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Alpha vs Alpha omega

Alpha vs Alpha omega

Autor: Temmy crown



Alpha vs Alpha omega PDF Free Download


She feels odd. A werewolf but her wolf is locked in. She can't bring her out even if she wants to. Born a freak to her pack. A loud howl makes her gasp out of her thoughts. She growl and push the door running out of her house. Howls echoes allover, the cold icy wind blow around her. "Morgan!" Her father maphisto yell. She turn and stare at him as he run towards her. "Go it's dangerous" maphisto say breathing hard. "No" Morgan breath out. Maphisto growl and push her away. "You're the alpha Omega wolf they will find you!"he yell and run away. Morgan inhale and wear the hood of her fur coat.

Chapter 1

Morgan POV

I smiled as I crunched the popcorn. The door opened, grandpa frank entered my room mumbling angrily. "What's wrong?" I asked with a smiled.

"Those pesky neighbors keep stealing my veggies" he answered angrily. He look at my room shocked.

"Ignore them, I'll just kill them for you" I said, trying to divert his attention from my dirty room. "Your room is a mess, clothes are everywhere, your table is a mess, look at the your walldrobe all your clothes are out side!" He exclaimed, i laughed, he smiled. He really loves me.

"So you want your hands to be stainned with blood?" He asked as he sat next to me on my bed.

He caressed my long brown hair. "I don't know, my family are werewolves,so their hands are stainned with blood. You too, you married even after finding out she was a werewolf" I explained, he laughed.

Grandpa smiled and removed his hands from my hair. He sighed and kicked my clothes which are on the ground.

"Many things happened back then, but it's your turn, your life started had to run away from your enemies at a young age" he said with a fainted smile. I place a popcorn in my mouth.

"I was 14 years plus it was two years ago" I smiled.

He nodded slowly then, stand up.

" Go to sleep, tomorrow is a new session of school" he instructed caring.

I frowned.

" You know what I did last session, I almost killed someone" I said, and pouting my lips.

"Yes....about that, don't do that again" grandpa frank laughed and walked towards the door kicking my clothes to the side.

"Okay" I groaned and laid on my bed.

"Goodnight" he whispered and switched off the lights.

I smiled. "Goodnight" I whispered then close my eyes.

I woke up feeling energetic as usual. I freshened up, stared at the mirror combing my long brown hair. It's reaching my butt.

I carried my backpack and ran out of the room.

I walked down the 5 step stairs sliding my hands on the wall.

The sitting room is joined with the kitchen and grandpa watching the game . I smiled.

" Morning" I greeted and Walked to his front.

"! You're already dressed, what's the occasion?" He asked with a smile.

He's joking.

"School grandpa and I want food" I drew the double o words.

He sighed and handed me a pack of beef jerky.

"Take this" he laughed .

I frowned "bye" I groaned and walked away from him, opened the door then, out of the house.

My life is a complicated life. Am used to people hating me. I really miss my pack. The harmony and so on. Here, I always get into fights with the humans. If I had the chance I would eat them. I'm still developing. I have my werewolf instincts, which has helped me really well. For the fact I have all the werewolves attributes but can't transform really bugs me.

I walked into the school compound and off course all eyes are on me.

Wow! Many students.

I sniffed, principal Steve.

"Morgan Charles" he called and appeared at my front. I smiled and waved nervously.

"Hi principal Steve" I forced a smile.

"It's a new session, I want it to be prefect, so don't cause any trouble or else" he warned and walked away.

I sighed in relief and rolled my eyes

I stared at the main school building it's renovated and colourful. I walked into the building, entering the hall ways. All eyes are still on me.

Gosh! I walked to my locker.

Then sniffed Talia is coming. I turned, she gasped and forced a laughter. She was obviously startled. "You scared me" she giggled,arranging her glasses.

"Missed you" I said happily as we hugged then disengaged.

" was your holiday?" She asked eager to know.

I sighed and put my hands in my pocket.

"Staying at home with my mumbling grandfather" I answered, she laughed.

" Awwwwwwn..I went to the country side so fun" she giggled.

I smiled nodding slowly.

The bell rang and everyone rushed to class.

Well except me, i have decided to settle down and eat my beef jerky.

I tore the wrap off.

As I took a bite, I sniffed then growl.

"Werewolf not from my pack" I whispered and take a step to follow the scent.

"Morgan!" Principal Steve yelled.

I groaned and with a forced smile, looking at him.

"Go to class now!" He instructed angrily.

I frowned and run to class. Good thing no teacher yet, the class is filled up only one empty chair at the back of the class. Damn! all eyes are on my again.

"Hi" I waved nervously. I don't really care.

"So the freak is back" Lola said with a scoff she's a londe haired freak. She's pretty though.

Trisha and vera, they are Lola followers .

They laughed stupidly backing up Lola.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring them.

I walked to the back of the class and take my sit.

I should find who was that, I'm sure it was a werewolf. I will find him or her immediately after class. This is my territory.

Finally, the boring class is over. I sniffed around but nothing. I relaxed my back against my locker and inhaled deeply. Students that passed by are staring and whispering to each other.

Lola, Trisha and Vera walked to my spot

"Why don't you just leave this school? You did a lot last session" Lola smirked.

"Seems all that makeup you apply are affecting your brain cells" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You....!" Vera yelled but Lola stopped her and smiled at me.

"I will make your life miserable in every possible way" Lola smiled evilly.

I smiled and showed her my tongue mocking her. She gasped and walked away with her girls.

" Fool" I scoffed and sniffed.

"The smell" I gasped and start running following the smell.

I pushed Lola and the girls out of my way.

I continued running until I reach principal Steve office.

He stared at me.

"Morgan, it's good you're here, show this young man around timber high" he smiled.

The scent is leading to the guy he's sitting on the chair which is facing principal Steve.

He is white haired, I'm at his back.

I walked to the side and look at him

He smirk wow! He has green eye balls.

He stand up immediately and placed his hands in his pocket.

We stared at each other.

"Show him around Morgan" principal Steve said, interrupting the stare.

I looked at him and nod

I and the werewolf guy walked out of the office.

"You know don't have to do this" the werewolf guy said I look at him.

"You think I want to?" I asked with a scoffed.

We walked to the main hall.

And off course, girls are staring and giggling at the guy.

The feeling of a force landing at me from my back suddenly came.

I turned and gasped shocked as the werewolf boy catch Jason's wrist.