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The First Human Luna

The First Human Luna

Autor: Eve Above Story



The First Human Luna PDF Free Download


"Mate." His voice booms against my heart that batters against my chest. On the night of the full moon, the Lycan king presses me under him as his calloused hands greedily explore my body. My eyes shut in fear, I know I will lose my virginity to him tonight. We are all humans that live in a werewolf pack. This world and pack are ruled by werewolves. Due to the obvious and powerful gap of power, we humans are nothing more than tools for werewolves. But one day, someone told the pack of werewolves are searching for a mate for their king. A human girl in the pack over the age of 18 is up for grabs. However, it is a trick! I almost dead, but lycan king saved me. A heart of ice, cruelty, and steel, that is his synonym. "Didn’t expect that I would find my mate here…"
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Chapter 1

Elena’s POV

Exhaling heavily, I press my hand to my damp forehead. It was a long day, tortuous and monotonous as ever. Another day of picking up after unruly werewolves, taking care of their armor, bloodied, and scratched, their boots, feeding them, meal after meal of meat and rice, and finally, listening to their battle plans and faking vigor.

“Elena,” my father calls from the doorway, his voice as scratchy as the werewolves’ howls. “There is more money needed for your sister’s school.”

I bow my head out of habit. “Yes, father.”

Despite my hammering heart, I manage to look him in his eternal bloodshot eyes. He sways back and forth slightly, stinking of the whisky that he drinks like water.

Speaking of, he takes a pull of the golden whisky and sighs heavily.

“Piece of trash you are, Elena!!”

“I know, father.” I whisper.

Let’s discount that I work full-time as a maid to an unruly werewolf pack, this pack of violent outsiders. I work hard to put my sister through a prestigious school that guarantees at least respect from these werewolves. She is going to be a doctor, that specializes just in their needs. Correct, they heal quickly but things can always be added.

Once upon a time we were a happy safe family, all together in one piece. My mom was the glue that kept us together. Now, it has been an endless winter in my heart after she passed away.

My mother died when I was 16, trying to get me a dress for my birthday. After we buried her, my dad drank away our family saving’s, broke his hand in a drunken sorrowful rage, and lost his carpentry job.

I didn’t even get to graduate high school, today being my 18th birthday. My low-level education keeps me on the low totem pole in this world run by werewolves.

After a final glare, my father walks off on unsteady feet bumping into whatever is in his way. I take a seat on my bed of lumps in silence.

“Pssst! Pssst!”

Turning my head and ignoring my heavy sinking heart, I see Sally, my friend, at the back window of my little hole I call a room.

"Hey.. you" I tries to form a smile, fighting back tears.

My hands tremble at the thought of being unable to provide for my sister , and I shut my eyes against the bile rising in my throat.

“Happy birthday, Elena!” Sally whispers, "Ohh. Dear. Have you cried?"

"I'm alright. Just my father. You know. What is it?" I saw a golden foiled letter in her hands.

Sally shoves the golden foiled letter in my face. Shakily, I take it, unable to open it.

“I got us in!! I got us in!!”

“To what? ” I'm totally lost

“The best party ever!I bought you a dress! Let’s go!”

“Sally… I don't think..” Spots appear before my eyes as I feel faint.

“you don't need to think. It's your birthday! You need to let loose. Just go with me! Com'on! ”Sally interrupts me, dragging me out..

Yet my bravado dies within one hop out the window to go get ready with Sally.

My heart thunders in my chest as I force down the cold dread gripping to my bones. The only people that throw lavish parties are werewolves.

We are not werewolves; we are lowly humans.

I force a smile on my face and stay quiet to kill my nerves.

Within a half hour of entering her home, Sally convinced me to wear the white slip dress she bought me for the party. Now, Sally pulls me into an opulent massive ballroom, with golden walls and overflowing with beautiful women all covered in jewels. It is not cold; however, they are wearing these furs to look more appealing to the werewolves.

“Why are we here? ” I whisper.

Sally smiles at me as she offers me to fill her glass with wine. I do.

“Honey,” Sally sighs dramatically, “the owner of this house is Gamma Kevin, he oversees the humans in this pack, right? So, the pack of werewolves are searching for a mate for their king. A human girl in the pack over the age of 18 is up for grabs! Once the lucky one is chosen, she can be the pack’s luna! Ta-da! Happy birthday!”

I swallow dryly. Sally, I'm not feeling comfortable about this.”

Why would a werewolf want a human Luna? Why?

To have outcast children? A weak bloodline?

This is a trick!

Sally explained to me that she spent her monthly salary on ticket.

Looking at her eyes expectantly, I sighed and finally did not pierce her expectations.

What if I am targeted here? I scan the area for exits and only find the front door.

Wringing my trembling hands together to calm myself, I listen to these women.

One woman in a short red dress speaks. “I hope I am chosen! I know the king of werewolves is super rich!”

“Oh, how can you be chosen? It is impossible! A human luna?” A woman in a yellow dress adorned with a massive yellow flower on her right shoulder speaks.

“Right, c’mon now! No one has met this king. What if he is ugly or stupid? Money can’t fix stupid and ugly!”

“Oh, who cares! Money is money!” The woman in the yellow dress rebuffs.

We are all humans that live in a werewolf pack. This world and pack are ruled by werewolves. Due to the obvious and powerful gap of power, us humans are nothing more than tools for werewolves.

The elusive king is the epicenter of power and prestige of these werewolves. The werewolves are scattered about the world, but they all bow to this one king. The pack that rules over me is in the westernmost area.

I live in an area covered by forest. This is no fairytale, however. The werewolves, a few years ago were known to drag humans out and kill whoever they like. The howls at night were not a collective call for them to get together, but a mocking of their victims’ last drawn breaths.

This area is overflowing with wolves who have committed revolting crimes and were banished to this barren wasteland by their own kin, to be free to kill to their bloodied heart’s content.

At that time of exile, werewolves were the reigning nightmares of all.

A few years ago, an elusive powerful werewolf appeared to rule all in this wasteland. He established the Dethroned pack, and reigns as the second Alpha king among the werewolves.

King Harvey, rumored for his violence and feral attitude.

No one human has ever met King Harvey.

Under his prestigious rule, King Harvey has stopped the violence against humans, calming the werewolves from exerting their power to the degree of killing when they desired. However, there’s little peace for humans.

We still are to remain silent. Lives are back on track, as stressful as it may be deep down.

We don’t fear death as much, but I can’t shake my eternal nerves.

It’s a stressful servitude, and even though we are not to be scared because killing of a human is illegal, I still have witnessed it.

I started to work for these werewolves that mocked my mom’s death and my existence. My dad was not far behind, despising that my mom died trying to get me a gift.

After King Harvey took over, the mocking stopped.

Mostly, we are all safe, but we all hide our fear. How can I forget within my first years of working for werewolves that three men were killed in a week for questioning the werewolves’ battle strategy?

Sally intrudes on my thoughts.

“Honey, relax. It’s your coming-of-age night. Stop thinking of the world and your sister, think of yourself!”

I decline with a huff. I can’t help my bitter smile over my sister, not that I don’t love her, but those impossible fees for her schooling.

My drunk dad has left us penniless and hopeless. The stress of this life is killing me.

I freeze with her when someone from the front golden double doors exclaims:

“It’s Gamma Kevin!! The helper of King Harvey! He’s here!”

Quickly, as a last option, I pocket a silver knife that is on the table I sit at. If there is no way out, then I will make one for us. I refuse to leave my sister alone in this world.

Gamma Kevin walks to the center of the hall.

“Well. Well. Ladies. Welcome! I believe you know what is going to happen next'