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Mr. CEO, Pamper Me More

Mr. CEO, Pamper Me More



Mr. CEO, Pamper Me More PDF Free Download


In the middle of the night, a bold woman came to his room and was caught. She said that she loved him. Well, I'll help you! After that, he helped her solve the family problem! Who knew that this woman would turn against him! He turned the distance into an evil one and asked, "Do you remember who I am?" Feeling guilty, she rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, you're from the nightclub, aren't you? Let's talk about it first. I don't have any money!" A cold light flashed in his eyes. "Take care of me!" Ye Xue finally knew what would happen if she provoked the top president of the empire, Gu Yuchen. She would not be able to go out for three days! He thought that he would never have anything to do with Gu Yuchen in this life, but he found out that the secret of his body in the genetic research institute was just a trap set by his father to plot against his daughter. She buried all her family and kindness and took the initiative to come to him. He smiled evilly. "Women, if you provoke me, you'll live your whole life!" She replied in a charming tone, "Spring Breeze, why don't I kiss you?"
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Chapter 1

"After obtaining Gu Yuchen's seed, I'll let your father go back!"

A deep, threatening voice came from the other end of the line, causing Ye Xue's heart to tremble. This was already the third threatening call!

Her father was held hostage and threatened to call her. She was asked to steal the seeds of the top diamond president of the empire, Gu Yuchen, from the needle in the man's body. This required technical skills. She was a nurse of the baby test department, but she had never given a shot to a man. How could she carry it out? Besides, was Gu Yuchen someone that a small nurse like her could afford to offend?

"If you want Gu Yuchen's seed of seeds, why do you have to steal it from me?"

"If you can't get Gu Yuchen's seed within a week, you'll have to wait to collect Ye Bingyan's corpse!"

After hanging up the phone, Yexue called again. There was a prompt tone from the other side: The number you dialed has been invalid!

At the thought that her father was in the hands of an unknown person, Ye Xue couldn't sit still. This matter couldn't be called the police. They said that calling the police would tear the tickets. She grew up with her father and didn't have a mother, so she cherished her father very much. She couldn't take the risk to call the police.

"Let's go to Wu Siming and discuss it. Right now, the only person I can discuss with him is Wu Siming!"

Ye Xue took a leave and left the hospital.

Half an hour later, Ye Xue arrived at Wu Siming's residence!

Before she knocked on the door, she saw that the key was still on the lock. Why was Wu Siming so anxious that she forgot to pull out the key?

Ye Xue pulled out the key and opened the door. Before she went inside, she saw a mess on the floor. The men's clothes, women's stockings, and short skirts were scattered together.

Ye Xue suddenly felt a chill in her heart—

"Ah—ah!" A strange voice came from the half-open bedroom. Yexue was even more shocked and her heart sank to the bottom.

She had a very bad feeling in her heart. The sound coming from the bedroom completely broke Ye Xue's last dream.

It was the voice of her best friend, Lin Qingyu, and her boyfriend, Wu Siming...

Ye Xue's entire body swayed and everything went black before her eyes. The sound coming from the bedroom pierced into her heart like a sharp knife and she instantly felt suffocated.

It was only at this moment that Ye Xue realized that she had been betrayed by love and friendship!

Her boyfriend had performed a double dance with his best friend. She had become an extremely stupid joke!

Ye Xue subconsciously took a step back and leaned against the door, wanting to grab it.

"Is he going to leave just like that?"



"Why am I the one who should be a fugitive?"

Ye Xue closed her eyes, and a line of tears fell down. She couldn't bear it, and her teeth sank deeply into her delicate lips. She bit until her mouth was full of the smell of blood. Then she wiped away her tears, looked up at the ceiling, blinked her eyes, and stopped her tears!

She took a deep breath and suppressed the suffocating feeling in her heart. She stepped forward and moved toward the door of the bedroom!

This short distance of a dozen meters was like a bare foot stepping on a sharp blade. Every step he took was full of strength!

Finally, when she reached the door, she felt that all her strength was not used up.

There was a fiery scene playing out in the half-closed door.

The woman's white thighs and the man's wheat-colored waist formed a stark contrast, piercing Ye Xue's eyes!

The two tangled together were too engrossed, so they didn't notice that Yexue had been standing in front of the door for a long time.

Ye Xue just looked at them with no expression on her face, only a withered heart and a pair of dim eyes.

Her ears were filled with disgusting and dispirited words. Her heart was dead. She died slowly in this kind of suffering, and it was over!

Her love and friendship!

The three people she once loved the most!

Father, Lin Qingyu, Wu Siming!

Now that her father had been kidnapped, her safety was unknown!

However, her best friend's boyfriend was passionate.

Her heart was suffering in ice and fire.

When Wu Siming was completely released, he and Lin Qingyu hugged each other with a lazy and relaxed expression.

Ye Xue calmed down with a cold look in her eyes. She raised her hand and clapped for them with an expressionless face. "Pa Pa Pa Pa."

"Ah—" Lin Qingyu, who was startled, immediately screamed. "Ye, Yexue, how did you get here?"

"Xue'er!" Wu Siming also noticed Ye Xue, and his whole face turned pale.