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Anabel Knight's Redemption

Anabel Knight's Redemption

Auteur: Lisa Thompson

En cours


Anabel Knight's Redemption PDF Free Download


Twenty years had passed, and no one knew what happened to Anabel until she resurfaced. She didn't remember what happened, but she knew it was bad. When the angels sent Carlos and Misty to find her, they were met with resistance from the demon world. Anabel was with the demons and they were hiding her to corrupt her even more. Anabel will not only battle the demons and their evil intentions, but she must battle the demon inside her and hopefully win so she can earn her spot among the angel elites.

Chapter 1

Twenty years had passed since Anabel disappeared into the portal. Heaven granted Carlos custody of the twins in hopes it would bring Anabel back, but it didn’t. Carlos made John and James’ lives as comfortable as possible, he told stories about Anabel and how she was this superhero, they loved their mother even though they didn’t know her. Elijah was left with Dremis; Heaven didn’t want to take a chance since he was conceived under magic’s influence.

“Alright, are you ready to go John?” Carlos said coming into the living room. “James let’s go.” He said rolling his eyes.

“I’m coming,” James complained. “Always rushing, what happened to enjoy life, just cuz’ you and Mom did this, doesn’t mean we should.” He said grabbing his bag. “Is Misty coming or what?”

“Yeah, probably,” Carlos said grabbing his knife. “We’re going back to Dremis’ world, we need to see if he’s seen her.” He said shaking his head. “I doubt the demon will help us, but it’s worth a shot. If not we’ll look like we’ve been looking.” He said opening a portal, the boys walked through it, and then Carlos did.

“What gives me the pleasure Carlos?” Dremis said walking towards him; he had a few guards with him. Elijah was with him as well.

Carlos looked around, he didn’t like when Anabel’s third son came around, he was worried he would have to hurt him and he didn’t want to hurt anyone that was related to Anabel. “Just passing through you know, looking for Anabel.” He said moving the hair out of his face. “Have you seen her?”

“Nope last time I saw her, you had her, and you just let her jump into the portal.” He said rolling his eyes. “How many more times will you come here to annoy me?” he said tapping his hand on his face. “I mean you’re begging for another war.” He said looking at James and then John. “Too bad they didn’t get influenced like their mother and brother.”

James took a step forward, he wanted to attack Dremis. He was the reason Anabel was missing, she was torn between good and evil. “The only reason you’re still alive demon is that Carlos won’t let me kill you yet.” He said taking a breath. “And two because my mother might come back here because she’s bonded to your boss, who also will have a death wish.” He said taking a step back.

“Well, now the boy has jokes,” Marcus said appearing a few feet away. “The only reason you two are still breathing is that I love your mother, and will never allow anything to happen to the two of you, even if you feel killing me will save your mother's soul.” He said walking closer to John. “Why don’t you give me a chance to show you the darkness, your brother Elijah will even show you how to do things?” He said looking back at Elijah.

“No thanks, we’re just here for my mother. I don’t owe you or my demon brother anything.” He said shaking his head. “If you see my mother why don’t you tell her to call for us and we’ll come and get her and take her home. I know you are an evil man and probably have her locked away in a prison.”

“Not really, Anabel was one for that kind of thing, but Anabel hasn’t been found.” He lied, he knew where Anabel was he had her hidden, and she couldn’t remember anything that happened. He had found her, she was covered in blood and very weak. “Even if we did know where she was, what makes you think she would want anything to do with you since you left her to die?”

“So you do know where she is?” James said stepping forwards, Elijah blocked Marcus. “I would back up brother,” Elijah growled. “We will find my mother and we will come for you. Remember Angels and demons don’t mix that well, and I don’t like your smell.” He said looking back at Marcus.

“If you’re done, please leave. Oh and don’t try to find us again, we’ll be moving to another realm. We want some peace, and I have a war to prepare for, and no it has nothing to do with you or your Angel friends.” Marcus said disappearing.

“Bye-bye.” John waved to the demons before they walked back through the portal. “Well, I guess that was a bust.” He complained.

“I have a feeling they are hiding her,” James said shaking his head. “The way that Marcus was acting, I think he knows where she is.”

“Yeah well until we know for sure we cannot keep going back there. If he is moving it makes me wonder if he is going to move her too.” Carlos said shaking his head. “We need to get Misty; we need to find a demon that wants to do us a favor.”

“I doubt we’re going to find any demons that would help us,” James said shaking his head. “But maybe we can get Misty to make one of us a demon at least for a little while so we can blend and he won’t know we’re there.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that!” Misty said walking into the apartment. “Trust me I was up all night trying to find a demon or spell for you three to go and get Anabel back.” She said throwing her book down on the couch. “I found something that might get you close enough to Marcus just to see if he has Anabel.”

“So did you find out anything else?” John said walking towards Misty. “I mean have you and the Angels found anything about her, any kind of trace?”

“No John we haven’t,” Misty said shaking her head. “I wish I could tell you that I know exactly where she is, but I can’t.” She said looking at Carlos. “I think you guys are on the right path, I think you should keep looking around Marcus and Dremis’ area, she’s got to be around there.”

“I’m sure we’re going to find her, I am sure Marcus knows where she is,” Misty said shaking her head. “Here is the spell I think we should do.” She said pointing to the spell that could change one of them into a demon for twenty-four hours. “Michael is the one that suggested it; he feels we’re running out of time that we need to find her as soon as possible.”

“Well, no shit,” Carlos said rolling his eyes. “I guess I’m taking one for the team. Misty, you know how much I hate demons, let alone being one.” He complained.

“Well, I guess you don’t have a choice now do you,” Misty said sticking her tongue at him. “Just make sure you bring her back in one piece. Hopefully, she doesn’t have her magic anymore, and doesn’t see you as a threat either.”

“I’m not worried about Anabel hurting me.” He said shaking his head. “I saw the look in her eyes, it was her. She was innocent. I just don’t know why she would have jumped in the wormhole that is something she is going to have to answer.” He said looking at the twins. “I know she probably did it for them.”

“I know she did it for them, she did it to save everyone,” Misty said looking away from Carlos. “For whatever reason Hecta wanted everyone to die because she was dying or losing control over Anabel. Anabel chose to save her, now you have to find her before she does die for real.”

“I know Misty,” Carlos growled. “I am ready whenever you are.” He said shaking his head. “I want to get this over with because I hate the demons.”

“Fine,” Misty said the spell and turned Carlos into an ugly-looking demon. “Well, you aren’t as attractive as you once well,” Misty said shaking her head. “I like your old look.”

“Thanks, Misty,” Carlos said rolling his eyes. “Alright make this portal, give me twenty-four hours, and then open the portal and find me.” He said shaking his head.

Misty opened the portal. “Good luck bringing our girl home,” Misty said shaking her head before Carlos walked through the portal.