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His Human Mate

His Human Mate

Autor: Mpho lite

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His Human Mate PDF Free Download


Prologue Fate took her to an unknown place to her. Lana Deltona runs away from her past. Things she doesn't want to remember. Her mother always move around with her to places just to find peace. Their destination for peace was found in Texas. They moved there just in two days ago. Tommorow she will be starting her new day at the ' Woo College' But will her college be as she expected it to be??
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Chapter 1

He became an alpha after his father who retired because of his long gone age. Tony caldera hasn't found his mate yet unlike his beta


he always feels so pity for his alpha cause he knows how it is not to have a mate. Well before riyon found his mate he had all hopes lost. The two of them were hopeless mateless wolves. After riyon found his mate he kept on encouraging his alpha to keep on hope.

But who would want to be Tony's mate?? An arrogant,play boy and as hurtles as Tony?? Other girls prays that they should not turn out to be his mate.

His Heart is of an inhuman..well even a heart of an animal has some feeling in it but his is indescribable.

Tony and his best friend riyon always looks for trouble and especially around girls. They always fool themselves around them..even if riyon has a mate. He can still touch another girl in her presence. Well their relationship is so bad cause they can't communicate. Even I won't blame her cause riyon is a playboy . She stopped caring a lot about him when he told her herself that he can't control himself.

Between them no one got time for each other.

Star is even good in her studies as riyon don't even dare to interfere in her life. Other wolves says their relationship is stupid and mostly they mock star. Saying that her mate cares less about her and all that.

Then there came the new girl that is also a nerd but she can change her mood if she can't control her anger.

Lana doesn't stress her brain on other stuff but only her books. Her mom always warns her to read two or three subjects at a day but she thinks out of the box.

She is an A student .

And now her journey is to find out who is she. Why are such things even happening to her.


I woke up and rubbed the blur out of my eyes. My eyes zoomed to the watch on the wall. Oh dear lord am gonna be late at my first day at the Woo College.

I quickly ran into my Bathroom and shut the door up. Quickly brushed my teeth and went in the shower. I managed to do everything in a quick time.

After I tied my towel and went back in my room.

I lotioned my body and quickly jumped in anything to wear that I see in my wardrobe.

A Jean, brown shirt,black pumps and I did my hair with a ponytail style today.

I ran through the stairs to downstairs. This house may be wooded and small but it has stairs and enough rooms to accomodate me and my mother.

“ hy mom..bye mom.!”

I tried to pass through her but she caught me in her hands with a tight hug.

“ first you eat ur food before school”

“ I don't have I'll be late.!”

I fold my hands on my chest and made a grumpy face. But she doesn't care.

“ school will have to wait when it comes to my baby's health. Now go sit down and eat young lady”

“ yes ma'am”

Argh I can't believe I'll be late just because of food. What a carrying mom I have





As soon as I left home I started sure that am even late cause I took my time to digest what I ate. Well it's normal to me.

As soon as I got to the college gate I breathed out the air I was holding for so long.

I quickly rushed in

When I stepped in the door I had no clue to where to go as there were no students anywhere around.

I took a walk straight.

What if I get detention for coming late? What if they don't even accept mom might have signed me in this College but with what I just did.. that's a no.

What if they don't even like me.?? Besides I don't know if this school has nerds like me.

My mom told me that this is the best school so am lucky to come here and study as a student.

She told me good stories about this story and funny thing is that she said I might fell in love here.

Where in this wide world would I find a person fit to be my future husband?? Even if I do I dont think I wish to date anyone till I finish my an A student so I'll keep that badge up proud of it.

I saw some two guys walking up to to my direction..should I ask them the direction to the principal's office or not?? No. I don't agree with that. What will they say seeing a girl like me asking such questions. I should behave like a normal person and mind my own business. I don't fit any of their levels though.

I passed them and breathed out..just then I heard a loud a dog.

Does this school allow students to come with pets?? I continued to walk till I heard another growl and this time it was like a warning cause it's so loud. I then heard footsteps coming behind me.

I turned around to look as who is coming with a dog behind me. My face hit something hard like a stone.but soft stone, I don't think even such exist.

I moved two steps back and my mouth nearly fell. I just slammed my face on the other handsome guy that passed me just a few seconds ago.

“ sorry..Uhm..I was..I ”

“ have u lost it??don't u know me?? Why didn't y greet me?? Is ur head paining that u can't bow to me ??”

As hot as this guy is right now in front of me..I mean as handsome as this guy is. He has no sense . Handsomeness overload but sense is just 1%.

How can Lana bow for this guy.

I scanned him with my eyes from head to toe. To what am seeing right now I can't even believe that this cute guy is crazy. Oh gosh.

I rolled my eyes at him

I started walking to where I was going till a strong force pulled me back to where I was. . .

With the balance I had I managed not to fall.

I looked at him and I wanted to shout ' are u mad ' but it's obvious he is.

To make this day pass by quickly I bowed to him and started to walk myself out of his and his friend's presence

Pull me again and I'll show u madness..I said to my self and rushed forward to where the way points itself.

A girl running just jumped on me from nowhere.

“ Argh..”

I release a painful moan out of my mouth. Well it might take me just a good day to get the pain disappear on my butt and back.

She got off me and helped me up . I also helped her to pick up her books.

“ thank you.”

She says after collecting the books from my hand.i only smile but deep down controlling the pains am feeling .

