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Her Alpha

Her Alpha



Her Alpha PDF Free Download


Elena is captured by a rival pack after an attack that resulted in the death of her family members. Reduced to the role of an Omega, she endures hard labor amidst mockery and ostracism from fellow Omegas. Fate intervenes when she is assigned to serve the pack's Luna. Eventually, she aids the new Alpha in escaping an accusation of patricide after his father's death. Will she choose to assist him in reclaiming his honor and rightful position, despite knowing he was responsible for her father's death? And what will happen when she discovers he is her fated mate?

Chapter 1

Far off beneath the Human world; hidden mysteriously in the thickets beyond their reach was a Castle; an ancient fortress that encased supernatural inhabitants. Werewolves; bloodthirsty creatures lurking in the dark but wrapped in boundless ages of civility, keeping up with their own pact with the Humans; to stay away and remain inexistent for eternity.

Elena was a Werewolf; a resolute female with ravishing beauty but encamped in a world of misfortune. Her parents were slaughtered five years earlier and she was taken captive by the Lycan camp, declassed to an Omega.

The reminiscence of the fatal incident kept her struggling in her sleep. "Run Elena, run my Child." she heard her mother's declining voice urging her to run. Elena engrossed in the horrific hallucination from memories of the gruesome encounter suddenly bounced back to consciousness; her heart pounding to the beat of the stomps she made while running in her dream. Perspiration ran down all through her body. Elena looked out through the window of the little space she was given to sleep in on the attic and realized it was dawn.

"Hell no! I am late!" she said jumping out from her petite bed. She made her way to join the other Omegas.

"You are late." Hela hushed at her, uneager to listen to the explanation she was about to give. The other Omegas rolled their eyes in a disparage and kept on distancing themselves from the mangy looking Omega.

"The Luna has requested for some Omegas to assist with preparations for the Coronation Ceremony of the new Alpha." Hela said after clearing her throat to call the attention of some of the Omegas whose eyes were glued at Elena and remarkable thoughts of disgust evident from their gestures.

"Some of you would have to go there and begin their task while the rest remain here with me." Hela continued. Glancing at the fifteen Omegas lined up in front of her, she pointed out four of the females and signaled to them to step aside.

Elena was very glad that she Was not pointed out; she was expectant of it but still hoped that it could be the case.

"On a second thought, Elena you will go with them; your input here has no relevance." Hela said almost immediately.

"But I thought..." Elena said compelled by the sudden disappointment that filled her heart.

"You thought what?" Hela cut her short "I didn't know you were in the position to tell me what to do." she retorted.

Elena simply bent her head; none of the Omegas had ever been brave enough to even speak up in front of Hela, not even the male Werewolves. She was ruthless and commanded great respect in the Pack.

"You will do exactly what I say and how I say it without questioning, you get it?" Hela grabbed Elena by her neck tightening her palm as though in an attempts to crush her gullets. Elena struggled for air; her legs dangling in space. When she was certain that she had choked her enough, Hela unhanded her; allowing her to land forcefully on the hard floor making a thud.

"Your task begins at dawn tomorrow!" Hela said emphatically and left.

The scene launched shivering discords in the body of the other Omegas who thought Hela was going to clip her fangs into Elena and end her existence. Luckily, Elena had some life remaining in her. She lay on the floor panting; gasping for air.

Being certain that she was not dead, they left her and made way to begin their task for the day. Elena got up after a while and made her way to join the others. She held her neck while she walked to the Castle keep to begin her task.

"She attempted to speak up: I hope she has learnt her lessons today." Lucy one of the female Omegas said. Clearly she was certain that Elena heard her but grudgingly glared at her brushing her aside as she walked past her.

Elena almost fell to the ground but managed to keep up her stamina. She was weak and some of her bones weakened from the crash. She still felt pain all over her body. Especially her neck, but she dared not to remain idle or she could definitely meet a worse fate.

"You dig like a pup; such a lazy Wolf. I bet your Pack must be so glad of your disappearance, little wonder they abandoned you." Jake said to Elena. The others laughed out loudly at what he said now being so observant as Elena struggled to dig with her mattock.

Those words stung her in her soul but Elena knew that there was nothing good that could come out of replying to any of their ridicule.

The task for the day was to dig out sizeable stones from the ruins in the barbican and fill parts of the gatehouse with them. The other Omegas knew that she was unfit for digging but chose to punish her for whatever offence they felt she committed.

Elena was the youngest among them and the only Werewolf who was of age and not yet shifted; the others had shifted between the ages of thirteen to fifteen. She was seventeen and the only thing that could tell that she was a Wolf was the color of her eyes; Golden and with a deep stare could send out rays as though were from the sun.

Elena didn't seem bothered by the fact that she had not been able to shift even though she was taunted for it. The memories from the trauma she faced five years earlier created a loophole in her which made her wolf-side withdraw especially in the face of danger. She partly blamed herself for not being able to assist her parents during the attack and wished she had been able to defend her mother who was torn apart by Darius the Beta of Lycan Pack.

Elena held an intense abhorrence for the royal family. She could still remember Bruce ripping out her father's heart from his chest. The heartbreaking scene played regularly in her heart and she swore that she would take her revenge.

Working in the Royal Chambers was going to be a nightmare for her; a constant reminder of the horrible experience she had. But she dared not defy Hela's order or she would have her head on a platter.

The next morning; as early as the touchdown of dusk she was already up and on her way to begin her new task. She got there and was directed to the Luna.

"You are not to serve here are you?" Tala asked taking a closer look at the shabby looking Omega that was sent to her.

Elena couldn't raise her bent head; she wasn't sure of what to reply. Standing there, she only hoped to be sent back on account of her appearance which totally was not any fault of hers.

"Your appearance is squalid. Be sure to be far away from my son; we wouldn't want to have you swarm him over with your vermin." Tala says, takes a disparage look at her then says; "Keep your distance and we will have no problem." then she started walking away.

"Definitely; I wouldn't want to behold the sight of the Devil himself." Elena muttered almost immediately.

"Did you speak?" Tala asked turning abruptly but the Omega made a head shake indicating that she didn't say anything.

"You will make yourself useful in the Castle hall." Tala said returning to her. Then she glared at her, bent closely to her ear and warned; "Stay miles away from my Bruce." Tala then walked away leaving the Omega at the Courtyard.

Being certain that she had left, Elena slightly raise her head and took an obnoxious look at the Luna. Her heart was filled with passionate hatred but she was sure to notify herself of her poor and unfortunate condition. At that point also, she felt the urge to run away but the Castle was heavily guarded so the thought of escaping disappeared as soon as it came through.

She was still engrossed in her preoccupation when a voice startled her from behind; "What are you doing there?"