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What A Marriage After The Rebirth!

What A Marriage After The Rebirth!



What A Marriage After The Rebirth! PDF Free Download


Killed by her husband, An Nuan was reborn ten years ago, at the age of 22 years old. She was so blind to hook up with that kind of jerk. Not only did she not get a good return, but she was also killed by him. In this life, she not only wanted to destroy her ex husband, but also wanted to be with her competitors in her previous life! And this competitor was Ye Jinghuai. He crashed into her car as soon as he arrived. Originally, there was no other relationship between them, but human effort was the decisive factor. An Nuan turned over to Ye Jinghua's car, looked down at him and said: "Help me crush the Gu family, and I'll help you get rid of the obstacles in your way."
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Chapter 1

An Nuan was reborn.

She was reborn back to ten years ago, which was 22 years old.

When she died, her beloved husband, who was praised by everyone, Gu Yansheng, stabbed her heart with a dagger. He said, "An Nuan, I've never loved you, and I am even sick of your body. You know what? Yaoyao is a hundred times more charming than you in bed, and you're like a corpse, cold and stiff..."

Cold and stiff?

An Nuan didn't cry or make a fuss. She had been well-educated since she was a child, so she just desperately endure the pain that tore through her heart.

"Don't you love me? Then do us a favour, kill yourself. I'll be grateful!"

The sinister voice was accompanied by the sharp dagger that was drawn from her heart.

The blood instantly splashed on his gentle and handsome face, showing his ruthlessness to the fullest. A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth... as if the person in front of him was not the wife who had silently sacrificed for him in the past ten years.

When An Nuan died, she kept her eyes open, vowing to remember all the cruelty of this man deep into her bones!

They had been married for ten years.

The two of them were childhood sweethearts and a good match for each other.

An Nuan was very smart and intelligent. She knew how to play the piano, chess, calligraphy, and paint since she was a child. After marrying Gu Yansheng at the age of 22, she restrained her hobbies and carried out her duty as a wife. She gave up everything and tried her best to make him successful and help him move from a wealthy family to a powerful family.

She had never expected that one day, Gu Yansheng would kill her and use the bankruptcy of the An Capital Group as a wedding gift for his lover!

She hated him.

She hated him to the core.

Fortunately, God helped her!

The car accident brought her back to the year she was not yet married.

An Nuan bit her lip.

She looked anxiously at the man in front of her who had hit her car. He was Ye Jinghuai, the third heir of the Ye family, the head of the four influential families in Beywen Country!

He was the most handsome man in Qincen City with a stunning face, a height of 188 centimetres, and a perfect figure like a sculpture.

Such a man was a well-known black sheep in Qincen City. He liked to slack around, and he was a playboy. The number of women he had slept with was more than the men he had ever seen. He was so extravagant that no one could tell. But in her last life, he was the one that Gu Yansheng failed to beat no matter how hard he tried.

"Ms. An, do you have a crush on me?" Being stared at like this, Ye Jinghuai glanced at her with his deep eyes.

The melodious and magnetic voice had a unique charm. He was clearly teasing her, but it sounded inexplicably pleasant from his mouth.

"Yes." She came back to her senses and suddenly admitted it.

As soon as she finished speaking...

It was not Ye Jinghuai who was excited, but her best friend, Xia Qiqi. She shouted like she was about to explode, "An Nuan, what the h*ll are you talking about?"

There was an imperceptible trace of affection in Ye Jinghuai's eyes, but he showed a cold smile as a bystander instead.

"Do you know who this devil is? Do you know how bad he is?" Xia Qiqi looked at An Nuan. "He's nothing but a good-looking guy who loves to play with women, and you're saying you're interested in him! Are you blind?"

She was indeed blind to fall in love with that sinister hypocrite Gu Yansheng!

Early in the morning, they went to Mount Qingji to pray. On their way down the mountain, they bumped into a speeding red sports car. Luckily, the man driving the sports car was quick enough to make a sharp turn to avoid the frontal impact, but they still crashed into each other.

Both cars were slightly damaged, and no one was injured.

And because of this, she was reborn!

An Nuan didn't answer Xia Qiqi. Instead, she turned to Ye Jinghuai and asked him, "Do you dare to steal the bride?"

"An Nuan!" Xia Qiqi was no longer calm. Although Ye Jinghuai was very handsome, An Nuan couldn't give up her marriage because of a b*stard!

"My wedding is on the 18th of next month. Do you dare to come?" An Nuan said word by word.

Ye Jinghuai spent a few seconds digesting An Nuan's words.

Slowly, he said indifferently, "Ms. An, I'm afraid that you should go to the hospital for a brain examination."

While he was speaking...

He casually took out a bank card from his black trousers, clamped it with his slender fingers, and handed it to her with an unruly look. "I'll pay for it."

An Nuan glanced at the super VIP black card.

Everyone knew that the third heir of the Ye family was generous, and all the women who have been with him had benefitted from him.

An Nuan took it.

There was still a flash of surprise in Ye Jinghuai's eyes.

Everyone in Qincen City knew that An Nuan was a virtuous woman. She was well-educated and self-disciplined. She had never had anything to do with rich playboys like them. She only wanted to marry Gu Yansheng and become a good wife and mother.

An Nuan said, "I'll take this as the wedding gift."

Xia Qiqi's eyes almost popped out of her socket.

Ye Jinghuai gently pursed his perfect lips and put up a meaningful smile. At that moment, he only chose to be silent. No one could tell his emotions.

So she didn't know whether he accepted it or... just watching.

"As long as you come on the wedding day, I'll go with you," An Nuan said.

In fact, it was an answer to what he had once said.

In her previous life, on the night before she and Gu Yansheng got married, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

At four o'clock in the morning, she received a strange call.

"I'm going to steal the bride tomorrow. Will you come with me?" the other side asked.

An Nuan frowned. "Who are you?"

"Gu Yansheng is not a good person," he said.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm not a good person either."

Then, the phone was hung up.

An Nuan thought that it was a prank, and he sounded drunk, so she didn't take it to heart. But later, she accidentally knew that this phone number belonged to Ye Jinghuai, so she didn't care about it even more. She always scoffed at men who were like him, not to mention that she had never had any contact with Ye Jinghuai before.

It wasn't until she was reborn that she realised something was wrong with Ye Jinghuai's words.

However, back then, Ye Jinghuai was not there at her marriage ceremony with Gu Yansheng.

Therefore, she was not sure if what he said was true.


No matter whether Ye Jinghuai would come or not, she would never marry Gu Yansheng again in this life!

If he came, she could get her revenge more thoroughly!

She turned around and left.

Xia Qiqi quickly followed An Nuan and returned to their car.

Ye Jinghuai looked at the car passed by in front of him.

After a long moment passed, the corners of his mouth curved into a smile.

She was the daughter of the An family, whom all the men in Qincen City wanted to marry. She was indeed... interesting!


In the car that had left.

Xia Qiqi couldn't stand it anymore. "Were you in a blurry state just now? That's why you asked that b*stard Ye Jinghuai to steal the bride?"

"No, I know what am I doing." An Nuan was driving with a calm face.

She was even a little cold-blooded.

One had to know...

The second before the car accident, she was still enduring Gu Yansheng's cruel torture.

"Then... what about Gu Yansheng? You are the best couple in the country. Many people are envious of you. Now you want to cheat on him before marriage? What do you take him for?" Xia Qiqi couldn't imagine at all.

Was cheating before marriage a big deal?

An Nuan sneered.

She had seen Gu Yansheng and another woman naked in a bed in front of her.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I take Gu Yansheng as an animal!"

He didn't deserve to be a human being!