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Nina Night

Nina Night

Autor: Lily sky



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This book contains sexual abuse, physical abuse, inappropriate language and a underdog rising to the top. I was never meant to be born, yet I was born a natural born alpha, reduced to an omega of the pack and slave to my parents, rejected by my fated mate and abandoned by my inner wolf at fifteen I run and never dare to look back.

Chapter 1

The pack doctor walked into Morgana's Room with a long needle and syringe the Alpha stood holding his mates hand as she was hooked up to machines to monitor the twins growing within her

"Alpha, Luna," the pack doctor bowed "I want to warn you once more that this operation is dangerous"

Alpha Mark waved his hand dismissively "we don't want the female, I need a male heir an alpha not a weak female omega born stealing the alpha title from my male heir"

The pack doctor nodded his head but didn't move closer.

"She could be born last we could try to make sure the male is born first my Alpha"

the doctor tried one last attempt to try to sway his alpha from terminating the female of the twins growing inside his lunas belly.

The alpha growled at the pack doctor

"I don't want to risk it I only want the male pup continue with the procedure"

The doctor looked at his Luna who was scowling at him

"Continue" she snapped

The doctor sighed and nodded stepping up to his Luna and the operation table.

"I could be wrong it could be two males in ther-"

"ENOUGH" the Alpha warned

"We only need one make sure it's a male you don't terminate, Morgana is young and healthy she can give me more pups later on but I need an alpha heir now a male one terminate the omega" the Alpha demanded. The doctor took the cap off the syringe while watching the screen of the two babies growing in his Luna's belly he inserted the needle slowly hitting one of the babies and injecting the wolfsbane into the fetus.

"It's done Alpha" he bowed and left the room feeling sick and disappointed.

Chapter 1 beginning

"Devena" the Luna yelled.

I came running from the room I was cleaning

"Yes mo- my Luna" I bowed my head grinding my teeth silently.

"Is Alfs room clean, he will be home any time now and I haven't seen him in ten years, we need it perfect the Alpha ceremony is this weekend. Get this fucking house cleaned NOW" she bellows at me.

"The room is spotless Luna I'll make sure the rest of the rooms are ready and everything is cleaned, decorated and ready for this weekend" I said turning away only to have a fist full of hair being pulled until I was facing the Luna her eyes glowing slightly red.

"Are you disrespecting me omega bitch" she seethed in my face

"I did not dismiss you yet"she finished by throwing me to the stairs next to us and walks away muttering about the useless omega pack member. I hated her, shit I hated them all this pack this house all of them yet I still couldn't help but to try to make them happy the Luna hated me but the alpha despise me the most he blamed me for being born and for absorbing my twin brother in the Luna my mothers womb. I wasn't meant to be born but as I lie dying inside my mother my twin brother gave me everything he had and I end up being the one to survive.

And they hated me for it all, they blamed me and I wasn't the one that tried to mess with fate now instead of being named the alpha heir they all labeled me as omega no one in the pack knew the Alpha and Luna were actually my parents. Instead The Alpha title was going to Alf my father had a younger adopted brother whom he killed and took his son to raise as his own they spoiled the bastard and we're giving him the alpha title. Because fate made sure she got hers the Luna had complications given birth to me which led to her not being able to carry any more children for the alpha.

Instead he has many mistresses I use to think he would kill her and take a new Luna if he could knock one of them up they were not fated mates. But apparently he hasn't got what it takes anymore and instead of waiting to see any longer he is passing the title to Alf. And is going to sit back collecting while the bastard runs the pack and businesses for him.

I sigh rubbing my already bruised hip and head off to finish cleaning.

It was the middle of the night and I was hiding in the corner of the attic that was supposed to be my room yeah right if you could call it a room. It was loaded with boxes of junk and things that the pack didn't want but wouldn't get rid of. It was nice to hide thing in though I had a steady growing box of cash I was collecting slowly taking from the higher members in the pack. They would never believe I took it I played the weak scared omega card to well. But I would be set when I could figure out what to do with my life.

