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His Captor

His Captor

Autor: Sunshine D



His Captor PDF Free Download


Christian Dee has always been fascinated by Iris White the first time he met her at the Dee's annual party held every September. Christian wanted her for himself and no one else. So he devised a plan to capture her. Iris white had no idea what she was getting herself into when she decided to go for that party.

Chapter 1

  Christian Dee

  "Why do I have to attend this party every year" Christian questioned his grandmother. After losing his parents Christian had to live with his grandparents, since he had no siblings and his grandparents had no children he had to live in the big Dee mansion alone with his lovely but old grannies.

  His best friend Duke Mason he met while in high school had been more than the brother he never had. They were very close and never did anything without each other. Duke was the nice and cool among them while Christian was a ruthless no nonsense guy.

  Other friends didn't know how the two of them were still friends and very close. Because they were just tow different people. While Duke was nice and treated others nice, Christian on the other hand was just heartless.

  He had never been in any serious relationship just flings here and there. But Duke was engaged to be married in two months.

  "Christian, remember we do this every year. Its a tradition. The day gramps and I are not here anymore you will have to continue the legacy with your wife" his grandmother smiled.

  Christian laughed "haha....gramps you don't miss a chance to talk about my marriage" he said while snuggling her. He always does that to get his grandmother to stop talking about marriage.

  Duke walked in with Madison laughing while talking.

  "Get a room" Christian shouted as the couple got close. "Good evening granny" Duke and Madison greeted Christian's grandmother. "If it's not my favourite couple who else will it be. How is the wedding plans going....??"she asked

  "Granny, can we get ready the guest will be arriving soon" Christian interrupted his grandmother quickly before she started with him getting married soon.

  They descended downstairs to welcome the guest while laughing


  Iris Dee

  The invitation to this party was impromptu. As a new resident in California Iris didn't expect any invitation from the wealthy Dee family. Mrs Dee was a nice old woman who owned a little floral shop where she gave free flowers out. Iris White had been intrigued by the old woman the first day they met.

  She had wanted to purchase flowers for her students on her first day of resumption. Mrs Dee had refused the money but told her to pass by anytime she was free. Their relationship started from there. She visited the floral shop as often as she could.

  Today she was at the ever talked about Dee mansion. She has heard alot about it from her students but today being here she can understand why everyone exaggerated about it.

  It was more than that what people have described it to be. It was elegant, full of glamour and glory. There was something different about this place. Iris was looking around when she heard her name.

  "Miss White" she turned to see Mrs Dee smiling with two young men and a beautiful lady by her side. The young men looked soo handsome but one caught her attention. She could tell the other young man and lady were a couple by how they looked at each other and talked.

  "Mrs Dee" she said and run slowly to hug the old lady while stunning the young people by he side.


  Christian Dee

  He was mesmerised by the young lady who hugged his grandmother. He knew his grand mother was a mother to alot of people but this lady looked strange. His grandmother hardly invited young people to their annual party especially a young lady since most got close to her to get to him. "This one must be special" Christian thought.

  "Children meet Miss Iris White, my new acquaintance" his grandmother introduced the lady. "Miss White, meet Christian, my grandson, Duke his bestfriend and Madison his fiancee" she added.

  "Nice to meet you" said Iris with a smile.

  Christian saw his gramps chatting with one of their business partner, he excused himself and went over to them.

  Christian didn't miss a chance to glare at Iris from time to time by his grand mother's side. The two of them looked like they knew each other very well.

  His grand mother was a nice person but the way he chatted and smiled at this young lady was very different. She doesn't even have that connection with Madison eventhough she has known her since infancy.

  Madison Thompson was the daughter of their next door neighbour. She was a good girl and very nice She was one of the few lady friends of Christian. His grandmother thought they would've have ended up together but fate had something else in store for her. Duke and Madison became great friends immediately they met at one of their annual party and up to date they've been inseparable since.

  Christian came back to reality when he noticed Iris standing alone sipping water. He left his gramps and their business partner alone to join Iris White.

  "Miss White, why are you standing alone sipping water" he startled her. "Well, I hardly know anyone here so what else can I do than to be standing alone sipping water" she said coyly.

  Christian noticed Iris was an endowed woman. Her skin was soo smooth. Her eyes shone bright like the moon. Her lips was something else like it was specially curved by a wood man. She wore a loose ball gown but he still noticed her curves. He wanted to take her to his bed right now and do things that both of them will regret later. He has never been acquainted with the young ladies his grand mother brought home nor had such thoughts about them and here was he having fantasies about Miss White. The thought of her name made his dick rise slightly. He must be crazy thinking about those things now.

  He came to question her what she wanted with his grandmother since most of the ladies who befriended his granny wanted a piece of him and their fortune.

  But this one was something else he couldn't pin his mind on. She looked different and he hoped he was right.

  He gathered courage which he has never lacked to

  question her. "What are you plans with my grandmother, Miss White."