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Marvelous  Almighty Practitioner

Marvelous Almighty Practitioner


Realistic Urban

Marvelous Almighty Practitioner PDF Free Download


Those who brought food with them will die! The last 100 people in the long-distance race will die! This is the regional camp! There are still countless crazy cultivators coming here to accept the demonic training and fighting with each other. And Dongfang Han came here, but he was a spy! All his persistence was for an unknown belief in his heart...
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Chapter 1

Wind Devil Province.

In an incomparably cold valley, a cold wind was howling. This place was covered by endless dark clouds. No matter how good one's eyesight was, one could not see far. At this moment, a beautiful woman in a snow-white dress appeared with a skinny young man who was about ten years old.

"I'm sorry, Han'er. I can't help your father, save your mother, and I can't protect you... You, I'm going to send you to hell again." The absolute beauty's voice was deep and painful. Her face was full of unwillingness and anger, which made people pity her.

"Aunt, you have done enough for our family. If it weren't for you, all three of us would have died. But now, we are still alive. What's more, I still have a chance to save them, don't I? Moreover, the hell camp is not hell. It is an opportunity for me." The skinny young man showed a look of maturity that did not match his age.

"Han'er, you don't understand. It's more cruel than you think." The absolute beauty gritted her teeth and said with tears in her eyes.

The Infernal Camp was an extremely cruel place. How many people had entered the camp? However, how many people could truly come out from the camp?

The hell camp was the real hell. The survival of the fittest was the survival of the fittest!

"You'd better follow me. I promised your parents that I would protect you. Don't worry. As long as you're by my side, I'll teach you how to practice. I won't let anyone hurt you." The absolute beauty looked at the skinny youth with a face full of pity.

"No, aunt." In the face of the absolute beauty's insistence, the skinny youth shook his head firmly. "If I want to save my parents, I must become stronger quickly. In other places, it is far from growing fast in the hell camp. I can wait, but my parents can't wait."

The absolute beauty was silent. How could she not understand?

In such a place, her brother and sister-in-law wouldn't be able to hold on for many years.

"Aunt, promise me that you won't marry that guy. Wait for me for ten years, no, eight years. I, Dongfang Han, swear to God that in eight years, not only will I save my parents, but I will also take you out of the Devil's Palm." Looking at the absolute beauty, the skinny young man's eyes were as bright as fire, and he said in a deep voice.

"Eight years? You saved me from the Demonic Palm?" The absolute beauty looked at the skinny youth and her heart trembled. She showed a rare smile and said, "Okay, Han'er. I'll wait for you."

Only, she sighed inwardly. It was too difficult to contend against that person. Even though that person's character wasn't good, his talent, strength, and family background were all too terrifying. Who could refuse him? Who dared defy him?

Even if Dongfang Han came out of the hell camp eight years later, it would be difficult for him to defeat that person, because that person's progress was really too fast. Moreover, it was really too difficult to come out of the hell camp alive.

"Aunt, when I come out of the hell camp, I will protect you and stop you from being hurt. This is my promise." Dongfang Han swore in his heart.

"Aunt, I'm leaving." Dongfang Han took a deep breath, took out a black card from his pocket, and said.

The black card was the reception card of the Infernal Purgatory Camp. It could only be used by people between ten to twelve years old in this huge valley.

"Promise me that you will come out alive. I will wait for you to save me." The absolute beauty held Dongfang Han in her arms, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

"Okay." Dongfang Han nodded heavily and tried hard not to let his tears fall. He broke free from the arms of the absolute beauty. The next moment, he crushed the black card in his hand.

Then a black light swept over and enveloped Dongfang Han.

Looking at Dongfang Han, who was covered by the black light, Xueluan's heart ached.

"Aunt Xueluan, I like you. When I grow up, I will marry you. So, you must wait for me." Dongfang Han's voice came.

Xueluan blushed and scolded with a smile, "You brat, I promise you, but the premise is that you must come out alive."

"Sure." Dongfang Han smiled happily. His aunt had promised him that in order to marry his beloved aunt, he would come out of hell alive.


The next moment, Dongfang Han's figure disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the place where Dongfang Han disappeared, Xueluan's eyes became absent-minded.


In the distance.

A proud and cold young man was looking at them from a distance. Behind him were two middle-aged men, but they were all very respectful to the young man.

"Arrange for ten elite geniuses to send out the remaining ten reception cards. I want that kid to die in the hell camp," the proud and cold youth said coldly.

"Yes, Young Master Ao Xie," they said respectfully.

Ao Xie was the person that Dongfang Han and Xueluan were so secretive about!

He was also Dongfang Han's number one enemy!


