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Werewolf Ethan was one of the least you could ever imagine was a full blooded werewolf. A clumsy ass, a nerd, a dumb, all about a loser, with many health problems and he is also an orphan. He was never the bold type, rather he was very shy and tends to play a dumb. But what happens when he found his grandfather dead right in their house, His heart ripped off. With pain and grief, he tries to fight through. But he is struck down when he was being told the real truth about his, like that wasn't hard enough, he comes to know a lot more what he can take. Crossing over to the werewolf world when he is forced to be an omega and rejected cause he was seen as weak being. However, all the werewolf race completely endanger with the prophecy pending, the hero was already been prepared right from birth, at least the only person they thought was their hero. But little did they know the moon goddess had her eyes on someone else, someone they least expected. Complete nobody. But cause of some traumatic experience with the chosen one ever conquer his fears and finally let his werewolf speak out or would betrayal and abuse quench the only hope of their goddess Luna? Or will another hero be chosen for the ultimate battle of the prophecy.

Chapter 1


Deep in the universe somewhere far beyond human comprehension, a world totally different from the earth exist. A whole new world of supernatural with different portals leading to different territory, from deadly to magnificent. A mythical world in, which portals accessible were the werewolf's and the vampire's.

The other portals were cursed and tightly sealed for the creatures who reside in them. Werewolf too powerful and knowledgeable in such a way that if they were unlock the creatures will conquer the universe and destroy all lives that brought goddess.

But nevertheless the two portals ended up finding about each other's existence and the birth of unwanted creatures grew, the two leaders were forced to separate their people from each other. But yet the wickedness of the vampires and their desires for domination over all were just great, they wanted the beautiful werewomen for themselves including all their possessions. They wanted the werewolves portals under slavery, they saw themselves as immortal and their for god-like.

Dracula raising an army of vampires crossed over the portal all the way to the werewolf. They broke through and demanded submission, but the alpha Tertian stood in opposition. Then there was a huge conflict....

Heavy wind blew in the red world, with the aura of lost, pain yet perseverance and hope.

Clashing of mental, roaring of beast, slashes of skin, loud cries of war erupted from the land and air. The red sky howl with a strong wind as lightning clash, the sky was red till lost of sight it felt like it was stained with blood and soon red droplets starts dropping from the sky like blood. The sky was weeping along with the souls of the dead ones.

Beast vs beast, two different worlds against each other, fighting for authority and might.

Dracula reading the vampires army who prevailed over the wolf on air. Ephesus the mighty zeta leading the army wolf who prevailed over the vampires on land.

In such a battle with no mercies, many lives were taken, day and night were made with no fest, the war had no breaks, the both clan fought with all they have got. The use of magic and super abilities were little to be compared with the deadly strategies they implored. They split the ground in two, killed the vegetation with blood, intoxicated the waters with magic, destroyed the clouds with heat.

They would become hell, all other signs of live long dead, still thirst of power and might from the vampires withheld a strong wickedness. The only thing the aimed for was victory, the war would never end until the last wolf gave their breath, or victory is pronounced by the vampires.

The war had lasted a hundred years, and the both side never cease to throw more of their new able ones ready to die.

Mother earth opened up and cried out loud, witnessing the death of her children was more than enough.

In the battle field, Dracula hovered over the furious black wolf, Ephesus, who stood claws out, with wounds and cuts, signs of restless battle. He studied the malicious bat attentively, taking in his movements.

Once he had the chance, he bounced on the tree with extreme agility before the giant bat could see. He stretch out his claws on the air, planting them on Dracula's wings, they both beast dropped to the floor with Ephesus's claws tearing the bat's wings.

The bat gave huge comeback with his own fangs scratching on the wolf's face into his left eye, causing it to shut.

With only one eye left the mighty wolf struck down hard, and he was able to tear Dracula's flesh with his numerous scratches and bites, after a huge ground fight Dracula decided to call on his magic.

A radiant red light glow under Dracula's his chest, the stone sank in his flesh causing him to scream out, on seeing that the werewolf backed away

Drake was lifted high with his eyes all red screaming and peeling off his skin. New fresh giant bat- like wings sprung out from his back, his teeth became ever so long down to his jaw, his body grew bigger.

Feeling the power he laughed out loud, stopping a lightning bolt with only a finger and sending it straight to the wolf.

The zeta wolf never gave up, even if the bat was five times his side, he laughed forward on all four. Dracula grabbed him by the leg once he was high in the sky, slamming him down several times on the floor.

The battle between the two became only tough and almost impossible after receiving a merciless beating almost to death from Dracula, the zeta wolf stretch out his hands and howled loud and clear to the moon goddess. He didn't want to give up, but oh Dracula was so mighty and was barely lifting a muscle.

Dracula laughed out loud at the zeta's gesture, mocking his helplessness.

"Now you shall die " He declared, piercing the wolf's chest with his fangs reaching to pluck his heart while the wolf cried out in excruciating pain.

From no where a bluish lightning bolt, strike the wolf ejecting dracula off as it lifted him high in the air. The screams of the werewolf shook the whole red sky as huge pain was been afflicted to his body. The sky turned dark.

Dracula flew to the wolf trying to penetrate through and finish his job, only to be struck down by the million bolts shooting out of the wolf.

The battle field was silent as every single fighter stood to watch the greatest sight ever since creation.

It was a bright dazzling, white light illuminating the sky radiantly.

Before every eyes, beautiful white bird like wings sprung out of the mighty warrior's back, his wounds were healed, his fur was made white and black, and he increased in size with fury. His eyes glazed with blue sparks like the lightning.

With all his might he broke out of the illuminating light launching towards the vampire with the speed of lightning. And he grabbed Dracula he took off to the sky with the struggling bat together in the clouds beyond eye sight.

Then the ultimate combat began lasting for hundred more years with only fire and lightning bolt jumping out of the sky and killing many.

On the last day when Dracula was struck down by the zeta wolf, wings torn, flesh ripped Dracula craw away from the wolf looking for an escape.

"These is the last day, Dracula! Peace shall finally reign in our portal" The zeta spoke.

"I'll come back, I shall come back!!!" Dracula yelled out in frustration and shame.

With that the warrior wolf ripped the vampire into pieces.

Together with the others the He drave the vampires back to their portal. From that day the portals have been sealed from vampires, they both spaces could not travel to other world neither could they see it.

It should have all ended there but again vampire stolen Dracula's stone and swore to revive him for completion of his work.

With no other option left than preparation. A message came from the moon to her people, a prophecy of Ephesus rebirth.

Two kingdoms in war, masters of air against the masters of land. A young warrior gifted by the Goddess Luna a strong ability to touch the sky, his physics pure with peace and dark with fury. Standing out from among his peers, a royal blooded wolf. A hero in spirit, who must take the weight upon himself, and prevail were strong warriors had failed. A seventeenth year body but billion decades spirit of zeta Ephesus. In pure heart and with faith he shall gain victory and honor among his people. But he took shall suffer loss and redemption shall be made. So his stain purity shall be regained...

So the prophecy was transferred from generations to generations preparation of the young alpha pups were made but at seventeen all hope was lost again, no prophecy coming true, nevertheless the alpha never cease to train their offspring in preparation of the day of the second rebirth. Just maybe they don't have to wait too long. They all prepared for the occasion pretty soon.