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Slave Mate To His Luna

Slave Mate To His Luna

Autor: Butterflydiva23



Slave Mate To His Luna PDF Free Download


“I have sold you, my child, to another Alpha; you are no longer a pack member.” He said with no emotion. “You cannot be serious; why would you sell me off?” I ask with more tears coming out of my eyes. “Because our pack is a male dominant, and you know that its tradition that the Alpha’s firstborn had always been a male. Since you are my firstborn, I am supposed to hand the title over to you, but females are weak. And I will not let you disgrace this pack. **** Winter Cheshire, a future alpha by fate but a Slave Mate by her father's choice. Lucky for her, Castro, her third chance mate rescues her from her abusive captor. To her dismay, even her savior gives her a cold shoulder after bringing her to his pack. After two rejections, Castro's unwillingness to accept her is salt on her wounds. What's the point of staying if she isn't good enough for him? So she runs away. Little does she know, someone is watching her and knows the true potential of her wolf. A war of betrayal, redemption, awakening, and a fated bond is waiting to unleash on all of them. Just remember, the moon goodness is on her side and they should be ready for Winter's wrath.

Chapter 1

"Tag you're it, Winter, catch me if you can," Donovan said, sticking his tongue at me as he ran further ahead.

I ran after Donovan immediately, and I almost had him until I tripped over a rock and landed on my face in some mud.

"Winter, you look like a monster with all that mud on your face," Donovan replied with a chuckle.

I responded, "You sure talk so much trash, to be twelve."

"Just because you are the oldest does not mean you get to bully me."

"Let’s race, the first one to make it to that tree wins” I pointed to the tree.

“Ok Winter, how about we place a bet? You get to do all my chores for a month if I win, including my homework,” Donovan said.

“Ok Donovan, you’re on, but if I win, you have to do anything I’ll tell you to do.

“Deal” Donovan shouted.

“Ok, let's get into the running position.” As soon as we were ready, I began to count. “Ok, on the count of three, one, two, three, go” off we go, Donovan taking the lead, I caught up with Donovan. He gave me a look of shock, which I accepted, giving him a smirk running past him. I was the first to make it to the tree; Donovan came from behind.

“Ok sis, a deal is a deal; what do I have to do?” Donovan ask.

When I was about to say something, I heard a twig snap that alerted Donovan and me. Two tall men came out from the brushes out of nowhere. I grab Donovan placing him behind me.

I ask, “who are you, and what do you want?”

One man walked forward to speak, “We are here for you, Winter.” The man said.

“How do you know my name?”

“It’s not important; you will be coming with us.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you two,”

“Donovan, I will distract these two; I want you to run and get help,” I whisper.

“Ok, sis”

I turn back to the two men; Both men seem to see their eyes were clouded, and I told Donovan to run as fast as possible. Donovan wasted no time as he ran fast, passing them; when the men's eyes went back to normal, he noticed that Donovan was gone.

“I advise you two to leave before my dad comes here and rips you two to pieces.”

Both men smirked. “You have no idea at all, do you?” the man with the scar on his face said.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You will find out,” The other man said, walking towards me. Grab my arm lifted me by placing me over his right shoulder; I begin to kick, and scream, as we were heading to my yard. I kick the man in his chest, he loosened up his grip on me and I broke free, running to the front, and running straight to my dad.

“Dad, help, some men are after me,” I told him with tears coming from my eyes while embracing him. When I pulled away; I looked into his eyes, showing emptiness and disgust which confused me.

“Dad, what’s going on?” I ask feeling scared.

“I have sold you, my child, to another Alpha; you are no longer a pack member.” He said with no emotion.

“You cannot be serious; why would you sell me off?” I ask with more tears coming out of my eyes.

“Because our pack is a male dominant, and you know that its tradition that the Alpha’s firstborn had always been a male. Since you are my firstborn, I am supposed to hand the title over to you, females are weak. And I will not let you disgrace this pack.

I pleaded, “Daddy please, if that all you are worried about, then we can lie; Donovan can take over as planned because my mate made be at another pack, so it’s a win situation, everyone happy no one outside the pack will have to know.

“That’s the point Winter, I will know and soon people will talk, and I’m not going to risk that; take her away, boys.” My father said.

Immediately the men grabbed me, and I could not break loose. I looked at my dad again I retorted “ If you care so much about your reputation then why not give me up at birth?”

“ Cause your mother wanted you, I on the other hand did not. I only kept you around long enough so I could sell you, trust me you were worth every penny” He said with a smirk.

I took one look into my father's eyes and said.“I hate you, you selfish bastard, I hope that we never cross paths in the future if we do, I will kill you” I said, walking off. As we exit I say the words I never thought I will say “I Winter Beloved Cheshire, cut all ties with The Cheshire Husk pack.”