Dongfang Han felt dizzy. The next moment, he found himself in a small valley.

At this time, there were already eight or nine hundred people in this valley. Dongfang Han was shocked. Glancing around, he found that these were all teenagers of the same age as him. The younger one was in his early teens, and the oldest one seemed to be less than 12 years old.

"A new student, come and get your number." At this time, a cold voice sounded.

It was a middle-aged man in blue who spoke with a gloomy look.

"Yes," Dongfang Han answered immediately. He trotted over and received a palm-sized iron plate.

On the front of the iron plate was Zone 5217, and on the back was the No. 8 character.

"Could it be that there are more than 5,000 districts? There are so many people in each district?" Dongfang Han thought to himself. After pondering for a while, he couldn't help but gasp.

Because of the silence in the valley, Dongfang Han did not say anything. He found a place to rest and closed his eyes to rest.

Although Dongfang Han was just ten years old, he had a mature mind, so his wisdom was no less than that of many adults.

In such a place where there were no relatives, it was like hell. It was better to raise your spirit and deal with some things.

He ate three meals a day, but he rested in this small valley. It was warm in the day and at night, so it was not cold.

In fact, before coming here, he had taken some of the natural precious materials given by Aunt Xueluan, so he would not be hungry for a few days. However, the food here was really good, and in order to ensure the best condition, Dongfang Han ate all the three meals a day.

Two days later.

There were more than a thousand people in this small valley.

Right at this moment.

The middle-aged man in blue grinned and said, "Welcome to hell, little fellow. In the next year, the 1,000 people in Zone 5217 will be trained by me. Please remember my name—Blood Demon."

His voice was gloomy and horrible, and many young men and women were scared to tears.

However, there were more young boys and girls who did not cry. Some of them were like Dongfang Han, who had a certain understanding of the hell camp and knew what kind of place it was. Some of them were orphans brought back from the outside world by the hell camp.

The orphans occupied a large part of it.

Many orphans were used to the fickleness of human nature, so they didn't know fear at all. Moreover, their requests were very simple. As long as they could have a full meal, they could kill people.

In the valley, Xue Sha's gloomy eyes swept over all the young men and women. He sneered and said, "Cry? If you cry in the future, I will issue the first order now. Give me the food and weapons you have in three minutes. If you don't hand them over, you will die."

As a result, many people scrambled to hand over their food and weapons.

Dongfang Han did not take any action, because he did not bring food or weapons. At best, he had a green jade token the size of a child's palm, which was given to him by his parents since he was a child. It was not a weapon.

Three minutes passed quickly.

"It seems that someone thinks he hid it well! He went against my order?" Xue Sha's cold voice sounded.

"You, and you. Hidden food, die!" Xue Sha pointed at the two teenagers.


The two youths cried out in terror, but their voices came to an abrupt halt. Boom! Boom! The bodies of the two youths exploded one after another, transforming into a bloody mist.

"And you, your private weapon, die." Then, Xue Sha pointed at a young man again. As expected, the young man was also turned into a bloody mist in horror.

In an instant, three people died.

This made other people couldn't help shivering. Dongfang Han was mature, and he also felt creepy.

"Too cruel. He was killed without obeying orders." This was the first time that Dongfang Han had truly experienced the cruelty of the Infernal Camp.

"Well, don't worry. These three people were killed because they violated my orders. In fact, I'm easy-going, haha." Xue Sha sneered.

"Are you f*cking easy-going? We're young, don't treat us like fools, okay?" Countless people cursed in their hearts.

"Next, I will tell you the rules of these little guys. You don't have names, only numbers. According to your performance, everyone's numbers will change at the beginning of each month. Now there are 999 people in the 5217th zone. One year later, only 100 of you can stay here, which means that you will die." Xue Sha's words made everyone take a deep breath.

A year later, the 1,000 people here could only live for 100 people, and it was really a close shave.

What a cruel place!

After what happened just now, no one dared to doubt what Xue Sha had said.

In everyone's heart, there was a belief that they must survive and become one hundred survivors.

"Now, everyone, follow me," Xue Sha said.

Everyone immediately followed. No one dared to disobey Xue Sha's order. Otherwise, the three people who had died before would be an example.

Soon, they arrived at a huge square, where there was an oval track.

"From now on, the rest of you will start a devil-like training under my leadership. The first lesson is physical training, which is running. The first circle of the oval track is ten kilometers. After running within two hours, the food of the first class will be served. After three hours, the food of the second class will be served in four hours. The food of the third class will be served in four hours. After running for five hours, there will be no food. If you haven't finished running in five hours, you will die! If you take the shortcut, you will die! If you help each other, you will die!" Xue Sha pointed to the huge oval track and said coldly.