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Lake Town

Lake Town

Autor: Diana Alex



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Claire Walter's life would take a drastic turn when she moves to Lake Town and discovers that the people of Lorelle High aren't what they seem to be. She quickly gets entangled in a web of secrets, love and supernaturals. After the death of her father, unable to cope with the pain, Claire's mother seeks solace in the calm and quiet Lake Town which seems difficult at first until Claire begins to make new friends and falls head over heels for the mayor's son, Noah Lockwood. Things seem promising until she discovers that there are supernaturals among humans and Noah just happens to be one of them. Thrust into a world of shifters, witchcraft and the undead, Claire slowly gets drawn into the darkness that looms within. She eventually learns the hard way that there is a thin line between fairytales and nightmares and most secrets are better left unknown.

Chapter 1

The teacher walked into the class with the new girl beside her, she eyed the classroom with a weary look before proceeding to speak. She cleared her throat.

"good morning class," she said, hoping to gain their attention. Seeing they were now focused on her and the girl beside her, she continued. "this is Claire Walter, the new transfer student who just moved down here from the city. She would be in my class. Be sure to treat her nicely."

The class murmured; there was nothing new in Lorelle High receiving a new transfer student into one of her classes but from the city, that usually never happened.

The new girl on the other hand shifted awkwardly from one feet to another as most students passed her stares, their eyes glued on her.

Claire fiddled with the straps of the backpack clutched tightly to her chest, eyelashes fluttering when she glanced sideways.

"choose a seat and let us begin class"

Claire marched forward, carefully observing the distasteful expression of some bunch of girls before settling in an empty seat at the end of the room. She gently eased her backpack on the desk, taking a deep breath she gazed at the faun skinned girl with beautiful bouncy curls that sat right next to her, her long lashes fluttered when she flashed Claire a toothy grin.

"Hi!. I'm Emily Valcroze. Welcome to Lorelle High."

"Hi. " Claire waved excitedly, happy to have at least one person conversing with her.

She contemplated a handshake, deeming it unnecessary she sighed, feeling both uneasy and glad at the strange girl's friendliness.

"are the kids around these parts always this cold?" She retorted with a grimace.

Emily chuckled " Nah. They just don't get this often. "

"Get what often?"

"You. From the city. It's not everyday we get a transfer student from the city. They probably feel intimidated by you or just want to know your story. I mean, who wouldn't? Most of us would kill to be in the city and be done with this shabby old town."

Claire laughed as a pout etched itself on Emily's lips, "trust me, the city isn't all that. And, If anyone should feel intimidated, it'll be me."

Before the end of the class, Claire and Emily had bonded and had formed a sort of friendship. By the end of the class, Emily had filled Claire in on the pros and cons of Lorelle high, including trending gossips like how hot the new team leader of the school's football team was or who the school's queen bee was.

Claire let out an hearty laughter when Emily made a joke about how funny the school's queen bee sounded as they walked to the cafeteria.

When the my had both taken a tray of spaghetti and sauce; which was Claire's favourite and surprisingly, Emily's too, they headed towards an empty table in the hall, setting their meals down when they sat.

As they made to sit, a girl and her group of minions approached. Claire could tell she was the school's queen bee because she'd looked exactly how Emily had described; like one of those vixens one could only see on TV, her knee length skirt was worn in an odd fashion whilst the white shirt she had on was knotted below the stomach, revealing a bit of cleavage.

She had her golden locks held in a high ponytail. Walking towards them in slow calculated strides like a predator stalking a prey, her eyes held a mischievous but deadly glint as she smiled, Claire couldn't help but notice the edges of her perfect white teeth that stood out like fangs.

"So, you're the new girl from the city, huh?"

Claire swallowed hard, "yes. I am. Claire, Claire-"

The girl cackled in a demonic manner that sent chills down the new girl's spine. "I do not care what you or your name is. I'm just here to warn you: stay the heck away from Noah. He is mine! Do not even look at him, stare in his direction or breathe the same air as him or you'll be sorry."

She ended with a scoff before storming off. Not sure of what had just happened, Claire turned to face a now laughing Emily.

"You're laughing?"

"She does that to almost every girl that comes in newly. To warn them to steer clear from Noah. Or else-" she clicked her tongue before motioning her hand at her neck.

She shuddered at the thoughts of getting into a scuffle with a jealous and overly obsessed over a guy she'd obviously never seen or met. It made her ask,

"Who exactly is Noah?"

The door to the cafeteria swung open and a tall bulky guy walked in. Claire watched as the leather jacket he wore clung to his body like a second skin, his sparkling brown eyes glimmered as they roamed the halls, his tongue dashed out to wet his plump pink lips while his hands easily ran through the curly locks that fell across his shoulders.

"That, is Noah. Noah Lockwood. He's breathtaking, isn't he?"

Emily's words brought her back to reality from her gawking, she blinked when she struggled to form words.

"He's something else," was the only words that rolled off her lips.

"Something else? Noah is everything. Now you understand why Darla would kill any girl that as much as looks at him."


Claire browsed through the school's library with her headphones on. Loud music blared from them and she nodded her head to 'the haunted' by Saint Asonia, squealing in excitement at the amount of classics the shelf she'd stood before hosted. Some of the books she'd been dying to read splayed carelessly stacked over themselves.

She reached over to pick 'the tempest' by Shakespeare, when she'd been satisfied with her choice she strutted toward the end of the shelve.

"Ow!" Claire flinched when she collided- or was bumped into by a rock hard figure. The headphones she had on flew over to a side, laying just at the edge of the way.

"Watch-" she nearly yelled before she noticed who she'd been in a collision with.

"I'm so sorry, didn't see you there."

Claire watched as the figure towered above her, Noah's face twisted into an expression she couldn't quite fathom.

"I...uh... it's..." Babbling strings of incoherent words, she watched as a small smile played on his lips.

"I apologize, I should have watched where I was going."

He moved away, leaning over to pick the headphones from the floor, blew some imaginary dust off it before handing it over to Claire who had nearly turned to mush where she stood.

"I'm Noah Lockwood. And you are?" His brows flew up.

She cleared her throat, "Claire Walters."

"Ah, the new transfer student. welcome to Lorelle High. Nice song, by the way." He smiled again.

She scratched the back of her neck when her face turned beet red, "thank you."

"Alright then, gotta run." He turned to leave, looking back again, "see you around." He muttered.