“ Uhm..can u help me out? Where is the principal's office?”

Finally I ask someone..I can't waste more time and only bump into new people I don't know..some are rude.

“ are u new here?”

Her voice is that of a model. She seems quite and good for my liking.

“ yea..”

“ well u might just wanna take a U-turn cause u passed the way to it. From where we are standing now..just walk and pass two blocks of lockers and take a turn left then walk straight.. you'll find it.”

“ thank you”

I start walking back the where I just came from and go with the directions given.

As soon as I took that turn to left I saw a room which is the only room at that blog .

It's sure is the principal's office.

I knocked on the door till I got the approval to get in.

I closed the door behind me and turned around only to see the two guys I saw before and one other man sitting on a big chair infront of them.

Are they here to report me??

I saw a name tag on the desk written ' principal Dave '.

“ principal Dave.”

I say in a soft tone trying to put a smile on my face when a cough was made by the guy who pulled me by my bag.

Is my perfume affecting him or he wants to start up a new drama.

The other guy wanted to say something when the man.. principal Dave raised his hand at him and stopped him to say anything.

“ are u the new student?”

A smile now appeared on my face . the school knows about me. Well I had a fear that maybe am lost or something.

“ yes.”

I said in a quick response.

He gave me a paper that was next to his hands on his desk.

“ you are welcome miss Lana ur locker's number is found on that paper and there is a map of this school behind it..”

He wrote another letter for me

“ go to the office and give the receptionist this letter so she can give u the books instructed”

“ thank you sir”

I smile and turn away to walk but then I just remembered something.

“ sir..does this school allow pets?”

I ask in a soft tone and bringing out that innocent face.

When I look at the two boys sitting on the chairs infront of the principal..they could kill me right now. The anger on their faces is written all over them but sir is the one smiling.

“ no it doesn't..maybe some learners here are practicing dogs language”

“ oh.”

I say no more and gets out .

Well this is my time table .oh no the didn't..two subjects per day??

Am sure mom is the one behind this and now I already lost my first class.

I came late, I couldn't find the way to the principal's office and even some interruption on the way. Good, that's a way to go Lana. Way to go.

The bell rang and students filled the passage. It was crowded and noisy.

I turned my time table and start to look for a way to my next class which would be L.O

My favourite.

So I started walking and taking directions on the map till I got confused.

I just started and this map Mede me get lost. I ended up going to the restroom

On my way in I met the girl who gave me directions.

“ hey again”

She was washing her hands

“ hi.uhm..we meet again”

She giggles

“ found ur way?”

“ yes I did..but still hard to go through..this map”

I said dramatically looking at the map.

“ I'll show u around and tell u anything u need to know about this school”

“ oh..let me use the restroom first.”

I rushed in the and closed the door.




“ u would love this school in few days time trust me. And it has a garden,a coffee shop and criteria where we buy food.”

This girl has been talking and I even forgot her name. I mean she took me to the library talking and here we are walking around still talking. My tummy growls and she quickly touches her tummy.

“ that's not mine.”

She defend her tummy.

I can't believe am hungry after so much food I ate at home

“ then that's mine.”

We both giggled

“ let me take u to the criteria..I'll pay for u”

“ let's go so starving”

We started walking and all that walk around this big school took my whole energy. I might even take a nap if they can offer me a bed, comfortable pillow and blanket to cover my self

When we reached to where we were going we found a long line. I'll die standing on this line ..I can't do this.

We sat down hoping that the line would vanish but nothing happens.

A boy walked to us with a plate full of stake and braiid meat. Then another one sat near my side with his own plate tray full of meat.

“ brought u food”

When I look up at the people who sat with us. I see familiar faces.

“ oh thank you”

The ..yes her name is star. She replies

“ want to join”

She moves the plate next to me but that rude boy took it back to her side.

“ only for mate”

He talked as if he is warning her or demanding her I don't just get it.

Besides who eats a meat like this.? Will she even finish this meat or he will join her. This is called an abuse to ur stomach.

“ no thank u..I'll be looking for my next class.bye”

I stood up not wanting her or any of this bad boys to respond Mem I just left.

I guess I'll be hungry till my class ends.

Well this map is of no use anyways she took me around the school.i went to the library and took my books and my class will be starting in 20 minutes so I better just prepare for what is coming my way. I better take it took with all I got.


As soon as the bell rang students started to walk in the class.

I looked at some of them and wondered to my self as how can one human be so beautiful like this girls. Till ma face met a familiar face and followed by another face.

There was a boy who sat next to me but as soon as this guy stood next to his chair he quickly abandoned the chair and looked for another place to sit.

He should try me.

I won't do anything to make him strong because of my fear. What does he think he is. God.??

I think maybe they are the bullies of this school. That's why they were even called to the principal's office earlier on.

He will pay if he dares try any of his stupid tricks on me.

I might be a nerd but even I also got a life like them am a human being. I will try all my best not to be bullied by him

A woman walks in with books in her hands and put them on a desk used by any teacher that comes and teaches teaches this class

“ good afternoon students.”

We all mumble a greeting and as I saw them opening books I also did. She wrote the page number on the board forward.

But then this guy and his friend. They don't even have a book infront of them. What do they take themselves for.

I saw a smile on his face. I quickly looked away . I think he noticed the look I gave him.

What's even wrong with me.