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Nicole was the omega and pack's Alpha happens to be a tad bit obsessed with her, No one liked her, not even her wolf would look at her twice. Nicole was the slave that everyone pass around. The pack's Alpha used her for his sexual pleasure, he was unmated, no one dears to tell him to stop or no to him. Nicole's father was late, but her mother would tell her the stories of her father been one of the best trackers in the pack and he was loved by all, but after he passed on no one looked at them the same.. when life was going nowhere but down, someone showed the light on her. And man was he handsome. Unable to believe it at first, Nicole was dumbfounded in the face of her mate." But he stole her without a second glace. The Alpha didn't like that very much. He didn't stop fighting for her back till his last breath, and even after that, the Luna wouldn't stop until she had her vengeance. But along the way she made friends after friends. To a mermaid to a pairs of red head, Nicole shared her love with everyone. Then when they thought they made friends with everyone, they adopted a new one.

Chapter 1

Some might think that living in a pack is one of the best things that could happen to a person. You have got family and friends surrounded you at all times. But for me, I was the omega. I was the slave/training dummy that everyone passed around. Plus, the Alpha, his hormones are all over the place and he has no one to tell him no.

I'm just his toy

I have to say though, Alpha Kane was something to look at. I might be one lucky girl to bed him, other than the fact that it isn't my choice.

That's Kinda a downfall.

Geez, where are my manners! I'm Nicole Valentine. I was born in Dripping Fang pack. 2nd most powerful in the werewolf world. I was born of two brilliant people. Courtney and Terence Valentine. Though I never met my father, my mother would always tell me his story. My father was one of the best trackers in the pack. He was beloved by all. After he passed no one looked at us the same again. They saw us as worthless without him. That is how we became omega. On the rare chance of someone having sympathy for my mother and I, someone else would tell us off quickly. I have become numb to the constant hate surrounding us.

Today was just another blurred day. I had my mother's features, Black hair that hadn't been cut in so long that it curled up around my waist and her striking green eyes. Nothing to remember my father by. My mother and I were housed at the back of the pack, lost within the shroud of dense trees in a small dismantled cabin. My mother was standing in the kitchen over the stove. She shifted her weight over to her other leg and stirred whatever was in the pan.

"Morning mamma '" I planted a kiss on her cheeks and peek over her shoulder into the pan of sizzling cheesy scrambled eggs.

"Good morning love," she greeted back with a smile. Even in the worst place in town, she still had a smile light up a room. The sun must be jealous.

"Allow me," I slipped the spatula out of her hand and slid in front of her. She chuckled and pulled the peanut butter out of the cabinet. Opening it for me, she shoved a spoon in it and turned to grab some cups. I picked up the spoon and began to eat the peanut butter while flipping the eggs.

"Did you sleep well dear?" She quirked while setting the table. I slid the eggs into some plates and twirled toward the table.

"Like a baby, you?" I said around the spoon. Though it was a lie, I didn't need her to know how horrible I slept on that store mattress of mine.

"Not too bad, that mattress isn't the best." I chuckled. How ironic. She handed my glass to me after I took my seat across from her. We are in comfortable silence for a while until she broke it with the usual morning motivation

"You know, when you find your mate he is going to swoop you off your feet and away from here." She cupped my cheek and her olive aging face frowned. I sucked in a tear and cleared my throat.

"I'm not going anywhere without you. You know that." She looked down with conflict pushing at her features. We both knew she was sick, but I wouldn't let that defeat me so easily. We both jumped when the door slammed opened. It smacked into the wall and squealed in horror. A man ducked under the frame, a mic in his ear and a bald shinning head on his shoulders

"Let's go." He grabbed my arm and ripped me from my seat. I hissed and reached out for my mother's hand.

"Nicole!" She lunged towards me but the man threw me over his shoulder.

"I love you?" Squealed.

"Stay." He barked at my mom before swiveling towards the car. I saw her face in the doorway so I blew her a quick kiss.

"I will see you, tomorrow mommy!" I yelled back, she waved me off with eyes brimming with tears. He shoved me into the back of the car and speed off before mom could change her mind.

Passing the pack, I envied what I saw. People walking down the street with smiles and no care in the world. Happiness. I leave a heavy sign and turned away from the window. He slammed on the brakes causing me to slam into the back seat. I groan and grab my throbbing head. He opened the back a roughly grabbed me. Bruises were forming around his fingers. He dragged me towards the Alpha's office. He ran some weird company that I didn't care to look into. I tried to complain when he shoved me into the elevator but it was better for me to keep quiet. There was no law against hitting omega. People filled into the elevator, a petite girl looked towards me with an arched brow. She looked at the strong grip the man had on me and hissed under her breath. I looked away from her, it was bad to stared. I jump when she grabbed my free hand gently. I looked up quickly and she whispered " sorry" to me. I smiled back sadly but yip when the doors open and I get pulled from the elevator. We walked up to a set of tail doors switch he knocked on.

"Come in," Alpha Kane's recognizable voice says from the other side. He pushed the door open and shoved me into the center of the room. I stumbled on the rug and crumpled to my knees.

"Ah, finally!" The man!" The man left instantly. I looked up to find him standing behind his desk. His brown glared at something on his desk while he ran a hand through his amber hair, ruining it quickly. He looked up and began to run his eyes along my body.

"I need a stress reliever," he hissed and shoved the paper aside. He could read the distaste on my face and smirked down at me. "Don't be like that," he hummed while lifting me to my feet. He shoved me into the door and breathed down my neck. I cringed away from him. I was used to his tricks by now and nothing he did affected me anymore. Now you might just say" run away from him!" Well, it's not that easy. He loved the bunt, the challenge I have run a few times, but he always knew I would come back to my mother.

"Let's get this over with," muttered. Anger flashed his eyes causing me to shrink into my shoulders.

"Who do you think you are?" He snapped. His claws dug into the door behind me. Chips fell into the floor. Sorry door!

"I apologize," I looked down at the floor. Though I meant it sarcastically in my head, I had to plead guilty. This man had a temper and has hurt me in the past. I wouldn't want him killing me.

"You are not going to fight today?" I shook my head then let it hang.

"No fun. Whatever. Let's do this so I can get back to work." He spoke as if I was the one asking for it. He swiped his desk then shoved me down into it. His dry chappy hips hit mine without permission. The phone rung beside my head. Growling, he reached up and clicked the speaker button while keeping himself busy with my neck.

"Sir, more pack members from an unknown pack we found at the border again. They killed another one of our citizens too, and on his corpse was a note that said: " We are coming soon.' Kane jumped up and grabbed the phone before I could hear what he had said. But I had heard it all and I had gone sheet white.

"Alex, I am busy. Take the citizen to the infirmary, we will have a funeral for his family this evening." I shut my eyes quickly and began to pant when he hung up the phone. I acted as if I hadn't heard the conversation because I was too lost in the sexual moment. If he knew I heard the conversation -who knew what he would do.

"Did you hear that?" I shook my head and acted as if I was dizzy. He smirked seductively.

"You linking this?" He whispered and twirled his hand in my hair. He soon lost himself in the sexual activities, while I acted as so.