The Alpha blamed the Luna for his cash always going missing and she blamed his whores. The Alpha ceremony was last night I didn't go I wasn't allowed we still had visitors and they would be here for a few more days so I was not allowed to leave the attic yet.

"Hey I need food come and cook me something" I heard someone yelling into the attic from the door way. I ignored them I was not getting my ass handed to me for leaving this room, even if I was starving. I was only just barely fifteen years old so my wolf wasn't able to come out yet. I could hear her she was my best friend but she wasn't accessible yet so the hidden pop tarts I had in one of the stored boxes would at least hold me over until our visitors left.

"HELLO" the male voice called again he did have a sexy voice I would admit that much I thought and heard someone stomping there way towed me. Shit no one was supposed to be up here i turned to move into the boxes when a tall handsome shifter stepped into the open. He had to be in his late teens. He stopped abruptly and stared at me for several minutes I was getting slightly uncomfortable with his intense stare.

"Your not supposed to be up here Alphas orders" I meekly whispered looking down.

He slowly made his way closer to me.

"I'm an exception, Damn you smell good" he said.

I jerked my head up looking at him like he could be crazy. Only to find him with an evil smirk on his face. I took a step back, well tried to but he grabbed my arm before I got to far.

"My mother said your the go to bitch I was going to make you cook something for me, but now I want something else" he said yanking me against him pulling my hair back and kissing me. I remained frozen what the hell was he doing and pushed against his chest, only to have him hold me tighter and growl at me aggressively. I bit his lip in an attempt to distract him and to move away only to be smacked harshly to the ground. My ears were ringing when I felt him kneeling down over me I tried to scoot back but he grabbed my shirt ripping it down the center. That's when I freaked and started kicking him and missing his nuts he hit me harder this time and I slightly blacked out coming to with him taring off my thin leggings.

"Stttoop" I cried out

"Shut the fuck up" he growled taking off his shirt. I tried to kick him again when he was distracted undoing his jeans only to be hit a third time.

I came to with him naked between my legs just penetrating me and started to scream. He put his hand over my mouth and commanded.

"CALM DOWN I am your new Alpha and you will do as I say" he growled thrusting his penis into me it hurt so bad but my mouth was covered. I tried to call out for someone anyone. Most shifters were sexually active once they hit fifteen and started looking for there mates females didn't recognize them until eighteen but males could find them as soon as fifteen. I myself wanted to wait for my mate not that anyone in the pack wanted to touch me but still. This fucker took my choice away from me. It didn't last long thankfully he finished quickly panting over me he removed his hand.

"I Alf, Alpha of the Norris pack reject you as my fated mate and future Luna" he said climbing off of me. I looked at him just staring at this monster there was no way he was my mate, a fated mate wouldn't do this to me I may have been the omega of this pack but I was a natural born alpha, this piece of shit just forced himself on me now he is saying I was his mate, and was rejecting me no, no way.

"Accept my rejection so I can find someone who deserves to be my Luna" he said to me dressing himself not looking at me.

"Someone who's worthy of me, not some week little lump that just lays there" he mumbled to himself.

"I I'm no not your mate" I stuttered out

"Yeah now accept the rejection bitch" he said scowling down at my naked and bruised body.

"I D Devena accept your rejection" I said quietly. He grunted rubbing his chest over his heart and looked at me once more before he walked out of the attic.

I lay there broken for hours until I was able to pull myself somewhat together enough to clean up and dress.

'He rejected us' nite my wolf whispers to me And I blinked.

"He wasn't our real mate Nite" I said to her she was now whining

'Yes he was Dev' she cries and withdraws from me

"Nite" I call to my wolf but couldn't get any response from her it's like she is gone completely withdrawn I thought I felt alone when I had no one else but her now though with her no where to be found within me I'm completely empty