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Loving The Dreaded Alpha Twins

Loving The Dreaded Alpha Twins

Auteur: Deejay

En cours


Loving The Dreaded Alpha Twins PDF Free Download


I had thought I was a spec. I had thought my beauty was attention calling until when I was rejected by a man I had been crushing on all my life; Damien, a soon to be Alpha to Blood Wolf pack. Because I was an omega, I was seen as dirt and garbage. In my moment of despair, I was taken away from there by his twin brother. Hoping that he would be my second chance mate. He appeared to be more venomous than his brother, Damien. But I noticed I wasn't only the one that was treated badly after all, I noticed all the lady’s coming to him were rejected. What could be the problem? Is there a background issue? Check out this romance novel that will captivate your mind.

Chapter 1

Aurora's pov

“I, Aurora, an Omega and a member of the blood moon pack openly request for Damien, soon to be Alpha of the blood moon pack, to be my mate.” I said those words with enthusiasm. I had been waiting for this day all my life.

I had been crushing on Damien for a very long time. Tonight, the moon goddess blessed me with the mate pull that I felt towards him. It was that time of the year again, the moon festival and a lot of people were gathered around to share in the celebration.

Damien shot a deadly glare at me after hearing those words. I could see the venom in his eyes. He gazed at me with a condescending look. As if he was nauseated by my presence, he moved backwards slightly.

“What nonsense are you spilling from your mouth? Do you even think? How dare you profess your love for me? You lowly omega!” He spit out those words harshly. His eyes gleamed with darkness.

I couldn't wrap my head around what just happened. I shrunk my face with the sight of Damien in my presence. ‘What does he mean by those words? Is he rejecting me? No, it can't be. I won't be able to endure the humiliation.’ I thought in my head with so many eyes that were on me.

“I am not spilling nonsense. The moon goddess chose us to be mates. I can feel the bond. Aren't you feeling it?” I asked, my eyes filled with desperation.

“What mate bond are you talking about? You are a lowly omega and I can't have any romantic feelings for you. Get that into your empty skull. Gosh! You just ruined my night. I am out of here.” He voiced with anger. His voice was harsh and piercing.

I watched him walk away. My countenance fell and my heart soiled in weakness. ‘What is this that had just happened to me? What kind of humiliation did I just face?’

As he walked away, people started laughing at me.

Flashes of memories of what I had been told about him came into my mind. Not only that, flashes of memories of what I had also seen came into my head.

Damien was actually a cruel soon to be Alpha. He was the most dreaded in the pack. I heard that he had a twin brother but I haven't met him.

After those memories flashed in my head, my feet trembled where I was. My body shivered. I was stuck to the ground because of the humiliation.

I had thought I was a spec. I had thought my beauty was attention calling. I never knew that I would be rejected by Damien, the most dreaded soon to be Alpha.

While I remained stuck to the ground, I felt a warm hand that gently wrapped around my wrist. That sharp sensation made me look at the person. With widened eyes, I was shocked by the figure of a man that I beheld.

‘Wasn’t he the same man that had rejected me?’ I thought in my head. But with a closer gaze, I saw something different about this one. His nose was structured differently and the way his eyebrows were curved.

That was when I realized he was the twin brother of Damien. When this dawned on me as a reality, I felt my heart hit hard against my chest.

Remembering what had been said about him. I heard he was even more cruel than Damien. Maybe he had come to deal the final blow.

Without saying a word out of his lips, I felt his pull. Dragging me from the scene I had created - the mockery started to wear off my ear as we walked away.

He brought me to a place far from all those mocking laughter. He set his eyes on my body before he opened his mouth to speak.

“This is a safe place, Omega. I do know how you feel. Do not think too much about the rejection.” He said those words to me. But I do not know the reason his face was so harsh and his voice was hard as the stone.

I felt intimidated by it even though he just helped me out of a mess.

After saying those words, he didn't even give me a chance to reply to him. He just walked away. Leaving me in the dark place alone.

When he was gone, I half-smiled. What happened replayed in my head. His deep voice, his gestures and his face are all what I want in a man. I wondered why he didn't claim me since his brother rejected me.

At that moment, I realized he didn't even introduce himself to me before he took his leave.




The next day. I was safely asleep in my room until I felt a slap on my face. Pain went across my cheek while I held my face.

Before me was my step mother. Tears laced my eyes. I couldn't return the slap, I only held my face in despair and pain.

“What is that for?” I asked even though my eyes had become teary and my voice was cracking.

“Don't you dare raise your voice at me? What was that stunt you pulled at the moon festival? Showing your desperation for a man all over the place. Have you no shame? And if you do not have shame, have you no regard for your family?” She uttered with anger evident in her eyes.

I shot a deadly glare at her, seeing the excuse she pulled for her nuanced behavior. “Save that already. You didn't slap me because of yesterday. You have hated me since the day you stepped your feet into this family and I don't like you either.” I spoke those words, tears running down my cheek. I couldn't stand her getting close to me.

I stood up hurriedly to take my leave.

But she pushed back to bed with the force mounted on my skin.

“You don't walk out on me, you bitch! I choose when I finish speaking with you. Do you understand that?” She spoke fiercely.

But I kept my silence, intending not to speak.

“If you do not give me a reply. I will beat you up. Just like I did the days before.” She angrily uttered those statements.

With fear and a trembling voice, I was forced to give a reply weakly. “Yes.”

My step mother hissed and left my room at once.

I cried aloud, soaking my sheets with tears.