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Restricted To Luna

Restricted To Luna

Autor: Shivi J



Restricted To Luna PDF Free Download


Alice, a beautiful talkative girl, used to live her life on her mother's directions and rules, wanted to explore forests to disprove werewolves existence. But there she will face some other shocking truth about her own life that she is herself a werewolf. James, a werewolf, about to be the next Alpha after his father, started feeling attraction towards her in first glimpse. Jasper, father of James, warned him about his closeness with Alice can be dangerous for him and ordered him to stay away from her. What will happen when James will lose his control on himself and started following Alice against his father's wish. How Alice was not aware of being a warewolf in her whole life? Will James lose his position of Alpha? Will he be able to win his love?

Chapter 1

Author's P.O.V

A girl was trying to escape from the window of her parents' room and a man was standing outside on ground waiting for her.

"Hey Alice. Jump fast girl. We don't have much time. Your parents' will be back in anytime." A man shouted seeing Alice standing near the window to jump.

"Stop shouting Steve. Can't you see it is too high to jump from here." Alice replied with stress on her face.

"Then drop this idea and sit back in your room. You can just talk big but good for nothing." Steve replied with a huff.

"Shut up Steve. I'll jump. I wanna explore those forests. It's my dream." Alice said while taking a step to jump from the window.

But someone from inside the room held her hand at that moment and pulled her back.

"Ugh. Mom how can you come back so soon." Alice said shockingly seeing her mother standing behind her with frown on her face.

"I am coming on time little girl. It's you who had taken so much of time to run away from here." Mother said while holding her ear tightly that made her scream.

"Ah Mom! Please leave my ear. I really want to achieve my dreams. Also I have started feeling restless while not working on my goals. So please let me go and prove the world that there is nothing like supernatural powers in the universe." Alice said with a pleading face.

Her mother saw some spark in her eyes that was not showing her wish childish. She felt sharp pain in her chest after seeing Alice's determination to do research on supernatural powers.

"She'll not listen to me if I'll try to stop her now. I just have to make sure that she can never find out about her real identity." Her mother thought in her mind while leaving Alice's ear.

"Mom! I'll be back from there in fifteen days. Also, I'll remain in contact with you and inform you everything about my whereabouts and howabouts." Alice started speaking non-stop seeing her mother thinking something.

"Okay but only on one condition. This pendant will always remain touched with your neck. You'll not tug it out in any condition. Moreover, you'll do your reserach in the nearer forests of this town. You are not allowed to go far away from me." Her mother asked for the promise in return of her going out for some days while pointing at the pendant that Alice was already wearing.

Alice looked at her neck, there was a pendant hanging by a thin silver chain that she used to wear from her childhood.

"Sure Mom. You don't have to ask me for it. I just love this pendant. It feels so good wearing it. It is like some kind of reflection of moon." Alice said while hugging her mom with a genuine smile on her face.

"I am sorry mom but my heart always wanted to go to those so called "home of werewolves" forests and I'll go there." Alice was apologising to her mom in her heart.

After that she broke the hug and Steve knocked on the door at the same time.

"I'll take care of her my future mother-in-law. You can keep yourself calm." Steve said while standing beside Alice.

Soon she and Steve were out of the house. Steve was driving the car towards their destination.

They reached there after ten hours of drive.

"Alice. Take the weapons with yourself. It can be risky to walk inside with empty hands." Steve said while pulling out a knife and a gun from the car.

"I am here to prove that there is nothing that kind of things and you are telling me to carry weapons. Don't worry Steve. This forest will not harm us." Alice said while walking inside the forest.

"Just look at these trees Steve, here are footprints of some animal. It'll definitely be of wolves." Alice said with a shine in her eyes.

She was saying it with joy at which Steve was getting confused.

"But you said that you wanna disprove their existence. Then why are you being excited seeing these footprints." Steve asked her with confusion.

"It'll definitely be drawn by some human, Steve. There are also footprints of humans. I was just excited to meet that artist who had done this art in forest." Alice said while walking deep inside the forest.

It was evident from her body language that she was not feeling any kind of fear in her body.

"Alice we should stop right here. We are walking towards the middle of the forest. It can be difficult for us to get out from here later." Steve said while noticing the sky is getting dark.

"I also want to stop Steve but my heart is pulling me somewhere. I'm feeling like getting hypnotized with something. You look by yourself, the sound that leaves of these trees are creating is so melodious. Also, the sweet fragrance of the flowers and fruits is hitting my nose hardly. It is forcing me more to explore this forest." Alice said while opening her arms and feeling all the positive energies around herself.

Steve looked around himself and gulped the saliva down from his throat while feeling stressed. He was feeling completely opposite in that forest. The darkness that has just started to spread in the forest is making its feel more horrible.

"I think you have really gone hypnotized with something Alice. The sound that is sounding melodious to you is actually horrible. The fragrance that you are feeling sweet is of rotten fruits and flowers. Please come out of your dream forests Alice. It's being difficult to breathe here now." Steve said while covering his mouth and nose with his hands.

Alice stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Stop being the adventure spoiler Steve. I'm not going to move back until I'll find any strong evidence." Alice said while shaking her head at him.

Alice started walking speedily after that and Steve was trying to match her speed.

"You are really a good athlete Alice and I know that without a doubt. Please walk slow." Steve said being breathless.

"Oh Steve! You have such a low stamina. How can we reach to the other end of the forest till night. This forest is the smallest in comparison or the other forests that are near." Alice said with sharp eyes.

Steve smirked with naughtiness looking at Alice from top to bottom.

Alice carries very attractive personality. Her almond-shaped blue eyes deep like ocean can hypnotize anyone to dive deep into them. Her blonde hair were perfect at her snow like skin. Her cherry lips were looking so tempting that were hiding crystal clear sharp teeth behind them.

Alice snapped her fingers in front of his eyes with a blushing look on her face.

Steve came out from the hypnotic appearance of Alice while still having that naughty smile on his face.

"I don't like to show my stamina in all these things Alice. I have one more way to show you my stamina." Steve said smiling sheepishly.

Alice took a broken twig from the soil and looked devilishly at Steve.

Steve's back went straight in no time seeing Alice being serious.

"Please save this look for the wolves if you unknowingly bumped into one of them. They'll also get scared of this look of yours." Steve said while raising his right cheek little up to make a smirk look and create a huh sound.

"Steve You are so difficult to make quiet. Please shut your mouth and let me collect evidences atleast if you can't do it." Alice said while moving ahead.

Suddenly she heard a hard sound of someone or something falling on the ground.

Her heart got a strong shock that made her body shaken also. She stopped instantly in that moment while turning back slowly with her shaking body.