brown eyes was she, Amara Luca ...................................................... He had 3 simple rules which she broke one by one . Rule 1 To love family before everything Rule 2 To reward deception with death. Rule 3 To never fall in love ......................................................... "He was the king of the underworld while she was a mere player in it, But then rules are meant to be broken when hearts overweight brains and deception plays its game." ...............................................

Chapter 1


"I could kill anyone for you,

But then you asked me to replace this anyone with me."


Gioardino warehouse at outskirts of the city

12:45 am

His eagle eyes stared at her with coldness.

Few seconds of silence passed making her more scared than before.

Her eyes refused to match his deadly ones.

With her little frame shuddering under his coldness she wished for heavens to save her from this person's hell.



He moved closer to her, showing her his long slender finger, but not touching her lips.

"Give me one fuck*** reason mio amore...just one reason why I should not empty these bullets into your unitille



The muzzle of the gun was pressed to her temple, making her tremble with fear.

His cologne engulfed her, intensifying the level of her anxiety.

Her eyes were shut tightly as he entrapped her between the wall and his body, with not to forget a gun pressed to her head.

"Answer me!"

His booming voice made her flinch and press herself to the wall tightly.

Her right cheek brushing it as she refused to look back, let alone answer him.

His beast was on the verge of getting unleashed, her silence aggravating it further.

Moving the nozzle of the gun from her temple to her chin, his fingers brush against her cheeks.

To suddenly hold her chin and tilt her face up to make her look at him.

"Tell me mi amore...just one reason and you are free from my prison."

His coldness dropped a few degrees lower as he whispered in her ear.

A hint of helplessness evident in his voice to be only covered by his veiled cold orbs.

"Because.....because I love you, Vincenzo...I...."

She couldn't continue any further when she saw his reaction.

The air gushed into her lungs as he suddenly moved back from her and smiled.

The gun moved down to her relief but his eyes...they showed incredulity.


This time he let his head fall back and he laughs like a crazy person.

His eyes looking around to find others looking at the floor.

"Do you listen to her guys? This cagna here tells me she loves me?"

He was making a joke of her feelings.

The way he sarcastically and publically degraded her made tears well in her eyes.

"Vincenzo...please I am sorry"

Her voice was low enough for only him to hear.

But as soon as he heard them, they were like a trigger.

Within seconds she was again pressed onto the wall, this time his tattooed arms caging her.

"Don't...just don't you dare say that word!"

He roared like a feral beast.

Her eyes failing to hold back the tears that were lining her lids.

Gathering all the courage in her, her trembling fingers progressed towards his beautiful face.

As soon as her cold fingers touched him, he rumbled at her.

Her advances were stopped as he held her wrists in his deadly grip and harshly slams them above her head.

"Don't you dare touch me with your disgusting hands again bit**!"

Her breathing stopped and her mouth went dry.

The anger in his eyes was something she never saw before.

Vincenzo was famous for his calmness and temper.

Then who was this deadly disaster standing in front of her?

The same hands that had caressed her body with a gentleness that no man has ever shown her before were hurting her.

They were treating her like trash when earlier they treated her like a piece of delicate glass.

"But it's true Vince...I...lov-"

"How does it matter will be dead in few minutes anyways.

So tell me a reason to not kill you for your treason?"

She was willing to accept death.

Her body ready to fall down any second without the support of his arms.

One last time she looked up at him.

His eyelashes looking longer than usual and those black orbs sucking her in their darkness.

"My answer will not change...I have and will always love you"

Her voice came out stronger than before.

With determination and truthful shining in her teary eyes, she laid her heart open to the man she dared to love and betray .

His eyes held surprise for few seconds to be followed by indifference.

With no emotion on his face and eyes narrowed, he pulled down the barrel, ready to shoot her.

"Tst tsk wrong answer mio amore"

The coldness of the muzzle made her close her eyes again.

Ready to accept death from the hands of her lover for her crimes.

His breath on her face, the only thing she could feel as she takes her last breath borrowing it from him.

"Rule 2: to kill who betrays and you puttana...."

His cold finger trailed the path of her tears and she twitched under his touch.

"You betrayed me of everything"

