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Marvelous Son-In-Law

Marvelous Son-In-Law


Realistic Urban

Marvelous Son-In-Law PDF Free Download


After thousands of years of cultivation, he unexpectedly returned to Earth. Xiao Chen didn't expect that he would become the son-in-law of his dream lover. From that day on, no one dared to scold him for being a good-for-nothing, and no one dared to laugh at his incompetence! He was a one in a million cultivation genius!
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Chapter 1

Xiao Chen opened his eyes and saw that his body was intact.

A look of shock appeared on his face. "Something went wrong with the Heavenly Strength Prohibition of the Four Southerner Emperors? I was sneak attacked by these four bastards, didn't I? Why..."

He raised his head and looked around, only to find that he seemed to have arrived at an extremely familiar place.

A huge floor-to-ceiling window stood in front of him, and there were successful people in suits and leather shoes coming and going. In the splendid hotel, it gave people a huge unreal feeling.

Is this... Earth? I'm back?

Xiao Chen's eyes were a little confused. Ten thousand years ago, he had traveled from Earth to the Celestial Sky Realm and had cultivated for thousands of years. He had ascended through the air and eventually became the Celestial Emperor. He was the only one in the Three Realms.

However, good times didn't last long. Just as he was about to become a saint, the Four Southern Sea Emperors, who were second only to him, suddenly launched a sneak attack and threw him into the two-dimensional fetal membrane.

In order to buy time for him, his beloved concubine, Huaiyu Fairy, was beaten into the primordial vital energy by these people on the spot and died.

Xiao Chen had thought that he would be lost in the two's fetal membrane for a thousand years, but he didn't expect that he would return to Earth.

As he examined his body, countless memories flooded into his mind.

"...It turns out that I took this person by accident?"

Xiao Chen checked his memory and soon understood. "It has only been five years since I time-travel, so..."

"When are you going to play dumb?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ear, interrupting Xiao Chen's thoughts.

He raised his head impatiently and wanted to get angry, but when he saw the person who spoke, he was stunned on the spot.

" Huaiyu..."

Joy flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and he couldn't help reaching out to hold the beautiful woman in front of him. "You survived, too? That's great..."

"Just pretend. I'd like to see how long you can pretend."

Chu Huaiyu sneered and said, "Even if you pretend to be ridiculous today, I will divorce you."

Xiao Chen was stunned. Fairy Huaiyu had been with him for three thousand years. She had always been a virtuous and gentle person. Why did she look so... arrogant at this moment?

"You still want to divorce me?"

He couldn't help but recall with a frown. Only then did he remember that the Chu Huaiyu in front of him wasn't the same Huaiyu fairy who had shared a bed with him for thousands of years, but an ordinary mortal.

Could it be his previous life?

Xiao Chen thought about it carefully.

Chu Huaiyu was the eldest daughter of the second branch of the Chu family in Jinlan City. She was also a college classmate and a cheap wife in this body.

As a well-known business family in Jinlan City, the Chu family had a great fortune. Half a year ago, the Old Master of the Chu family announced that he would abdicate and divide the shares... Because of the tradition of the Chu family, in order to share the shares, Chu Huaiyu came to a marriage contract with Xiao Chen.

Since then, Xiao Chen had become a live-in son-in-law of the Chu family.

Until today.

Xiao Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought about it. Although this woman was as beautiful as Huaiyu Fairy, her temper was very irritable. It was common for her to throw her face and scold others. Sometimes, she even hit others, so that no one dared to marry her.

It was only because Xiao Chen's parents died when he was young and he had a crush on Chu Huaiyu that he agreed.


Chu Huaiyu suddenly slammed the table. "My patience is limited. If you don't sign it now, don't force me to teach you a lesson!"

If it was in the past, Xiao Chen would most likely have followed suit. However, the current him was no longer that cowardly former. He immediately said when he heard this, "There is still one month until the end of the year. Let's talk about it when the time comes."

He didn't want to divorce just like that... The woman in front of him looked exactly the same as Fairy Huaiyu. How could he bear to leave alone?

"What did you say?"

Chu Huaiyu was shocked. She didn't expect that Xiao Chen would have the courage to refuse her. She was furious for a moment and said, "Would you like to say it again?"

Xiao Chen said calmly, "I won't sign it."

For some reason, looking at Xiao Chen's calm eyes, Chu Huaiyu was inexplicably frightened. It was as if the person in front of him was not the useless person she was familiar with, but a supreme master with a high position and an imposing manner.

"Just you wait!"

Chu Huaiyu was very angry. He got up and left. If it weren't for the many people coming and going, she really wanted to teach Xiao Chen a lesson.


Xiao Chen stopped her. "Huayu, your Yangguan is obscure, and the Divine Sect is dark. There must be a disaster coming. Follow me and don't run away."

Although Xiao Chen had exhausted all his skills, he still had a broad vision and had never forgotten the basics. When he saw Chu Huaiyu's strange expression, he immediately reminded him.

Unfortunately, Chu Huaiyu didn't know that his useless husband had changed.

"He's a lunatic."

She cursed and didn't take Xiao Chen's words seriously. She turned around and walked out of the hotel.

However, the moment she walked out of the gate, a golden bangle van roared over. A few strong men jumped out of the van and grabbed her and stuffed her into the van.

Chu Huaiyu was stunned. "Help, help!"


Xiao Chen didn't expect the disaster to come so soon. He was shocked and angry, so he rushed out in a hurry.

Creak... colliding!

A fast-moving truck rushed to the sidewalk and knocked Xiao Chen back on the spot.


Half an hour later.

In a factory in the Southern City Development District.

Chu Huaiyu, who looked terrified, was tied up and thrown to the ground.

"Brother Wei, we've caught him."

The strong men rushed in one by one and bowed to a young man sitting on the left.

Chu Huaiyu looked over and his face changed greatly. "Chu Wei? You asked someone to catch me? What are you going to do?"

She had never expected that it was her cousin, Chu Wei, who had sent someone to arrest her!

Xiaoyu, don't blame my cousin for being cruel.

Chu Wei stood up with no expression on his face. He looked at Chu Huaiyu and said, "The old man suddenly announced that he would abdicate in advance. I was also caught off guard. In order to ensure that I have enough shares to control the group, I can only ask you for a favor."

"I won't give you my shares even if I die!"

Chu Huaiyu was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. "Just wait. I'll tell grandpa what you did later."

"Haha." Chu Wei seemed to have expected that Chu Huaiyu would react like this. He was not angry at the moment and said indifferently, "You are not afraid of death. You are always afraid of others..."

"Tell me, if I film a little movie for you and post it on the Internet, will Grandpa still give you shares?"

"What, what are you going to do?" Chu Huaiyu's face turned pale on the spot.

Chu Wei laughed. "What do you think?"

The strong men behind him also grinned and leaned over with a wretched look in their eyes.

"How dare you!" Chu Huaiyu was so scared that his legs went limp. He couldn't help but step back and shouted, "Don't come over! Get out, get out!"

Chu Wei looked smug. "Are you scared now? It's too late! When I deal with you, I'll go and find your useless husband... I heard that in the past three years, you often beat and scolded him. If I give him some money, will he help me cheat you?"