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Love Above All

Love Above All

Autor: Clove



Love Above All PDF Free Download


“Do you trust me, Hailey?” he asks as he looks deep into my eyes. Our eyes locked and the whole world fades away, it looks deep into my soul, as if the answer to his question was there. Thinking about it, my mind tries to come up with something not to trust him, but nothing. He was in fact a man I do not know, hell I did not know his name even. But there was this feeling that for some reason I do know him. “a little.. maybe” is all I could say, while I took another sip of the wine still locked in his gaze. “If I ask that you submit to me with your whole body, will you?” his voice was husky. Again, I do not know what to answer. Can I give in just for one night? Would I give in for once, to feel for once how it would feel to be desired? What happens when myth turns to reality. How far would one go to find love?

Chapter 1

Steam fills the bathroom as I lay in the bath, relaxing after a shift at the Misty Mountain Bar. Today was my second day and it seems that the whole town was there. It was a cozy bar, a little dance floor in the middle with a carved wooden bar. There were tables arranged around the dance floor with a small podium for when there was a band playing. If there was no band, there was music on the surround sound system. I do not know who choose the music, but it was from way back when, you could almost see the old cowboy bar with ladies in their long dresses trying to get the attention of the cowboy’s. Urg, if it was me, I would go for something more modern like Nirvana.

My mind drifts to the people I met working at the bar. Hanna she was a beautiful black-haired girl, little bit younger than me. She had dark brown eyes with its long lashes making her look younger than she is. Her body was what us other girls just stare at and wish we could look like that. It was a body for the front page of Vogue with guys drooling over its pages. Why could I not look like that? Well just my luck, which I do not have any off.

John was the guy at the door, he was built with muscles as hard as a rock. He had a warming smile but a look that said, ‘DO NOT mess with me’. I would just give him a smile going in and out of the bar, not really talking to him. He would just nod.

Then there was Jack with his cute smile but that was the only thing that was cute. His breath was a mixture of smoke and alcohol. A smell I will never get used to as it brings back the memories of days when I thought that there was a thing, they called love. That four letter word that makes people crazy.


In what fantasy world do they live in. It only happens in myths like werewolves, vampires, and witches. Yes, I love reading these kinds of books and the girl always gets the best man and all the love that will keep any girl happy for ever.

Puff, I was that naive once. How big a fool I was? Listening to ‘Love on the rocks’ from Neil Diamond on my little radio inside the bathroom, I feel a tight grip on my heart as I remember the way me and Erick were. Tears starts to run slowly down my cheek.

He was loving, devoted, and promised me the love and protection for ever and ever “To death do us part”. We met in high school as he was the hunk, every girl wanted to be with. I was the nerdy girl that helped him with homework. Till we become friends nobody at school knew about and like they say the rest was history. Ye right, till that big day….

Flash back

I am standing I front of the mirror. My A-line V-neck Tulle lace Wedding dress looks beautiful against my tanned skin. My hair is done in an lose bun with curls going down my face. There are fresh flowers in my hair. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. Looking at the ring on my finger turning it around and around remembering the day he asked me to marry him. We have been walking in the park eating ice-cream when he turns to me and just said,

“Marry me”. He then goes on to one knee as gives me this ring. It was like something out of a movie. I was so overwelled that I said yes without thinking. He wanted me, not one of the other girls with their model bodies but me. Even though I have a little bit of fat around my middle, he wanted me. We were together for a year and have been living together for 4 months. He was my first but even though sex was not as everybody said it would be “mind blowing” it was something. Something I told myself is different for each person.

Then my thoughts go to my mom and dad, I wish they could have seen me today. Getting tears in my eyes, I know I must try holding it back as I do not what to ruin my make-up. For them to be with me for this big day in every girl’s life. Mom would have me mad with making sure everything was perfect from my dress, the church to the reception. Nothing would have been 100% for her. Dad would have been the one to try to calm her with nice words and his little kisses or just holding her hand telling her everything would be perfect. But they were killed in an explosion when I was 12 years old. I have been living with family, traveling around as soon as they got tired of me.

Stopping in front for the church my heart starts to race. I try taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. This is it in a few minutes I will be MRS. Hailey Thompson. The wife of one of the upcoming new partners in a big lawyers’ firms in the city. As I step up to the church, I feel that something is wrong. Erick’s friend Michael in standing at the door with a note in his hand.

Handing me the note I could see the sorrow in his eyes. His hand shacking.

Dear Hailey

I am sorry, but I cannot do this.


