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Mated To My Bully

Mated To My Bully

Autor: Jae



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Evelyn, a wolfless girl, is treated as nothing more than dirt by the whole pack because of her status. Nobody wants to to associated with a wolfless girl and they made sure to remind her of it everytime. Her biggest bully, however, is Dylan - the Alpha's son, so Evelyn is helpless to his taunts and bullying. She endures it all, the hope of finding her mate soon being the only thing that keeps her soul up but what happens when her mate turns out to be the man that has been making her life hell? What happens when her mate turns out to be none other than Dylan himself?

Chapter 1

The alarm clock continues to ring, and the annoying sound disturbed my sleep.

I knocked off the alarm clock, and it shattered on the ground.

I smiled in satisfaction when I heard nothing again and continued my beautiful sleep.

"Evelyn, won't you get up from the bed? Today is your resumption day." My mother yelled from the kitchen.

After food, sleeping is also what I love to do the most.

I wanted to ignore her as usual and continue my sleep until I remembered and my eyes widened in realization. Today is my school resumption day and here I am sleeping! I have even forgotten that today is my school resumption day. Fuck. I'm already late.

I sprang up from the bed quickly and dragged myself to the bathroom. I took a quick bath and rushed to the dining table.

My mother has already set the table. I sat down and started eating as if my life depended on the food.

My mother came out of the kitchen with a plate of the omelet in her hand. She put down the plate and sat opposite me.

"This is the third clock you've broken this week, Evelyn, and eating and sleeping seems to be your new favorite hobbies, aren't you afraid of getting fat?" She said to me as she scooped the bone soup in my bowl.

I drank the bone soup and licked my lips. "You are afraid of me getting fat but you won't stop feeding me."

I said, and we both laughed

My phone suddenly rang, interrupting our joyful moment. I check the caller ID. It's my best friend, Ava. I know she must have been waiting for me again.

I swung my backpack on my shoulder and kissed my mum on both cheeks.

She's my everything. My father is the Beta of the pack, but he died in a battle; I was raised alone by my mother.

I am the pack wolf-less girl. Everyone found their wolf when they were ten, but mine turned out different. I am seventeen and haven't found my wolf yet.

I was mocked for this at school, and no one wanted to befriend me except Ava.

Not only was I the only wolf-less girl in the pack, but I had snow-white hair that fell over my shoulder down my hips. The only one with such hair in the pack.

"I'm already on my way." I sent a message to my best friend, then shoved my phone in my pocket as I made my way out of the house.

The school is close to my house, and I decided to walk as usual.

I saw my friend not too far away. She was looking at the time every minute while looking around, trying to see if I was coming yet.

Her gaze landed on me, and she made her usual poker face at me. I know she would scold me again today; she did that whenever I was late but would still wait for me.

Ava put her hands on her waist, ready to scold me. "Today is the resumption day, for Goddess' sake. Why did you still come late? I have been waiting here for you for the past thirty minutes. When will you change this bad habit of yours? I won't be surprised if you came late on our graduation day,"

“But you love me….” I said in a sing-song voice

She hit my arm, and we both laughed.

Just then, a black BMW passed by, the person inside rolled down the window, and his face came into view.

He is none other than the soon-to-be Alpha, Dylan Smith - my worst fucking nightmare.

Dylan gave me his usual smirk that sent a shiver down my spine.

Ava noticed my tensed body and followed my gaze. She knew why my body tensed up when I saw Dylan Smith.

Dylan had been bullying me since I started coming to Royal High, and only Goddess knew why.

I felt Ava pat on my back, and we entered the school.

I felt everyone gaze on me as we entered into the hallway. The wolfless girl was back again. Nothing ever changed.

Ava had a history class and left me alone. I adjusted my glasses on my face as I made my way into my calculus class.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and directed their gaze to me. I held my head high but my gaze low because if I looked directly at some of them, they would take it as a challenge.

I went to my seat and found a backpack on it. I looked around in search of the bag's owner, but everyone seemed to focus back on what they were doing. I saw an empty seat not far away from mine. I carried the backpack to the empty seat and dropped it.

I sat on my seat and took out a book to read while waiting for the teacher.

The door pushed open, and Dylan and Neil entered. Everyone bowed to Dylan when he entered; he is the soon-to-be Alpha, so they must respect him.

I left my gaze low. I didn't want Dylan to notice my presence, but luck was not working on my way.

Dylan walked over to my seat.

Fear gripped me. I buried my face deeper into the book I was reading.

"Hey, little witch." I heard Dylan's deep voice behind my ear.

My body jolted up; his face was so close to my neck, and his hot breath fanned my neck, giving me goosebumps.

A faint blush appeared on my cheeks. Dylan is the actual definition of beauty. He has a face that could make any girl go crazy for him. All the girls in the pack wanted Dylan as their mate, but it was just their imagination.

Dylan is a playboy, and everyone in the pack knows him for that.

"Can't you answer me, little witch, or have you gone deaf?" he whispered softly.

I held my breath and turned my head to him. I tried to smile but failed; his usual smirk making goosebumps grow on my body.