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Mating The Female Alpha

Mating The Female Alpha

Autor: Eve Above Story



Mating The Female Alpha PDF Free Download


As the only female alpha, she is strong and brave, and fights alongside alpha King Landry, achieving victory after victory. But one day, she went into heat in front of him ...... When he learns the secret of her disguise as an alpha, will he fulfill his duty to torture her severely? Or will he personally help her ease the pain?

Chapter 1

The smell of blood and the cries of fear are thick in the air. I run towards them as quickly as I can, following closely behind the huge golden wolf that is the Alpha King. I must keep up with him, as falling behind may alert the others that I am not who I say I am.

The Alpha King lets out a great howl. It sends shivers down my spine and I see the aggressive Vampires begin to flee in the face of such power. The rest of the pack behind us snarls and snaps at their retreating forms as we race to protect what’s left of the wolves at the border.

This is where I belong. It’s what I am made to do – lead, protect, and defend this pack, with my very life if need be. It’s a decision that was made a long time ago. My life is not as important as the lives of others, and that’s why I take the medication given to me, to hide who I am and perform this Alpha masquerade.

The fight is quick and brutal. We win easily, as we usually do when the Alpha King and I fight alongside each other. No Vampire that fails to escape lives to see the next day, and the assault is ended before a single more wolf can perish.

During the celebration, the firelight casts shadows across the ground, and the assembled wolves cheer to the victory. It’s not unusual – when the Alpha King and I work together, we are invincible. It’s why nobody can know that I am secretly not what I say I am. Especially not him.

I take my leave – it’s not as if anyone will notice me flee. I am quite well known for my quick exits.

It’s a full moon. I had hardly noticed earlier, in the throes of battle, but the moon hangs fat in the sky, sending its light across the ground, lighting up fur and teeth as the wolves dance and celebrate. I hurry away, putting the firelight and the marauding revelers to my back, seeking out someplace to be alone.

Landry is settled into his tent for the night. The excitement of battle and the celebrations of victory have worn him out: his muscles ache and he’s ready to sleep. It’s not that he is unused to the aches and pains that happen after battle, as he’s fought a high number of them as the Alpha, but he can’t deny that sleep is needed.

As he lies, his mind wanders to the female Alpha. He’s fought alongside her and her pack many times now, they make for a perfect team. Landry has grown and absorbed multiple other packs in his quest to defeat his enemies and solidify his position, but the female Alpha’s is a pack he has only worked alongside.

He admires her strength and ability. The way her white fur shines as she runs makes her stand out and almost sends a warning: this wolf is not to be messed with. Landry is a powerful Alpha, but even he can see that the female Alpha is strong and brave.

His attempts to get to sleep are interrupted when he scents something on the breeze. It’s unlike anything he’s ever scented before: it smells sweet, like strawberry milk, and he can’t figure out where it’s from.

“I should ignore it and sleep,” he says. “There may be more battles tomorrow.”

The sweet strawberry milk scent lingers, though, and all thoughts he tries to fill his head with are interrupted by its presence. “What is it?” There is only one way to find out.

Landry strides out of the tent into the bright moonlight, narrowing his eyes and scenting at the air until he pinpoints the direction the intoxicating scent is coming from. Mind made up, he sprints in that direction, passing the rest of the makeshift tents until he plunges into the forest. The smell of pine and leaves doesn’t compare to the strawberry scent that grows stronger, so he pushes on, eyes sharp to catch whatever it may be.

His feet catch when the forest floor gives way to yellow sand, and he stumbles to a stop. It’s an ungraceful move for a strong Alpha King like him, but he hardly notices nor cares: all his attention is drawn to the scene mere feet from him.

An Omega in heat, writhing on the sand, her plump, pale body shining in the moonlight, that same intoxicating strawberry milk scent wafting off her in waves. Her full lips are parted as she gasps for breath and lets out little whines that drive Landry crazy. Her long hair is messy, trailing in the sand underneath her as she tosses her head back.

She’s also surrounded by several rogue wolves, who jeer at her, tossing expletives her way and taunting her as her heat only grows stronger. Her eyes are glassy in the moonlight, lips perfect and bitten-red, and the surrounding brutish wolves only increase their harassment, darting forward to touch her smooth, milky-white skin, a perfect complement to the strawberry milk scent she gives off.

“Filthy fiends!” Landry roars with all of his Alpha power. The rogue brutes scramble back from such a strong display, their taunts dying on their lips as Landry assumes a commanding Alpha pose. “Let go of that Omega!”

He lets out a snarl and rushes forward. Those rude wolves are no match for him and the scatter as he approaches, leaving the Alpha King in the clearing with the she-wolf Omega. The moonlight shines off the Omega’s body, impossibly lovely. The light and shadows of the full moon highlight all the Omega’s curves, like dusting moonlight on her rosy nipples and wide, grabbable hips.

Landry intends to walk away. He unfastens his coat, draping it over her, covering that sinful body with the dark fabric. “It is not suitable for an Omega to run around nude at night, much less in heat.” That’s all he plans to do, he is not one for taking care of Omegas in heat, but before he can leave, the she-wolf lets out a mewling, coquettish moan that nearly brings him to his knees.

“Listen to her moan!” his inner wolf urges. “She doesn’t even know where she is! Fuck her, get in her with your cock, she’ll thank you for it! Don’t you want her?”

Landry feels as if he has been electrocuted. A moment ago he was going to leave. He knew Omegas bring only trouble, but then this one had to go and make noise, sinking claws into his wolf and not letting go. Damnable fiend!

The she-wolf continues to writhe on the sand, rubbing her body all around, exuding more of that addicting scent. She reaches out to fasten a weak grip to Landry’s ankle and blinks up at him, lips parted.

“Please,” she whimpers, and a shock goes through Landry at the words, like he’s been punched. She arches her back, his coat sliding down enough to expose her ripe, perfect breasts as she bats her eyelashes up at him. “Please help me.”

It’s at that moment that the moonlight shines down on her face just right and Landry feels like his knees are giving out on him. The light glints off her big eyes, so familiar, and Landry begins to note the similarities in the lithe, writhing body, and a single question raises in his mind even as the Omega begins to moan.

Why does this Omega in heat look exactly like the female Alpha he’s fought beside so many times?