It was all that the note said. Staring at the note I could not believe it; this is a joke right. Running into the church I could see all our friends sitting there but no Erick. Turning around I waited for him to come out of the side door saying ‘Got you’ with a smile on his face. But all I see is them, did they know? They were looking at me some with questioning eyes others with sorrow. He left me at the altar. Just like that?

My heart was in a million pieces, I could not breath. Why, why was I not good enough. Did I not fit into his plans for the future? Or what did I do that would him do this to me?

End of flash back

I climb out of the bath, my brain still going through my past.

After that day I moved from small town to small town looking for myself. Until I found this town. As I entered it, something in me told me here is where I needed to stay, as if something great was waiting for me in this town with its small houses with neatly kept gardens. People walking, laughing and just the feel of a warm ‘family’. My new apartment is small but is all I need. I put on my pj’s and plump myself on to my single bed for the rest my body craves.

Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep. Clinging to one of my pillows in my arms.

He is standing at the back of me, I feel his eyes on my back. I feel his hands as it travels from my shoulders to my waist with feather light touches. I know he was huge as his hands were about the size of my waist, his shadow that is cast before me tells me of brought shoulders and a what, cowboy hat? I could not see his face as the light was from behind him but his hair, I could see is about shoulder length. A shiver of pleasure runs downwards to my core. Bringing his head slower down. He places open mouth kisses on my neck, sucking and nipping on the skin of my collarbone. I can feel the tickles of his beard, I think is about 2 days old as it rubs against me skin. I give a little moan as I feel my arousal making me wet. But I was frozen in my spot and could not turn around.

What the hell, I made a promise after that day at the church that I would never love again. If the need arises, I will take care of it myself. No love attached. I do not believe in that anymore. But this was different I left like I belonged; this man loved me? With the way he kisses me, he wanted to, not like Eric that never kissed me. If I did not kiss him, I would never have gotten a kiss. It was also just a pick on the lips as he said he does not do the open mouth thing as he did not like it. But who was this person that can make me moan in pleasure and wish that he would put his hands and crock there where I need them the most with just a touch and his kisses?

I wake up feeling hot and knowing that sleep will not be coming again any time soon. I got up and decided to get ready for my swift. Taking a cold shower, I keep feeling the loss of the touch of this dream man. Really Hailey it was just a dream. I tell myself trying to come to terms of what the hell was happening to me. Shaking my head to see if that would help clearing my thoughts.

After my shower, I got dressed in my jeans, my favorite boots, and a light green trunk top. Setting down to the bar which is about 3 blocks away.

“Hi, Hailey” Adrian’s voice rings through the bar as I open the door. He was a sweet tubby older man with some bold spots in his hairline. The dimples in his face made him just adorable.

“What are you doing here, your shift is not for another hour?” He said with a smile.

“I could not sleep and thought of coming to keep busy” I say as a long sigh leaves my mouth.

Going through the bar making sure everything is ready for the rush of the night she knew was coming but something was off. She keeps feeling that tonight her world will chance. But how?

At 10 pm the bar starts to fill with all sorts of people. There was cowboys, locals, and some lady’s with only one thing in mind. That was to get a cowboy in their bed. Running around getting orders her feet felt as if they were going to be sore for how knows how long. Suddenly she feels eyes on her as she stands at the bar waiting for her order to finish. A shiver goes down her spine. She shakes her head; it is just the rush and tiredness that is getting to her. She feels the same emotion as she did in her dream, her arousal coming like a tsunami. Standing there, she presses her legs together trying to keep the wetness at bay. She sure is now about to run down on the inside of her jeans.

Suddenly she hears a voice bring her back out of her trance.

“Hey you slow bitch! Do not make me wait any longer or you will be paying for the drinks, and I will show you what I do to get people who are slow!” a voice ring out. The voice was hoarse, and you could hear that he had a bit too much to drink.

I hear a low growl coming from my back, am I dreaming? Jip that must be it! No normal person growls, do they?

I was just about to turn around on my way to the guy that shouted at me for being slow when I feel it. The hands on my shoulders, the sparks traveling downward as if I was not wet enough. Closing my eyes, I try to keep my breath as normal as I could. Swallowing the moan that was about to leave my lips. My dream I am reliving it! Oh God please tell me it is not happening. My mind is playing tricks on me. I really need to rest; I am starting to get delusional.

As I open my eyes, I see it. In the mirror at the back of the bar with the light coming from the dance floor. The shadow, the brought shoulders, the cowboy hat. It was him, but how can it be, did I pass out or something. I feel his lips on my neck. Then I hear his husky voice in my ear.

“Mate. You are mine” his deep voice made me feel a tingle in my heart. As if it was the words, I was longing to hear all my life.

The next moment everything swirls, and the darkness consumes me.