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Love And Fear

Love And Fear

Autor: Jana Nash



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Lucy and Axel had plans to travel after they graduated high school. Two orphaned werewolves with no pack to show them who they are. When Axel's twin sister comes looking for him, their plans blow up. After everything they've gone through in their lives. Who can they trust, and when should they fight. Lucy lived in a small town on the river's edge, along a winding river on one side and dense green forest on the other. She had been in foster care since her parents died when she was 3. Her foster parents weren't bad people just did it more for the monthly cheque than enriching an orphan girl's life. She had been with Frank and Lois since she was 12, the longest placement she'd had. They let her do what she wanted, never really caring if she came home at all. They'd never notice if left until the cheques stopped coming. Lucy's only friend was a boy named Axel, also in foster care. Although his family adored him and he had everything a 17-year-old could want, his foster parents, Kade and Laurel, couldn't have children of their own and Axel was placed with them at age 5. They were in their senior year of high school.

Chapter 1

Lucy lived in a small town on the river's edge, along a winding river on one side and dense green forest on the other. She had been in foster care since her parents died when she was 3. Her foster parents weren't bad people just did it more for the monthly cheque than enriching an orphan girl's life. She had been with Frank and Lois since she was 12, the longest placement she'd had. They let her do what she wanted, never really caring if she came home at all. They'd never notice if left until the cheques stopped coming. Lucy's only friend was a boy named Axel, also in foster care. Although his family adored him and he had everything a 17-year-old could want his foster parents Kade and Laurel, couldn't have children of their own and Axel was placed with them at age 5. They were in their senior year of high school. Lucy was just waiting to turn 18 in 6 months so she could leave this small town and try and find her family, find out why they never came for her when her parents died. She had a grandfather in Montana and Aunts and Uncles; the social worker said they didn't want her, but she couldn't figure out why. The social worker found out that they had money and means maybe they just didn't like her.

Lucy stood 5 feet 3 inches tall, medium length blonde hair the colour of ash. Her eyes were fiercely blue but had swirls of green that seemed to change with her emotions. Lucy learned early on to keep everything inside emotions meant weakness, and she couldn't let anyone know she was weak. When Lucy turned 13, she met her wolf, Astrid. Astrid was wild and unruly, always trying to surface and take over. Lucy couldn't have that with her human foster parents that would not end well. Her only source of comfort was Liam Axel's wolf. He was the only thing that calmed Astrid.

Axel and Lucy thought maybe the moon goddess made a mistake making their wolves mates and not them. But perhaps they were just kindred souls. They wouldn't know until they both turned 18. They did not feel that way about each other anymore, they became more like family than anything romantic. Axel was a favourite with girls at school. He was tall, 6 feet 3 inches tall Dirty blonde coloured hair, short on the sides longer and loosely tousled on top, eyes the colour of emeralds. A strong square jawline, broad shoulders, your typical athlete where Lucy preferred to keep her nose in a book and out of sight at all costs. Total and complete opposites except that they were werewolves living in a human town with only each other to lean on.

Lucy worked in a bakery before and after school, her foster parents paid for her clothes and phone, but she had to pay her car insurance and save for when she left this town. Axel worked across the street at the auto body shop. So he'd come over for coffee before his shift started after school. Sometimes Lucy wondered if he was checking to make sure Astrid was in check. She liked to lash out when Lucy was under any stress or anxiety. Axel would make Lucy train; the stronger she was physically and mentally, the better Astrid would stay in her mind and not come forward even a bit. Even though Lucy was small, she was fast and cunning. Lucy often wondered what would have happened to her if Axel had never found her in the woods that day.



After the social worker told me she had found my family, I was so happy, finally someone to love me. I couldn't wait to meet them, but when the social worker called and said they didn't want me. Everything went black. I woke up naked with a football jersey draped over me in the woods, covered in blood. Axel was sitting with his hands over his face like he was stressed out. When I asked him what happened, he looked afraid to tell me.

"Ax, what am I doing out here? How did I get here? What's going on???"

"Luc, I don't know if I should tell you.... you aren't stable enough; I'm afraid Astrid will come out again."

"Ax, I'm ok. You can tell me I can handle it."

Axel began to tell me what the social worker had said, then bits and pieces of the afternoon started to come back blurry. After hanging up the phone, I ran outside and shifted only for the second time since I got my wolf. I ran through the woods eating small animals and burning off my pain with the run. Then it came back like a ton of bricks, the hiker.....

"I I I killed a hiker..... Astrid killed the hiker. I'm a murderer."

"Luc, breathe, keep her under control ok; remember it happens. You didn't mean it. Astrid was in control. Lucy Bennet would never hurt anyone ever."


when Lucy was at the bakery, she was at peace. She would come up with so many desserts, pie, eclairs, turnovers, fancy bread. She'd worked there since she was 14, so the owners gave her free rein to bake whatever she thought people would want, and the town loved it. For a small town, they sure did well, selling out each day. Lucy always made sure they had blueberry scones with cream cheese icing; those were Axel's favourite. The typical day before starting his shift, he came over for a 16oz triple latte, made breve with cream instead of milk and his blueberry scone. Axel never brought girls into the bakery he only came in to visit Lucy. So when he walked in with the most beautiful brunette Lucy had ever seen, she was shocked and a little in awe of this perfect girl, she thought she knew everyone from school so who is this?

"Lucy, I want you to meet Ellen, my sister, Ellen, this is Lucy!" Lucy's mouth dropped open. You could fit a textbook in it.

"Lucy, it's so lovely to meet you!! Axel has told me so much about you."

Lucy, still speechless, just stared at her.

Axel clears his throat "hehem Earth to Lucy?"

"Oh, hi! Oh wow! It's great to meet you too. When.... how..... where did you come from?"

Ellen and Axel both start laughing.

"Well, I didn't want to tell you Axel began until I knew for sure, but it was my foster parents who looked into officially adopting me. They found out about Ellen and contacted her. She just got in last night! Ellen and I are twins. When our mother died during childbirth, they thought it would be easier to find us homes separately. Since there was no father around, we don't even know who he is."

"WOW! Lucy gasped; that's a lot. So are you sticking around, or are you heading back to where did you come from?"

"I still have school to finish, but I want to stay the week and get to know Axel a bit better. What time do you finish? Maybe we can grab some dinner."

"oh, I usually work late, like 10 pm, so perhaps rain check." Just then, Fran, the owner, walked by and interrupted their conversation.

"Lucy dear, why don't you take the night off to spend time being a teenager? You are always here. I can handle closing tonight!" Fran urged.

"Alright, could I meet you guys at Olivia's around 6? I have some dough that's still rising for breakfast that I need to proof."

"Sounds excellent! See you later, Luc!"

As they walked out the door. Lucy was worried something didn't add up. Ellen didn't answer any of her questions. They were so vague..... she could feel Astrid stirring in her mind. She doesn't have a wolf. She can't be his twin..... Astrid said wearily. How can you tell Lucy shot back? Lucy was always hostile towards Astrid after the incident. Astrid because I can tell. I'm stronger than most wolves. That's why you can't hold me back. Why are you just telling me this now, Lucy wined. You'll know soon enough. Astrid said vaguely.