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Married to Mr CEO

Married to Mr CEO

Auteur: TheOfficialSemiloore



Married to Mr CEO PDF Free Download


Sequel to ALL YOU After Ashton and Nailah, gets married; Lailah is left to look for the love of her life. But not ever in her expectations did she imagine that she would be getting married to a multi-billionaire, Cameron Robinson. Follow their interesting love story as they grow to love each other.

Chapter 1

Laila walked gracefully down the stairs with her hells clanked on the tiled ground. The day had just finished as she was preparing to go home.

Since her car had developed fault that morning and had to be sent to the mechanic; she could only board a cab home.

She stood by the walkway, her bag in her left arm and her phone in her right hand. The sun had just began its journey to go down and as Laila raised her head, she couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery.

A red sports car pulled up in front of her and Laila unconsciously shifted backwards as the door opened and a lean man clad in suit stepped out of the car.

Just by looking at him, Laila didn't need anyone to tell her that behind the crisp white shirt and the dark blue suit jacket was a rows of six packs. As his face was covered with a sun shade; she couldn't catch a glimpse of his face but she knew that he definitely an handsome specimen.

He walked past her into the sliding doors and Laila couldn't help but sniff and inhale the scent of perfume that waffled into her nostrils. He did smell good.

Laila chuckled as she ran her tongue over her lower lip to moisten it. After Ashton, she hadn't actually liked anyone else.

After the whole episode at her final year, she used her college days finding and loving herself. Everything about herself that she had lost, she gained everything back giving herself time. She also slowly learnt to accept herself for real. 

She had also been genuinely happy for both Nailah and Ashton when they got married. For Laila, she knew both of them were fated from the beginning and seeing how their dreams materalized only made her glad.

As she hadn't found anyone she really liked; Laila didn't rush. She took everything lightly and calmly. She sometimes had one night stands, disappearing from the other party woke up.

And talking about one night stands, it had been a long time since she got laid. And at the thought, Laila felt her below throb awkwardly and she awkwardly rubbed her forehead wearing an amused smile.

The sliding doors opened again and the man from earlier stepped outside and this time around, his shades were off showing off the perfect set of almond eyes, the chiseled face, high bridged nose and the sensuous lips that seemed to be eagerly beckoning to her.

His almond eyes swept over her for a second and Laila felt her below twitch more obviously. Cursing below her breath, she wondered why she got so turned on by a stranger she didn't know before.

Given the location, as much as Laila wanted to jump his bones. She could do nohing, she could only turn back to the road to catch a taxi after mentally reminding herself to visit the club house at night.

"Need a lift?" A deep voice drifted into her ears and Laila turned to see the handsome stranger talking to her. Her eyes widened in surprise as the guy walked towards the front passeger seat and opened it.

"Get in" he added and without a second thought, Laila moved her legs and walked towards the car sliding inside the car.

The stranger closed the door and walked back to the drivers seat before getting in. He started the car and started driving.

Laila took a glance at the stranger in front of her who seemed to be solely concentrated on driving. His long slender fingers were wrapped skillfully around the steering wheel.

Laila imagined those fingers grabbing her neck or driving deep into her. She let out a low groan unconsciously as the stranger turned to her with a straight face while Laila licked her lips.

"Third Avenue" Laila said in a low whisper as the man turned into her street.

"Here" Laila said as the car slowly came to a stop.

"Thank you for very much" Laila said offering the stranger a smile.

"Why don't you give me your number and I'll treat you to a drink later?" Laila asked as the man turned to her a small smile on the corner of his lips.

"If its fate, we'll meet again" he said slowly as Laila blinked her eyes before shrugging and stepping out of the car.

She watched as the car sped out of the sight before slowly walking into her home. Fate? Maybe they would meet again and on a brighter side; maybe not.

Laila bit her lip as she walked into the house removing her heels and allowing her bare feet to thread on the rug. She dropped her bag on the chair and sighed.

It would have been nice if she had just gotten the stranger's number. But something told her that it might end up being more than a night stand. Laila never slept with a man more than once.

She always disappeared before the latter woke up thus cutting off all contact with them. And even if she ended up meeting any of them again, she ignored them out rightly.

Her phone rang on the chair and Laila reached for it. She wore a smile as she picked the call.

"Nailah, how are you?" Laila greeted as she heard Nailah's laugh over the phone.

"I'm fine. What about you? Is everything alright?" Nailah asked and Laila laughed.

"Sure. Everything is cool" she replied as she played with the edges of her blouse.

"Josh said your car broke down and he sent someone to pick you up but the others said you had gone" Nailah said.

"Yeah. I got a lift" Laila replied with a smile.

"How's the little girl?" Laila asked as even without seeing Nailah; she knew the latter had a huge smile on.

"She's fine, except that she's a real pain in the ass; everything else is cool" Nailah replied and Laila laughed.

"Say hi to her for me. I might come over these days, I get bored living alone" Laila confessed and Nailah smiled.

"You know this place is always opened to you. Come whenever you like, Ash would be happy for have you" Nailah said and Laila nodded with a smile.

"Sure. See you later then. Bye" Laila said as she hung up the call and sprawled on the couch.

She dialed a number on her phone and ordered for takeout before yawning again. She grabbed her bag and shoes before heading to her room to change.

The delivery came minutes later and Laila took her time to eat while watching YouTube videos. She laughed from time to time till night fell.

As soon as night fell, she changed into a short body hugging strapless gown and heels. Her makeup was delicately made as well.

Even with heels, Laila didn't have any problem walking a long distance to the club. It wasn't that far from her house and since the mechanic was yet to return the car; she could also walk.

The club was bustling as usual with the multi-coloured and dim lights, Laila walked into the club ignoring the sweaty adults and teens grinding each other on the dance floor.

She made her way to the bar and ordered for her favourite drink. She bobbed her head to the song that was playing as they dropped her drink in front of her.

Wrapping her slender fingers around the cup, Laila took a sip of her drink. She caught sight of her fingers and licked her lips. She was instantly reminded of the handsome stranger she had seen earlier.

Will she meet him again?

Just as she turned, her eyes came in contact with a pair of familair almond eyes walking down the stairs still in a suit but a different Colour this time around.

He was flanked by two people as they talked seriously. Fate? Laila shook her head as she dropped her head and quickly walked towards him a smile on her lips.

The entourage was startled when a very much beautiful lady wearing extra revealing clothes stopped them. It wasn't anything new since their boss had the face that was capable of anything and everything.

"Hello, we meet again. Is this fate?" Laila asked with a smile as others exchanged confused looks as they glanced at their boss and the lady who was still wearing a smile.

Meet again? They had met before?

Laila retained her smile as she stared at the familair stranger in front of her. His almond eyes held slight indifference and his face was blank as well. He straightened up as he turned to her.

"Laila" he called and Laila nodded.

"Yeah, that's me. What's yours?" Laila asked as she greedily stared at him.

The others eyes widened in surprise as the boss called the other's name. Their unfeeling boss who sometimes forgot his own director names actually remembered a lady's name he had met?

What was going on?

There was nothing Laila was sure of but one thing but that whoever this stranger was. He definitely wasn't escaping.