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Love Knows No Bounds

Love Knows No Bounds

Autor: Noxie

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Love Knows No Bounds PDF Free Download


Samantha Oliphant a top finance student who had never been interested in anything but her studies finally decides to let loose. She falls in love with a man whose character is questionable to her parents, to make things worse the battle between the two tribes makes it difficult for them to stay together and everyone is just against their relationship. Will they end their relationship for peace sake or will they fight for their love?
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Chapter 1

" Girl are we going to the year-end school party?"

" Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Noticing that both of her friends were looking at her expectedly, Samantha rolled her eyes at them, they knew very well that she was not interested in any of these parties that the college always throws for them and if they wanted to drink she would rather do it at home, definitely not in crowded places, so why would they even expect her to answer?

" Duh, you are the only one here who is always disinterested in doing stuff, and I know damn well that Zee is keen on going. So what do you say are we going?"

She said this as if she was expecting Samantha to give them a positive answer this time, even Samantha knew that she was the party pooper of the group so Oyisa's words left her with no choice but to relent and nod her head meaning she would go but just this one time, that way if anything were to happen at this party she would at least have an excuse to use when she does not want to go to the next party. With this in mind, she stopped walking and looked at Zintle and Oyisa for a moment, seeing that both her friends really wanted to go out judging from the expectant look in their eyes, she didn't want to be the party pooper so she heaved a heavy sigh and nodded her head lightly.

" Fine, only this once. oh, by the way, I will not be drinking I have a lot of assignments due soon plus unlike you two I do not live in the student residence I still need to catch a taxi back home."

Oyisa waved her hand happily and swore to her

" You do not have to worry about that, we will definitely not pressure you to do anything you are not comfortable doing."

" Yeah Sammy, but even if you will not be drinking, I do not think it will be safe for you to take taxis at that time of the night, how about you ask your parents permission to spend the weekend at my place that way we will be able to even focus on the assignements the next day, see this will work perfectly, some fun on friday and work on Saturday it's a balance hehehe."

" wow Zee, such a great Idea, we never get to do sleep overs , I can't wait. Sammy hurry up and go home now so that you can go talk to your parents."

Seeing that they had already made a decision for her Samantha had no choice but to turn around heading to the taxi rank where she would normaly take her taxi home, but only after she had taken a few steps the woman noticed something odd so she stopped.

" Uuuh guys what is going on?"

Hearing her question both Zintle and Oyisa raised their heads and followed Samantha's line of sight only to see the taxi rank packed, There were also men dressed in black suits, some looked like body gaurds while some looked like very important figures, there was even a poduim where a middle aged man was addressing all the taxi drivers and other employees from the taxi rank, next to him was a younger man who seemed to be around their age if not slightly older, they couldn't see his face though as he was blocked by the people and the members of the major media outlets that were also present at this event.

" Seems like some big shot is visiting the rank, why else will there be people dressed like that in a taxi rank."

While they were still wondering what was going on, Oyisa had already asked one of the venders what was going. Today was a big day for the taxi industry in Wellington city as well as all surrounding cities under their territory. The head of the taxi association and owner of more that eighty percent of all the taxies in the area was announcing his successor, Adrian Khoza, which explained the presence of the young man next to the taxi boss.

After learning all of this information the girls felt that it was not safe for them to linger any longer, as it is widely known how dangerous events like these could get, although the Khoza family was a well respected family in the city, there were still those greedy individuals who still wanted a piece of the pie, they wanted a few more routes that belonged to the Khoza's. At a time like this, anything could happen and since most people there were all armed the three women could become prey to the flying bullets. Thinking about this Samantha did not want to compromise her friends' saftey.

" Uhm guys, you can go back now, I will just stop meter taxi here and not go inside the rank. Go back now before anything happens."

She chased her friends away, which they did not refuse as they too were aware of the situation they were in. Once she was sure that they were leaving she too stopped one of the few taxis that were operating, just before she got in to the taxi , she turned her head to look at he man on stage again but her eyes met those of the younger man who was standing next to him, feeling embarrassed that she was caught she quickly retracted her gaze and stepped in the car and left the scene.

Little did she know that the young man next to Mr Khoza had also taken notice of them the moment they came to his view, his eyes glued on Samantha until she entered the taxi. Everyone wanted to get a glimpse of the new successor and some of the girls were looking at him with greedy eyes, something he was used to his whole life, as be was the true definition of eye catching, but those three girls however did not even care that the great Khoza head and his heir was on stage and did not even linger around to try and curry favor him before they left and this intrigued him. As soon as the girls disappeared he turned to look at his assistant and gave him a commanding look while shifting his eyes to look at the departing taxing which Samantha was in. With that the assistant instantly knew what his boss was trying to communicate with him, he took out his phone and started digging the information his boss was looking for.

Soon the ceremony came to an end, the successor had been announced, other business associates were congratulating Adrian, and some of his lower ranking subordinates only bowed respectfully at him as they did not even have the guts to approach him and talk to him as they felt that they were not worthy of his time. After the business of the day was concluded, everyone left the rank and naturally Adrian and his men also left. Once they were in the car, his special assistant Chad did not wait for his employer to enquire about the task he had given him and began to report to him.

" Sir I did look in to the woman...."