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Crying Angel

Crying Angel

Auteur: Valentine Gates

En cours


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Flashy cars beautiful and expensive life a rrue definition of success and this is all that could describe John he is one of the few billionaires that are known to be kind hearted he is loved by many and not everyone around him knows his struggles in life John comes to realise that not everything can be bought with his overwhelming wealth he goes through a hard life and since he lost his mother his life takes a whole different path he gets involved in different types of businesses and finally makes it in life in a way that he never expected he gets involved in the streets dirty business involving drugs and violence he is a kind hearted and good human but he realises that he carries a lot of blood in his hands he tries seeking a whole new life by dissapearing away from everyone and starts a new life John ois tied between two women Jane who is also a billionaire and Casey a pleasant who no one cares about but John he comes to a point that he has to chose and make the hardest decision in his life and this involves betrayal.

Chapter 1

Mr Benzos a young famous man from the countryside was among the few humble billionaires that i know,he was not only rich in wealth but also in heart.Many came testifying about the many good deeds he had done for them but he did not bother since he did it by heart.He had been married for 20 good years to Mrs Cate but they were never previleged to get a child this is because Mrs Cate had undergone several abortion back in her high school years after being diagnosed with cancer of the cervix which lead to the total removal of her womb. 

      This was the most painful moment of her life.Being a woman aged 30years at that time she was not able to handle the pressure especially when her friends had neglected her for her condition.Every day Mr Benzos found a reason for working hard at his humble home for the sake of the love of his life who needed him the most at the hard moments.He would always come from the farm and find her seated at the veranda lonely and crying painfully,he always had to find the possible means to convince her that no situation is permanent no matter what people say.

"Monica my love, people will always be people, never allow them to come in between us, what matters is the love that i have for you!"

"Why does it always have to be about my Ben, what did i ever done for the world to punish me this bitterly!"Monica complained.This has been the usual trend and the most difficult moment since the couple got married.Despite all this difficulties they faced they never lost hope since they stongly believed that nothing bad comes out of doing good since they always did what they believed was right.

One early morning when Monica had woken up the earliest,she went to the farm in search of some flavoured tea leaves which she would use to prepare her husband some tea.That day everything seemed so strange since it started raining in the morning which was unusual in the area but befo6she plucked the last leaf bud,she had a sound coming from a very far place.It appeared as if it was that of a child crying.She decided to follow the direction of which the sound was coming from but to her amazement it was leading her to the middle of their garden.Monica arrived and could not believe what she found.It was a young angel which seemed as if it had just been conceived and abandoned in their garden.It was covered by a heavy pullover which never sustained it for long and this was visible from the way it was shivering from the cold

"What a heartless generation,how could someone abandon such a beautiful angel"she said to herself.

she went ahead calling for help but no one answered. She went ahead and removed her pullover and covered it because the other one had been soaked. She then called out for further help,this one last time but still no one came for response

At this time and moment,she had burried the hatchet of calling anymore help. One thing she had known throughout her life was that human beings sometimes might be very surprising creatures that one can never depend on especially when we need them the most, that's why the child was abandoned at the first place and so she took an oath.

"From this day going onwards,i promise that am going to take you as one of my own flesh and am going to make you learn the ways of life and how to survive in this painful world,though we might not have the connection of blood i promise that our bond is going to be stronger than that,from this moment i officially call you my son and hope that you will accept me as your mother!"

Monica then carried the child and realized that it was a boy! She then went with him back to the house to tell her husband of what a blessing she had met that morning. Upon arriving at home, the child who had been crying all the way did something unexpected,he remained silent symbolising that she was very much comfortable with the place for this was where his heart was.

The compound place felt very quiet and this was never something that was common in the place. Very oftenly Mr Benzos could involve himself in some homely duties making the place more lively and this was never the case anymore.

Monica sensed danger as she slowly opened the main door heading to the living room which was not locked. She slowly walked in not realizing that she was about to see the greatest nightmare of her life. She identified a pool of blood coming out from their bedroom where her husband had been sleeping. She was curious to know what had happened so she followed the blood and found her husband at a critical condition enjoying the last minutes of his life. Monica knelt down as she presented the child to her and said as tears dropped down from her eyes.

"Look my love! God has finally answered our prayers, look what we have found"

Benzos then gathered the last courage and energy to look and found out that it was a child and this gave him the last strength to speak up his mind and said.

"This has been the moment we have been waiting for and God has finally fulfilled,i want you to know that our enemies shall never prosper and we are going to emerge victorious" Monica continued weeping uncontrollably as Benzos continued.

"I want you to know that even though i might depart from you physically i will always be a part of you and you will never walk alone." Benzos then opened his arm then handed over a piece of key which he had on his hands and instructed her to open a safe box which was located on a secret basement at his bedroom where she was going to find all his profits which he had worked for since he was a child. It was such a huge amount of money which they were going to use for their escape!