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The Knight And His Precious

The Knight And His Precious

Author: shree_storyteller


General Romance

The Knight And His Precious PDF Free Download


"Not your fault, Jun," she replied giving him the best smile.   "It was. From now on I will protect you." She couldn't get his words still he continued, "I will always check up on you, will save you from falling, will teach those a lesson who will try to hurt you."   "Like a knight?" she asked. Her curious eyes gazing into his brown ones.   "Yes, like a knight," he replied.   "My knight?" she asked with excitement.   "Your knight," he replied caressing her hair.
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Chapter 1



  The Malhotra mansion was quiet even at 10 a.m which was very unlikely. The one who creates ruckus every day, who irritates the shit out of everyone is sulking alone in his room. For a five-year-old, he sure was the first to throw this much tantrums in the house.

  "Preeti, are you mad? Do you even know what are you talking about?" A man in his late twenties wearing a red cardigan and black jeans having a grim expression was descending the stairs following his beautiful better half who was all dolled up in her professional attire even on Saturday.

  "I know Alok and please don't stop me. This is the only right thing to do." Alok's wife retorted in her stern voice. She just couldn't see her son sad anymore and had taken a very dreading decision.

  The servants were quiet and were sad at the fact that it was the very first time this couple's decision was not mutual. Alok's sister Aashna, who was not more than 15 was also a silent spectator of all this. She wanted to chip in her opinions but considering her age, she stayed silent.

  "Preeti, decisions taken in haste can never be fruitful."

  "But this decision is not taken in haste Alok. Arjun is only 5 years old, he won't be able to live without us."

  "He will not be alone. Aashna will be with him."

  "Alok, Aashna is a kid too. How are these guys going to live? No, this is not happening. I am not letting any of them out of my sight."

  All the bickering and different agreements started after Preeti took the case of a famous gangster. Preeti Malhotra is a criminal lawyer who is passionate about her job. Her life's only dream has always been to be the topmost criminal lawyer in London. And her husband is the Chairman of Malhotra Industries. Both of them met during a case trial, liked each other, things escalated quickly and very soon both of them tied the knot. After one year of their blissful marriage, they were graced with a son whom they named Arjun.

  Preeti is known for her goals and ambitions which she always gives importance. She is just one step back from achieving her lifetime goal, to make herself renowned as the best criminal lawyer but instead of working on her dream, she is hell-bent on resigning from her post.

  She didn't want to but her priorities have changed over the years. She has her family to look after and she, not even in her dreams can compromise them over something even if it's her goal.

  The recent case of Forest Hill Murder Case is taken up by her but the sudden change of events has scared her. The once bold and fierce lady is now scared and concerned about her family's safety. Her family members are constantly receiving threats ever since she turned down the offer of the opposition lawyer.

  She wouldn't have thought to back down but when her sister-in-law Aashna received death threats and her son was almost kidnapped she couldn't take it anymore and decided to resign from her post.

  Though to keep them safe, Alok decided to send them to India for a few years and that's why his son Arjun was not talking to anyone since the previous night.

  Preeti was stepping out of the house when her husband took hold of her hand and brought her to the couch. Making her sit he kneeled in front of her and held both of her hands.

  "Preeti, I know its tough but not impossible. It's just a matter of 3 years."

  "3 years is not a short duration Alok." Sadness and pain were visible on her face.

  "I know and do you think it's easy for me? Hell, no! I can't even live a single day without seeing you, Aashna, and Arjun but you can't back down. This was your dream." Alok was not ready to let her wife sacrifice her goal and her dream. He was determined to convince her anyhow.

  "Its not my dream anymore. I have only one dream and goal and that is to see you all happy and safe. I can't compromise over anyone's safety."

  "Exactly and that's why we are sending Aashna and Arjun to your mother in India. They will be fine there."

  "But..." Alok didn't let her wife speak and agreed to his wife's demands making her surprised.

  "Ok, listen, if you want to resign I won't stop you."

  Preeti was shocked by how could his husband agree with her within seconds. She sensed something was wrong and to confirm her doubt she asked, "Really?"

  "Yes, just answer my question."

  She was puzzled but keeping all her thoughts aside she asked, "What question?"

  "Would you have stepped back if the victim was someone close to you?" She was taken aback and left astounded at Alok's question. It took time for her to register in her mind about the question her husband asked. Alok expected her expression beforehand and after not getting any reply from her continued,

  "Did you forget that you promised the victim's family that you will bring justice to her? Will you be able to sleep peacefully after knowing that no one except you came forward to take this case? Did you forget the oath you took that you will bring justice to every victim?"

  She was filled with guilt, fear, concern. Her eyes welled up and in her choked voice she stuttered,

  "Alok, I....I don't know what to do."

  "Preeti you can't let the mother in you take over the powerful, brave woman who brings justice to victims every day. Today you are stepping back, tomorrow someone else will and the filthy leeches of the society who commits crimes will roam freely."

  Wiping her tears he sat down beside her pulling her in his arms.

  "Still, if you want to resign, I will not stop you. The decision is yours now."

  Preeti was left in dilemma, she was confused before but now her mind was a mess. She was not able to come to any conclusion. She looked at her husband and then at Aashna who was standing at a corner.

  Suddenly all three of them heard a click sound. The door that was closed since last night opened revealing a small kid of five who was wearing a red cardigan just like his father. He looked at her aunt first who was standing closer to him and seconds later his eyes fell upon his parents. He bowed down his head and made his way to the dining hall. After stuffing his pockets with lots of cupcakes and muffins he went back to his room and shut the door.

  Preeti keenly observed her lovely son and then glanced at Aashna. A shiver ran down her spine when she thought what her husband had asked her a few moments ago.

  Would you have stepped back if the victim was someone close to you?

  She had taken the decision now. She decided not to let the evil win and looking at her husband she announced, "I will fight this case."