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Luckily You Came By

Luckily You Came By

Autor: Mhiz faith .c.



Luckily You Came By PDF Free Download


After witnessing the death of his mother five years ago, William's smith turned into a heartless being as he dealt with everyone behind his mother's death. He was not just ruthless, but also emotionally unavailable till he met Ava who happens to be his employee and who was constantly maltreated by her step mother. She became the only one that could tame him whenever his beastly nature appeared. And therefore, became both his strength and weakness. Did Willam Smith succeed in taking his revenge and what happened afterwards?. Was Ava's stepmom getting punished for constantly maltreating her? And what became of Ava and Willams? Did they fall in love with each other? Join me as we take a ride in unfolding this great tale.

Chapter 1

He looked around the room. It was so organized with everything kept at it's place and for the first time since he started living in that room, it felt alive.

He looked around in search of Lily-Ann but didn't see her.

Still rubbing his drowsy eyes, he walked into the parlor where he found her talking with his mother.

He quickly hid nearby and listened to what they were saying.

"I need my phone ma, I want to speak with my friends and pay them a visit as well" Lily-Ann said to the woman.

" Is it not too early to get in touch with your friends? You just barely got married and you are already turning back to your friends? It will look like you are not happy with where you are at the moment you don't know that?" Mrs Emily asked.

She was sitting at the cushion, with her legs crossed and listening to the news on the television while Lily-Ann was standing beside her and talking.

"Is not like that ma'am, I just want to assure them that my honeymoon went fine and that" Lily-Ann replied.

"Are you sure that it is what you want to assure them of, or is there something that you are not telling me?" Mrs Emily asked.

" She wants to speak with her friends. I don't see anything wrong with that ``Jack replied as he walked in on them.

" Wow!!! You're already awake? I've been waiting up here for you. So, did you sleep well, are you okay now?" Mrs Emily asked as she looked adorable at jack.

" Give her her phone, let her speak with her friends. You really don't have to stop her after all, you always have your way around everything, ``Jack replied.

He wasn't going to watch her bully Lily-Ann. He was there to pay for the price after all.

" Is that what you want? You know the price for it right?" Mrs Emily asked.

" Yes I do, please let her" Jack replied.

" Very well then," Mrs Emily replied with a smirk on her face as she beckoned on one of the maids who was her personal maid to go and bring the phone and in the next minute, the phone was brought and handed over to Lily-Ann.

" Hand it back to her when you are done, and as for you jack, don't keep me waiting" Mrs Emily replied as she walked into her room.

"What is the price that you are going to pay for making her give me the phone?" Lily-Ann asked Jack as she dragged him back when he was about to leave.

Jack just looked at her from head to toe, removed her hands from her.

" I need to go now," he replied as he walked out on her.

What has she done now? If she hadn't demanded to speak with her friends, jack wouldn't have to pay the price for anything like that and what the hell is the price? Is this some business collaboration or a market? That woman must really be a psychopath. She was not wrong after all, or else who asks his son to pay a price for meaningless things like that? Well, she didn't force Jack to do what he had done. Moreover, he was together with his mother on this whole thing.

With this, Lily-Ann went inside the room to make the call.

She called all of her friends at the same time.

"Hey!!!!!!! Lily, is that really you?" Casey-lee shouted from the phone.

"Yes, it's really me I've missed you guys alot, and I'm very much sorry for not reaching you guys for sometime now" Lily-Ann replied.

" That's not a problem, you have reached us now, and that we are more grateful about" Bella-Jeans replied.

" I was really worried about you, how are you doing girl, I hope that you are alright?" Ella-rose asked.

" I'm very much fine girls, things are not really bad as we thought it could be. I'm being treated well here so there is no cause for alarm"Lily-Ann replied.

" Are you sure? If that's really the case there, why then did you not contact us since? Have you forgotten the real reason why you agreed to the marriage after finding out about them? Why then have you suddenly gone cold and mute?" Ella-rose asked.

"I don't think our plan will still hold again since I'm already happy here. So don't do anything, don't bother about me, I'll be good by myself. I may not be contacting you guys often from now on but just know that, I always have you guys in mind. Make sure to have all the fun you need to have while you guys are still single because when you get married like me, you wouldn't have the time for that" Lily-Ann replied.

" Huh? Is it just me, or is there anyone else that feels like Lily is saying her last words to us? Is she about to be killed?" Casey-lee asked.

" Is not only you my dear, I also feel likewise" Ella-rose and Bella-jeans replied.

" You guys should stop. I'm really fine over here. Just don't worry, I'll try my best to keep in touch though" Lily-Ann replied.

" Alright but would you also try to keep your phone on so that we can as well reach you?" Ella-rose asked.

"Well, about that, I'll see what I can do," Lily-Ann replied.

" Please see to it. So what are you doing now, how's the family?" Bella-Jeans asked to change the topic.

It was obvious that Lily-Ann was lying to them just because she didn't want to bother them or put them in danger. She should have at least made up a better lie to tell them. She doesn't know that she wasn't a good liar after all, it just makes her lies too obvious.

She kept saying she would try to keep in touch and also that she would try to keep her phone on. I mean, isn't it too obvious with just these statements of her's?

After speaking for a while with her, the call finally came to an end.

Lily-Ann also used that opportunity to call her parents, especially her mum who had told her to call her after her honeymoon and let her know how it went.

" Hello mum," she called.

" Hi Lily, how are you? I missed you" her mum replied.

" I missed you too, how is everyone?" Lily-Ann asked.

" We are fine and you? How did your honeymoon go? Hope he didn't go too hard on you? Are you sore? Did you enjoy it? I bet you would because jack is a real man" her mum ranted over and over again as Lily-Ann hissed.

A real man indeed!! If only she knew what her daughter was in.

" Yeah mum, I enjoyed it" Lily-Ann lied.

" Okay, we are doing fine here too, your sister just came back for holiday, and your brother is far overseas" her mum replied.

"Okay mum, greet them for me" Lily-Ann replied after which they talked randomly then the call ended.

Lily-Ann decided to take a walk around the house. The house was quite big, it was a three storey building.

And the rooms in total, could be 10 or so, excluding the kitchen, study, and the store. It was beautifully furnished and gave off a good vibe. As she was walking around, she noticed a different entry all together, and as she tried to take a look, she was stopped by a maid.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't go in there" the maid said.

" Alright, but may I know why?" Lily-Ann asked.

" That place is only for madam Emily's use and out of bounds for every other person" the maid replied.

" Wow…. I see!!" Lily-Ann exclaimed.

By the way, she has gone round the whole house and hasn't seen Jack. Where is he? Lily-Ann asked herself as she suddenly remembered that he must have gone to be with his mum. Does it mean that they don't even wait and must they even do it everyday? She asked as she shrugged.

She was so bored. Was she going to continue staying here everyday without going to work? This house was too big and empty. She would die of boredom if that continues.

She was going to speak with Mrs Emily later on. She decided to settle down at the parlor and watch some movies.

She was still there till it was evening time and the maids had served the food but Jack and his mum were nowhere to be found.

" Excuse me, what about my husband and his mother? Are they not part of this dinner?" Lily-Ann called one of the maids and asked her after she couldn't take it anymore.

" I don't know ma'am," the maid replied.

" You don't know? You should go and call them and let them know that food is ready" Lily-Ann replied.

" I'm sorry ma'am, I can't do that. Anytime they don't come out for dinner like that, we are asked not to disturb them as well" the maid replied.