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Sold as the Alpha King's Sex Slave

Sold as the Alpha King's Sex Slave




Sold as the Alpha King's Sex Slave PDF Free Download


I was sold as sex slave by my parents! My mom broke down in tears at this point as she shook her head as she murmured while sobbing. "I'm sorry, my dear... I'm sorry." Her expression looked as if she was truly guilty of me, but her backward steps betrayed her. I shuddered uncontrollably as I watched this unfold before me, desperately shaking my head as I struggled to deny it all. "No, no… I don't want this…" I looked at those men who were looking at me with excitement, as they had already removed their clothes. When I tried to move my thin body and escape from what they were trying to do, the two of them held both of my arms and my legs, trying to stop me from moving, as one of them was already on top of me. One of them sneered as he looked at me with arrogance. "Alpha King has other sex slaves anyway, so there's no harm in us enjoying this bitch first!" Tears broke out of my eyes as I begged them to stop what they were doing. "Stop… no… please don't…" Despite my hoarse voice and I could barely even speak, I pleaded for mercy. I plead that they won't do what they were planning to do. I am saving myself for my future mate. I… I hate this… But what the hell am I supposed to do!

Chapter 1


“No! Stop! Don’t take her away from me!”

“Fuck! You evil! Go to hell!”

“Mom? Dad? Where are you?!”

“My child! My child! Where is she?!”

I hugged my body tightly as I covered my ears with my palms as I tried to make myself smaller, hiding under the faucet with eyes swollen and bruises all over, yet I couldn’t care less.

I bit my lower lip and suppressed myself from sobbing.

I was hiding inside our house that was filled with happy memories with my parents, yet a month ago, we were colonized by Monticillio Packs. My pack tried to fight with them to regain our freedom, including my parents who were sent to fight with the Monticillio, yet up until now, they haven’t come back yet.


My parents are such liars.

They told me that if I would be obedient and hide myself, they would finish their task as soon as possible, but the war had already ended yesterday, but they didn’t come back to see me.

But who am I fooling? I would rather have them leave me and escape on their own, leaving me behind here, rather than knowing that something had happened to them.

I clenched my fist and let out a heavy breath. My head was throbbing, and my stomach was hurting. How long has it been ever since I have eaten or drank water? My throat had long been dry, and my strength was slowly slipping away from me.

I want to sleep.

I’m tired.

I’ll take a rest for now and then get up earlier to find my parents.

Just when I was about to close my eyes and take a brief rest, my ears perked up as I heard the familiar footsteps coming from outside the house.

Suddenly, my sleepiness had drifted away. I gritted my tears and didn’t mind the blood dripping from my hands as I moved out from under the faucet that barely fit my body.

Tears that I had tried to suppress had fallen as I moved my limping body towards the broken door to greet them.

“MOM! DAD! You’re finally back!” I shouted, despite the hoarseness of my voice.

However, what I met was not my parents.

I was a stranger that was scrutinizing me from top to bottom as if he was weighing my value.

“She’s quite a beauty. As expected from your daughter.” I heard the stranger say those words which left me confused.

However, when I looked at the person behind her, my eyes widened when I saw my mother who was crying heavily as she was looking at me with guilt and sadness.

I couldn’t help but furrow. I didn’t mind the way that the stranger was looking at me as if he wanted to eat me. It was kind of weird.

I tried to ignore the weird feeling surge in my heart and focus my attention on my mother.

I sweetly smiled at her and noticed that dad wasn’t with her. “Mom, where’s dad?”

My mom broke down in tears as she shook her head as she murmured while sobbing. “I’m sorry, my dear… I’m sorry.”

A bad feeling aroused in my body as I looked at her. I was about to ask her what she was sorry for, when suddenly my waist was bound by large hands and, from time to time, those hands would caress my back, making me tremble, and I couldn’t help but find this weird and wrong.

“What are you doing?” I tried to ask politely the stranger who had a large scar on his face and those weird smiles while looking at me, as I tried to move my body away from him, but he pinched my waist tightly, making it difficult for me to move.

The stranger licked his lips and looked at my mother in a good mood. “You can rest assured that I won’t kill you and your husband in exchange for your daughter.”

It was then I realize that I was sold.

Cold buckets of water seemed to have been pouring into my body as I looked at my mother who was crying helplessly as she kept on murmuring sorry while she was slipping away after the stranger told her that she and my dad wouldn’t be killed.

My head throbbed even more.

I gritted my teeth as I tried to push away the man who was lusting over my body.

“Stop squirming. From now on, you will become our sex slave. Your mother sold you to us in exchange for their lives.” The stranger said in laughter as she carried me like a sack and went inside the broken house, throwing me onto the dirty bed as he called his other friends to join the fun.

“No, no… I don’t want this…” I looked at them who were looking at me with excitement, as they had already removed their clothes.

One of them sneered as he looked at me with arrogance. “A mere slave like you who has already lost from our pack should remain silent and obey us.”

Another man also added, “You should be grateful that if you weren’t such a beauty, we would have killed you along with your parents.”

After that, the three of them laughed harmoniously as they climbed on the bed naked. When I tried to move my thin body and escape from what they were trying to do, the two of them held both of my arms and my legs, trying to stop me from moving, as one of them was already on top of me.

Tears broke out of my eyes as I begged them to stop what they were doing.

But how could I escape when they were stronger than me, bigger than me by building and I could barely lift my hands.

I felt a hand slowly slide inside my shirt, playfully caressing my stomach as it slowly went upper on my body, until its hand landed on my chest.

“Stop… no… please don’t…” Despite my hoarse voice and I could barely even speak, I pleaded for mercy. I plead that they won’t do what they were planning to do.

I am saving myself for my future mate.

I… I hate this…

Yet, the man seemed not to hear my pleas and continued to do as he pleased. He pinched my breast and caressed it with a smile as he looked at me with excitement.

For the first time in my whole life, I felt disgusted.

I felt disgusted with him, and my chest had been caressed by him.

I want to vomit.

I’d rather die.

Just when I had fully decided to end my life, one of them spoke, which led to the man on top of me to stop.

“Aren’t we supposed to send these playthings to the Alpha King?”

The man on top of me bared his teeth and growled. “The Alpha King already had a bunch of beauties coming in his way, it’s not a sin to find one for our own needs.”

After he said that, he licked his lips and looked at me with those broad grins. “Nothing can stop us, baby. Let’s have a great time. We promise to bring you to heaven.”